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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. ‘Whoa!’ CNBC Hosts Offer Stunned Live Reaction to ‘Real Low’ Jobs Report.  

  2. Ontario gas prices about to hit a record. Why anyone who bought a car in the last 2 years didn't look at an EV, is beyond me. Clearly not reading the tea leaves. 

  3. Vaccine mandates really do work! Alberta's first dose vaccination rate is higher than Ontario now. 


  4. Science!  More children have died from suicide than from covid in the United States this year.  8 times more children have died from drownings than covid.

    1. Cannucklehead


      Maybe they need a gun ban?  

      Just sayin'.  

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. The average age of Canadians who died of COVID-19 in 2020 is 83.8 years. By comparison, the average age at death in Canada in 2019 was 76.5 years.

  6. The average age of Canadians who died of COVID-19 in 2020 is 83.8 years. By comparison, the average age at death in Canada in 2019 was 76.5 years.

    1. Cannucklehead


      The fact is, the average age of covid death exceeds life expectancy in Canada.  The rest of the world, not so much.  Should we be like them so our death rates will go higher to appease your rationale?  ?

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  7. The average age of Canadians who died of COVID-19 in 2020 is 83.8 years. By comparison, the average age at death in Canada in 2019 was 76.5 years.

    1. Cannucklehead


      That just shows Canada is doing a better job fighting covid than the u.s.



    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  8. The median age of a covid death is GREATER than the age of life expectancy.

    1. Cannucklehead




      The countries with the largest reductions in male remaining life expectancy at 60 years were Poland, the United States, and Spain (more than 1.4 years each). Remaining life expectancy at age 60 for females in Spain, the United States, and Belgium fell by more than 1.2 years. 



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Orders for PCR tests surged in China's Hubei (Wuhan) province in mid-2019.  MID 2019!  They purposely hid it for half a year!

  10. I want to post on Facebook about having Facebook withdrawl. ?


  11. I’m for exercise mandates, and zinc and vitamin D mandates as well.  It’s about public health!

    1. Cannucklehead


      I guess it'll be hard for students to skip gym class now.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. Peaceful street party in eastern ON gets shut down. Police hand out $200,000 in fines. Yes that is two-hundred thousand dollars.



  13. Biden’s been vaccinated but is now wearing 2 masks.  Still refuses to answer press questions.

  14. Biden still hasn't had a press conference as president.  It's unprecedented.  #HidenBiden

  15. First member of Trump administration , Federico Klein, charged in Capitol insurrection and riot.

  16. Name one time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.  I’ll wait.

  17. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 

  18. Canadian economy suffers biggest contraction since the Great Depression.  Trudeaunomics!

  19. Remember when Trump approved an air strike against Iran and Libtards went nuts about it? 

  20. Biden’s in office for a month, already dropping bombs in Syria against Iran.  More war!  More war!  More war!

  21. The IRS gets Trumps tax returns every year and audits him.

  22. FCC Commissioner blasts attempt by House Democrats to shut down Fox News: ‘chilling transgression’ of free speech.  Democrats are fascists.  That should be clear now to everyone.

  23. Trudeau and ministers refuse to vote for China genocide resolution...too weak and scared.


  24. Restaurants have been decimated by covid.  Democrats want to increase their labour costs by over 100%.  Economic morons.

    1. Cannucklehead


      Like I said before:


      Evidence shows that raising wages can cut  expensive employee turnover in half and trigger a shift to new business models, as Seattle and other local markets show. This adaptation—which is a crucial part of the future of retail more generally—is just one thing that pessimistic economic projections of the effects of a federal minimum wage hike (like that by the Congressional Budget Office) ignore or downplay.


      But it’s even less possible to survive on restaurant and other service work that relies on tips and is still paid a subminimum rate: $5 an hour or less in 38 states. Heavy reliance on tips rather than wages meant that for many workers laid off during the pandemic, total earnings were too low to even qualify them for unemployment insurance.  


      What’s more, tipping and the cruel logic of a subminimum wage are vestiges of slavery. After emancipation, employers in the South mobilized to keep Black labor as cheap as possible, winning the legal right to have workers in key occupations (such as waitressing) survive on customer tips rather than employer-paid wages. To this day, food servers’ reliance on tips makes restaurant customers very powerful, contributing to the worst incidence of reported sexual harassment of any industry.


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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