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Everything posted by Perspektiv

  1. You can't change climate, with any plan that either government conjures up. All one can do, is reduce Canada's microscopic contributions to the global issue the world over is facing. Fear mongering Canadians into bending over to be taxed more heavily, doesn't fix anything. Won't stop forest fires. Won't stop warmer temperatures. In fact, it costs many Canadians, more. Doesn't reduce emissions, since over the last two years--they increased. It pressures Canadians, alright--financially. It redistributes cash for struggling Canadians, who are in this position due to the cost of living crisis. An out of touch government would put an expensive band-aid on such a problem. One in touch with the pulse of his country, would keep the tax if it felt it was required, but would avoid increasing it, furthering the misery of many in the country that purely do not benefit from it.
  2. You can't help in one hand, then increase their cost of existing in the other, twofold. If am poor, and having to pay 1, 700$ in rent for a basic single room apartment, this isn't helping. Trudeau's policies are killing families, financially. You dramatically reduce their cost of living, and provide them with the means to have financial breathing room to take care of such things. More Canadians than ever, are borrowing money at rates they struggle to pay back. Just further digging themselves into a hole, living paycheque to paycheque. They need Trudeau's help not because of the cost of living, but because the inept government has made life so expensive for them that they can't even consider affording necessities like dental and pharma which become luxuries when that deep in debt. I make enough money, that my wife could stop working, and I could provide for both, car and all. Even with this, we would have to budget due to the stratospheric increases on just about everything. Heck, we want to fly back to the Philippines, and what was a 1, 200$ round trip right before covid, is now on average 2, 600$. Literally double the cost, per passenger. Relief of this inflationary pressure, will do far more for Canadians, than hand outs. I don't need government aid. Just let me have my dollars mean more on our market, and am good. Wife is the same. We are highly independent. Relying on a government sets a precedent of control they now have over my life that am not good with. You're destroying that welfare by making life so painfully expensive, that even if you want to drink the pain away, are taxed two extra percent to do so. So, 52% overall. At least weed is legal and safe injection sites incetivize your becoming a crackhead, so there is at least that. All else fails, you can steal cars, as you will walk free within days. This isn't about welfare. Its population control.
  3. These are rights, for your latter examples. Clean potable water. In a cold country where you have rights, heated (as long as the heat bill is paid) and properly insulated home. Police to enforce some of these rights, or rather uphold them. Sewage not being everywhere on the streets, spreading disease. These are all rights. You don't have a right to a government hand out of cash. This isn't an entitlement, either. Money if you work, is put aside out of your pay for EI. This, is a right. You have worked for it. Accumulated it. God forbid you get hurt or sick, you best believe you are entitled to it if you need to take time off due to it. Being taxed more heavily because I earn more money, to pay the maximum hand out for a family of 7, which are on welfare isn't a right. Its a bribe. Bringing in refugees in high amounts who likely would all qualify for those maximum amounts, is essentially buying their votes. There literally is no purpose to the carbon tax, as none of its goals ha e been achieved. In fact, emissions are up. Not down. This is nothing but a bribe. Wealth redistribution. Neither of which any Canadian is entitled to. Anyone demanding this type of money, likely are lazy and entitled. Canadians who actually work for a living, will be fed up with it.
  4. How do we address a global issue, that we in terms of contributions as a country, are the equivalent of genuinely thinking us putting a watergun away will do a thing to global warming. The world, however, is the equivalent of what flows over Niagara falls, hourly. Us panicking defies logic, because even if Canada became net zero as a country, these global issues would continue to persist. It makes absolutely no logical sense to panic the population into accepting to be taxed heavily to stop Forrest fires that will continue to occur. This is the epitome of virtue signaling. It does absolutely nothing but feels entitled to a pat on the back. I wouldn't be surprised. It however does nothing to remotely put a dent into the global problem. Practical would be investing in charging stations. Battery technology innovation. Initiatives that would make EVs, far more practical and affordable, encouraging more in your population to move towards using it. This has nothing to do with climate change. It has everything to do with wealth redistribution. Fear mongering, and getting lazy about pushing for buy in, by shaming. Being solution based, looks at the problem. Its root cause, and at all of the options on the table to help reduce it, using incentives. Encouragement. Openness to ideas. Dialogue. When what you are doing is BS, it's easier to punish any dissenting voices.
  5. Feeding an emotional thinker pragmatic logic, is like putting regular fuel in your diesel truck because its cheaper. It seems like a fantastic idea, until you drive off.
  6. That cash and those services were paid for by Canadians. Meaning, some are getting bent over, while others are getting. You're making it sound like it was a gift. I work my a** off, and get peanuts from the tax rebates, but it costs me heavily personally as well as to do business. I am essentially paying into making life more comfortable for the average Canadian family. All while being bent over. Canadians who like hand outs, love Trudeau. Those who work hard for a living and are being bent over, are sick of it. I work to put food on my table. Not only is it a cost that has dramatically increased, but there are now Canadians who feel entitled for a bigger cut of what I have to offer as a middle class Canadian. More laws, would actually mean less theft, and those less increases in costs to make up for loss being passed onto Canadians. More cops would enforce this. Hand outs don't work, because that money must come from someone's bent over back pockets, who likely work far harder for it than those for whom it is going into in highest amounts.
