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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Math can't lie. But you can fool people who can't understand it easily. By trying to pass off increased profits as meaningless because your markup percentage didn't change. Just saw single frozen samosa "on sale" for $6.29 yesterday, Bought a package of frozen ice cream cookies clearanced for $2.60. They were Welfare Family brand, so disgusting if I'd paid the regular price of $5.69 I would've been tempted to break into Jim Pattison's home and shove them up his a$$ still frozen.
  2. How much does it take for the people of Palestine to rise up and throw out Hamas? When you're starving and can see the enemy coming with guns blazing and Hamas fires mass rocket attacks over the invaders heads to blow up things in Israel? Meanwhile keep marching on the other side of the world to pressure a PM that can't do S.F.A. They've lost all sympathy from me. Free the f*cking hostages and get back to the table, they're 100% responsible for no ceasefire deal.
  3. That's an insult? To who? About as insulting as calling me a socialist. You dumb enough to not know not to call women FAT
  4. Yes you can. Whine real loud to your buddies when she punches you in the face. Why even give a shit at all that she's fat or a lesbian?
  5. YeeHaw! Dougie can vote for a demented rapist fraud artist for President.
  6. I sue an analogy for that argument. Like telling the pool lifeguard "Why should I have to shower off my feet before going in when Johnny shits in it?"
  7. Read again. They just aren't required reading. Simple enough to understand?
  8. Picked the wrong item for your example. Bananas are 75-98c/lb even here in the boonies. All the way from C America. MOF I just bought mangosteens from Asia for $2.49 and Red Delicious apples from Wash State were $3.99/lb. This transportation excuse is total retailer's BS. The ship from Honduras costs nothing, but the truck from the warehouse cost everything, all because of the 20c/L carbon tax? The truck from the warehouse 100 miles away is just so expensive it adds $1 to every jug of milk? The 100 mile trip from the refinery in a 20,000L delivery truck adds 20c to the gas price? $40 a mile? Soory dude, but I've lived with this BS for years and done retail for 30 of them. $200 to deliver a pallet of 20 computers from Richmond 1100km away. $25 for hald dozen boxes by Purolator, most suppliers free shipping on $500 orders. And give up on your anti-EV BS, you don't drive hundreds of miles a day, you don't have as much regular maintenance on an EV, but if you smash them together you'll pay more. And most of the EV makers are knowingly pricing their models to steal all the incentives for themselves. Just like how if you buy a car from the dealer a block from the assembly plant, you'll still pay the $1750+ 'delivery fee'. As for shaming people, well there's Climate change happening and we're trying to reduce emissions. The only 'shame' is on you if you refuse to do your part.
  9. So I guess the carbon tax isn't financially affecting anyone if fossil fuel demand is increasing. Maybe they should hike it so damn much on gasoline even the stupidest and most stubborn will change their habits.
  10. I laugh at those who will give their lives to defend the right of someone else to become absurdly wealthy, dreaming it just might, possibly, if they suck hard enough, happen to them too. I leff at you comrade, huah! Hah! Hah!
  11. No you imagine 85% of the population is a cult and the ignorant scrabble is the majority. Cuz they yell their BS the loudest the longest. Like you.
  12. Oh FFS every single thing anyone posts you claim is the opposite to what it is.
  13. Hope she's better at knowing what facts are. But don't be so sure the US public is so deluded, immoral and insane that they will have another mass brainfart like 2016 and re-elect the RAPIST FRAUD to office. Voting in your Granpa is always preferable to a deranged megalomaniac narcissist.
  14. You would think so if they actually were conservatives. It sure would be nice to hear actual policy, but wasn't it Kim Campbell herself who ushered in the new era by declaring "elections are not the time to discuss policies" ? Now policy seems to be just fling shit at other parties and obstruct everything you can simply because it was't "yours", no matter if it's good for the country. As anyone can easily see politics has descended into sheer populism with wokeness, trannies and immigration as the main concerns. Regardless that the first two aren't something controlled by govts.
  15. INSTANT RESPONSE with the usual ignorant objection. Honky Whitey Roundeye Colonist Pinkskin Settler Neh Doh White trash Redneck Cracker Gweilo You MUST read and report on these books that refer to you as such or you will fail your Literature class as these are historical books your Grandad was required to read, nothing of value has ever been written since. Good God! White privilege at it's blindest.
  16. Imagine being such a p1ss poor parent you don't give you child the best options to survive because you personally "believe" some anti vaccination bullshit. Imagine the "FREEDOM" to let your child die rather than get a blood transfusion because of some stupid religious objection.
  17. If you can't distinguish black musicians using those words in their own music genre from white authors in books, YOU have the problem. Clue: it's got to do with referring to themselves or being derogatory to others. This is happening in Surrey BC where they're about as left as that obstinate ass Danielle Smith by a School Board which is a handful of people anyone can run against should they want to do more than snivel and whine. The real problem is those that continue to iMAGINE that this is a left or right 'problem', not one book was "pulled" they're still in the school library and it sure as f*ck has dick all to do with carbon taxes or any other level of govt.
  18. But coding still requires words as commands. Math uses symbols. Compiled machine code is definitely not easy to read. Even back in the 8 bit PET-Vic20 days...
  19. That and the BQ gobbling all their support in Quebec. I was waiting to see how long some contemporary fascist claiming to a conservative would take to call him out as a woke leftist. Yeah he managed not to adopt every crazy 18th century ass backwards social conservative policy on the planet. - like his leadership role on S Africa - taking the first steps in recognizing the rights of gays - pushing sex education during the AIDs era (rather than denial. blame and disinformation) - improved maternity leave, made it more tax deductible At the same time brought in Free Trade that got us out of a 100 yr old branch plant economic colony. Brought in the GST which was needed, originally to begin moving taxation away from income and onto spending - your disposable income ( an idea today's so called conservatives forgot) Aside from the incessant scandals and appeasement to Quebec, I still gag at those shots of him singing Irish Eyes with Reagan. And still gets accused of not being Reagan's best ally after Thatcher. F that noise. He was the last Tory I ever voted for in 1984.
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