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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Sorry, couldn't resist



  2. If you’re Canadian and supported Biden, you’re directly responsible for the lost Canadian jobs, wages and tax revenue from the hatchet Biden took to the Canadian oil and gas industry.  You’re all selfish a**holes.

  3. The brains (if we can call them that) of the Trump cult continue to melt down and their posts are growing even more frantic and lunatic.

  4. WHAT? 

    CTV and CBC aren't covering the White House daily briefing?

    Wha happen? :lol:

    Lol....news networks look sooooo dead after Trump! Hahahahaha   They must now be hoping for some terrorist attacks!

  5. Fauci discusses all the lives lost because of the Trump administration's stupid lying.

  6. Democrats force National Guard troops to stay in a parking garage. Five thousand troops...two porta-Johns. 

    Hey...when you're a security threat to the fascists, they need to keep an eye on you...Dems do NOT trust the National Guard...they're Trumpers.

  7. It’s time to do some self examination when you find yourself on the same side as China and Iran.

  8. William Shatner for GG

  9. This could be fun if it turns out to be true:

    "President Trump has talked in recent days with associates about forming a new political party, according to people familiar with the matter, an effort to exert continued influence after he leaves the White House.

    Mr. Trump discussed the matter with several aides and other people close to him last week, the people said. The president said he would want to call the new party the “Patriot Party,” the people said."


  10. See what the Democrats started?  



    GOP Congresswoman: 'I Will Be Filing Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden' on January 21



  11. Two more sleeps until the Kraken changes history!  I think I’ll buy a cake to celebrate!

  12. ANTIFA goons attacking book stores and people trying to enter them to buy book about them they don't like. Book jumps to #1 on Amazon bestseller list.


  13. ANTIFA goons attacking book stores and people trying to enter them to buy book about them they don't like. Book jumps to #1 on Amazon bestseller list.


  14. ANTIFA goons attacking book stores and people trying to enter them to buy book about them they don't like. Book jumps to #1 on Amazon bestseller list.


  15. I love how the Trump loyalists are calling the Democrats both Marxists and Fascists! LOL. All while making it clear they'd welcome a Trump dictatorship.

  16. Trump supporter trampled to death while draped in "Don't Tread on Me" flag.

  17. Waiting for the chivatos to come

  18. BLM activist charged by the FBI for instigating capital hill riot.

    1. Cannucklehead


      The arrest document states Sullivan can be seen outside the Capitol building using a microphone as he told the crowd “we about to burn this s___ down,” “we got to rip Trump out of office... f_______ pull him out of that shit... we ain’t waiting until the next election... we about to go get that m__________.”



    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  19. Now semi-retired.  Gloves off.  Punching hypocrites in the f**king mouth.

  20. Oh, the irony of the wall.......

    BUILD THAT WALL........around the Capitol!


  21. Discrimination is fine as long as you do it. You're being a bigot for noble & just reasons.

  22. Pelosi's laptop, that's what's on my mind.  I'm hearing that hers wasn't the only laptop that went missing.  Plus other 'evidence' went missing.

    I wonder what's on that laptop?

  23. Pelosi's laptop, that's what's on my mind.  I'm hearing that hers wasn't the only laptop that went missing.  Plus other 'evidence' went missing.

    I wonder what's on that laptop?

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