  7. I see it like this. You fight with someone like this, and they drag you down to their level and beat you with heavy experience. Its a waste of time. Work smarter, not harder. Vote your way out of this, or accept these people are here to say, and focus on what you can control. I used to work with an insanely arrogant woke co-worker. She was insanely vocal. Tried to correct all wording used that she didn't like. Throw out a plastic bag, and get scolded for not recycling it. Say merry Christmas, happy Canada day, and get reminded of how colonization and capitalism is truly what you are celebrating and how ashamed of yourself that you should be. This person became a headache, so nobody wanted to talk when they were around. Wasn't worth the headache. Most people including myself, don't enjoy needless drama. People like this have crab mentality issues, or what I tell my wife about some of her relatives--village people mentalities. They cannot see outside of the boxes that they have painted themselves in. They resist anything that calls for growth, reason or anything that isn't exactly what they were told to believe. Anything else, threatens this. Must be fought heavy handed. Again. Fighting against this, is like swimming towards a great white shark, vs jumping back into your boat. Logic being, that you belong in the water like they do, so flailing your arms and being prepared to fight it is the only option. Sounds logical to such a person, but logic will have one consider the missing limbs or shortened life to follow.
  8. Many are opposed to it, but those in the drivers seat are incredibly loud and incredibly vocal. Many of us are infighting over these little causes, but losing sight of the bigger picture. We are eroding who we are as Canadians through it. You want to destroy someone, you must start at their sense of self. Their identity. Very hard to fight, when the most basic parts of an identity now come with a question mark. What is a woman? This is now a controversial question. Can a man give birth? This, is now a serious question. How many genders are there? This is now a question that not even the most qualified medical specialists can answer, and nobody has the balls to call the BS on it. You allow people to make a joke of things, and can't get upset at the result. Fighting with people like this is futile. You vote in the change you seek. I wouldn't waste an ounce of breath fighting it out with a trans activist in person. I vote for who shares my beliefs.
  9. I run the show, as do most C students I went to high school with. It also doesn't jive statistically. Look at the straight A student billionaires. You won't find many. Someone who is that rich, is smart enough to see beyond what they are told to do, and are masters at figuring it out on their own. Something many A students will lack, who tend to be by the book. Maybe many A students will find themselves in managerial positions or supervisory ones. But ultimately would be statistically taking orders from someone like me. Nothing wrong with being an A student. I just don't see it being the end all, if you want high success.
  10. If someone isn't as smart as others, I don't see the issue of their grades reflecting this. Am not a genius, but make up for it with my determination and work ethic. Am also possessing of a low enough of an IQ to overlook certain risks and plow ahead full throttle whereas someone smarter may be far more hesitant. A parents job is to equip their kids to succeed in life. Being worse at grades, isn't amounting to anything. Am a C student. The world is literally run by B and C students. A students tend to be by the book. Creativity and imagination are far greater skills. I was always told I had too much imagination by students, and professionally this has been my greatest asset. When all else fails, I still can figure out solutions out of nothing. We need protection from those robbing kids of growth opportunities, by raising them to be fearful of failure. Fearful of discomfort. Embrace the living daylights of both. Learn from each and every moment you experience it, and get and do better next time. Failure to teach a child this, is literally sending a sheep out to slaughter in a world that won't adapt to them.
  11. We now celebrate participation trophies socially. People expect something for showing up. Failure is only such, if failure is accepted. Thats a choice. Choosing to see the growth opportunity in the struggle or failure, is what is being robbed from today's youth by making them so incredibly soft. Setbacks are an opportunity to learn, but only if those opportunities are taken at face value, vs preferring to have bubble wrap put all around you and going through life trying to avoid any discomfort. Look at the sheer (and growing) volume of kids with debilitating social anxiety issues.
  12. Taxing us won't fix this. The world is still highly fossil fuel dependent. Industries such as automotive, air, manufacturing, farming, are still emissions heavy globally. Canada based on comparisons to similar G7 nations, are insanely clean. Fear mongering makes absolutely no sense, as it doesn't look at the reality. It would be like panicking in crossing an intersection on your light, because of the volume of people who get hit by cars, every year. Panic would not be rational. This is no different. The danger is there. However, panic literally ignores that this does absolutely nothing to resolve the issue at hand. Paying high taxes, or being punished for "pollution", is ridiculous. Investing in greener innovative alternatives to polluting means, maybe is a start. Panic to me, is just someone not understanding how little influence they have in the state of the world right now, and is fueled by emotions and fear vs logic and pragmatic thinking.
