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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Just a reminder, Obama pardoned cop killers and convicted terrorists.

  2. Just a reminder, Obama pardoned cop killers and convicted terrorists.

  3. Joe Biden still saying that the FBI investigations into his son are Russian disinformation.  Conspiracy theory!

  4. Health Canada approves another foreign COVID vaccine...OMG...it's 'murican !

  5. U.S. has administered 556,208 vaccine shots in first week.

  6. U.S. has administered 556,208 vaccine shots in first week.

  7. U.S. has administered 556,208 vaccine shots in first week.

  8. U.S. has administered 556,208 vaccine shots in first week.

  9. Trump downplays impact of hack, questions whether Russia was involved. Because of course he did.

  10. Remember the furious hysteria recently, and the wild claims that Canada wouldn't start administering the Covid vaccine till "months" after the States and other Western countries.  Hope you people are feeling a little bit foolish now.

  11. Gov. Cuomo bans indoor dining. Despite tracing data showing only 1.4% of new cases comes from that activity.

  12. Gov. Cuomo bans indoor dining. Despite tracing data showing only 1.4% of new cases comes from that activity.

  13. Woman born without hands kicked out of BC bookstore for not masking.  Branch Covidians have been radicalized.

  14. CBC President running company from multi-million dollar Brooklyn mansion

  15. CBC President running company from multi-million dollar Brooklyn mansion

  16. Proud boys scurry like insects after being pepper sprayed by police in Washington.  No cojones.  ?

  17. It's not over yet.

  18. Junior announces a new 40 cent per litre carbon tax.  Because the economy hasn't been crushed enough with covid!  Worst PM ever!

  19. What's the purpose of comparing numbers of 9/11 deaths to Covid-19 daily deaths? :rolleyes:

    Compare 9/11 to Pearl Harbor........

  20. Trump's saying big news coming within the next few days. 

    I wonder if this has something to do with it:




    17 States File Brief Backing Texas Election Lawsuit Against GA, MI, PA, WI



  21. "It's just simply madness. The idea of supplanting the vote of the people with partisan legislators is so completely out of our national character that it's simply mad." - Mitt Romney

  22. "It's just simply madness. The idea of supplanting the vote of the people with partisan legislators is so completely out of our national character that it's simply mad." - Mitt Romney

  23. A few people who got the vaccine in the UK yesterday had an allergic reaction. I suspect it's good that other countries are going to get a shot at this first so the kinks get worked out. 

  24. You reap what you sow Democrats 

  25. L.A. restaurants win an injunction of the mayor’s nonsensical ban on outdoor dining.

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