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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Let's make it just dangerous enough that you can't ignore it, but not so dangerous that it kills its creators.

  2. Let's make it just dangerous enough that you can't ignore it, but not so dangerous that it kills its creators.

  3. They're at the door! The hinges are cracking! They're calling for me...trying to find me and kill me! So frightened!!!


    1. Cannucklehead


      If I was Trudeau I'd post a 'neener neener' to trump on Twitter if I got a third term.  

      Oh wait.....shucks.  ?

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  4. They're at the door! The hinges are cracking! They're calling for me...trying to find me and kill me! So frightened!!!


  5. Let's rewrite history to serve our purposes.

    ---The Democrats

  6. Let's rewrite history to serve our purposes.

    ---The Democrats

  7. Let's rewrite history to serve our purposes.

    ---The Democrats

  8. Canada’s the only G7 country to take vaccines from a fund for developing countries.  Trudeau is a disgrace.

  9. Canada’s the only G7 country to take vaccines from a fund for developing countries.  Trudeau is a disgrace.

  10. How much did we really spend on these vaccines?   Where did the money go?

  11. Soros-backed political group gives $500,000 to campaign to replace Minneapolis Police Department


  12. Why was "Chinese" obscured from this Canada Blood Services graphic by CBC ?


    A breakdown of the ethnic composition of Canadian Blood Services’ stem cell registry


  13. And the next governor general will be... Jessica Yaniv! Because it's 2021.

  14. 42 executive orders in ten days. This has never in history been done before!


  15. $2000 for three days in a quarantine hotel, at your expense, what’s the price for a glass of orange juice $16.00?

  16. National Guard members say they feel betrayed after being 'banished to a parking garage'.

  17. Biden's first approval rating is 63%.

  18. Chief Justice Roberts refuses to preside over impeachment trial of a non-sitting president.

  19. Chief Justice Roberts refuses to preside over impeachment trial of a non-sitting president.

  20. Dominion sues Rudy for 1.3 Billion. Time to present all that evidence he has. 

  21. Now that Biden and the squad are running ruining America, expect that cancel culture will go to a whole new level.

    Republican fundraisers, books cancelled

    This is the future that the people voted for, and @Argus cheered for. Celebrated even.

  22. Biden issues an apology after reports that 5,000 National Guardsmen had to sleep in parking garage with only one bathroom.  Several contracted covid.  He’s competent! ?

  23. Canada's next GG...Don Cherry !

  24. Biden issues an apology after reports that 5,000 National Guardsmen had to sleep in parking garage with only one bathroom.  Several contracted covid.  He’s competent! ?

  25. It's ok, he'll be unfit for office within a year, regardless of whatever drugs they're giving him.  

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