  13. I feel absolutely no sympathy for these girls. You're being run down by biological males, and your response is to play. Enough people stand up to this, and the practice stops. It is unnacceptable to put women with men, once puberty has fully taken on its course. Its no longer a level playing field. Identity as you see fit. Your body and abilities speak otherwise. My wife barely clears 5'2, and I tower over her and have a hundred pounds on her, easily. I have 5 times her strength. I have dated women who were close to my height. The strength difference was off the charts. You can't deny this, because one identifies as otherwise. If am a parent, I would be quick to pull my kids from any teams that promote this BS. They lose enough funds, and allowing this circus to continue becomes more difficult. But those parents allowing their kids to play, sorry, but you deserve the humiliating 10 nil loss. If your girl gets hit by a guy way stronger than her, and gets injured. Well, her hospital stay and blown out knee will be based on your lack of judgement that this is not fair and equitable play. This isn't anti gay or anti trans. Both belong. Just not in sports that don't match their biological sex. Period. Forcing women to unfairly put their bodies on the line vs people who could annihilate them physically, is opposite of fair play. You should be protecting women from this. You can't possibly call yourself a feminist, and feel okay with this, in it somehow empowering women.
  14. Money being eliminated won't eliminate slavery. Just like prostitution being illegal or free, won't stop lonely men with urges to stop having them. You're basing your worldview on an old book, that has seldom adapted itself to the massive changes in the way the world operates.
  15. I remember debating with someone feeling sex was disgusting, and that women should adapt to them. That if a woman wanted to be intimate, they should accommodate him. If insemination was the purpose, he could use a turkey baster, get her to bend over, and get the job done. To him, this was purely logical. He couldn't understand why people were laughing, as he hadn't considered the woman's feelings. Imagine me pulling out a turkey baster and telling my wife to bend over. I would be missing teeth. The logic you're using, is similarly devoid of the reality and writings between the lines that kind of gets in the way.
  16. You're unable to stop. I would be willing to donate to your favorite cause, and show a receipt if you were able to. Its literally impossible for you. Like, you will have to try to get the last word in here, even though I won't respond to it. Just watch.
  17. How does my immigrant employees help their families back home? There no longer is a need to immigrate. Or a purpose. I just don't understand how you expect to eliminate currency, or rather feel it can be made possible.
  18. They have quite a generous window, before cutting you off. Heck, even insurance companies give you plenty of cushion prior to full cut off. I feel the pain on the landlord forced to house a squatter for more than a year due to loopholes. I have had horrible landlords who deserved it, however. I think immediate is too fast. I have omitted a car insurance payment forgetting my credit card had expired and I had never called my insurance to fix it. Sometime it isn't malice. There should be a grace period. Whether is 10 days, or 30. This system is broken. Being allowed to break the law for years, with loopholes and short staff make it a joke.
  19. Exactly. The entitlement to me, is astounding. Not only do they want a break on rent, but want it indefinitely while they figure if they can get their s**t together or not. Not even stressed at the limbo they put others in. Just the expectation of the landlord waiting and seeing if you feel better. Are you kidding me? We are looking at becoming landlords soon. First things first. We would read and endure we understand the rules and follow all protocols. You signing the lease, is the assumption you will do the same. Failure to, and I don't feel any remorse for you. I want the rent, or will unfortunately have to evict you. Am not sure if I agree with them being immediate, but they definitely should not take me months, either.
  20. But, didn't they sign the rental agreement? Law isn't about being fair. You sign a contract, by law you must honor it. What I see is landlords abusing of these said laws, and tenants doing the same. There are loopholes for both to take advantage of. This puts more power in the landlord's hands, if the terms on the contract were breached. Same. The bad ones tried to evict me because they bought the property from prior landlords. Only to realize but too late, that I am documentation heavy, and will use your words and evidence, against you, legally. I never have missed a rent payment, kept the property in pristine condition and tried to be the best possible neighbor. So I have seen the landlords manipulating the system. Moving in relatives, to then put properties back for rent at the higher rate they desired. Fight them? They knew they could opt out of a tribunal appearance with an emergency, forcing you to wait for years potentially for a resolution, while ratcheting up the pressure with bogus charges. I have also seen the opposite. Tenants from hell. Feces heavy, urine in apartment, and refusing to leave, squatting and pulling every legal lever, bringing landlord to their knees, spending countless thousands and having to lose tons of tenants who were catching exposure. I feel sympathy for the honest person stuck in this mess, but feel no sympathy for those who game the system.
  21. The cost of living and housing crisis is no secret. Ontario landlord side with this. Those who represent tenants, feel it further punishes tenants only. What are your thoughts?
  22. What does this have to do with perfection? Bad grades are like any setback, part of life.
  23. This doesn't work socially. Its been attempted. It only enriches those at the top. You're thinking based on your ideals. Morals. Nothing wrong with this. Issue, is you're ignoring the reality. Things cost money. Let's just say I want to build homes for all the homeless. Free of charge. Great. But the reality, is there will be a requirement to find cash to do so with.
  24. One must choose to volunteer. That is part of the issue. Nature of man, is one that is incredibly selfish and greedy. In the Philippines, highly God fearing country, I would go to church and many priests would push this humility speech. How those who struggle most, have some type of greater space with God--all while being inside churches that look like castles and some decked out in gold. Imagine, my step mom is protestant. Some of these churches have been linked to swindling, albeit legal. So even churches fall to those natural instincts. Seeing a sucker, and wanting to get all you can get out of them. Of course not all are like this. Blaming money, ignores what was used to pay for goods in the past. Currency has never been the issue.
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