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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Canada buys vaccine from Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" initiative.

  2. Canada buys vaccine from Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" initiative.

  3. George Floyd had 11 nanograms of fentanyl in his system, and was having trouble breathing long before he was on the ground, according to new body cam footage and information released.

  4. Canada buys vaccine from Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" initiative.

  5. George Floyd had 11 nanograms of fentanyl in his system, and was having trouble breathing long before he was on the ground, according to new body cam footage and information released.

  6. Over 100 police agencies pullout and decline to work at the Democratic convention this year. #BlueLivesMatterToo

  7. Bill Gates says ‘the benefits outweigh the costs’ and young children should go back to school in ‘almost every location’

  8. Joe Rogan is moving from California to Texas.  He’s had enough of the bullshit.  Elon Musk is also thinking of doing the same.

  9. 12,000 new covid cases in California yesterday!  Must be because they opened too soon.

  10. I can also beat anyone at scrabble. I never lose. Even with crappy letters. Doesn't matter.

  11. Team USA shut out of a chance for a medal in World Junior hockey.

    Blame Trump.   :ph34r:

  12. The CBC liberal propaganda machine appears to be  setting up the scenario of why the liberals need to shut down social media. 


  13. Democrats:  Trump totally sides with dictators.

    Also Democrats:  We side with Iran and are against the air strike.


  14. 2020, 24 hours to go. I want to be sedated.

  15. Harbour Air in Vancouver makes history with first electric commercial flight.  

  16. Melania sleeps on a different floor from Trump. A different bed wasn't good enough. A different ROOM wasn't good enough!

  17. Now Trudeau is part of the U.S. election....Biden campaign ad.


  18. “It’s warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy doubled, yet that temperature ticks up another half a degree and the entire system crashes? That’s the most absurd belief.” - Former President of American Association of Climatologists.

  19. “It’s warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy doubled, yet that temperature ticks up another half a degree and the entire system crashes? That’s the most absurd belief.” - Former President of American Association of Climatologists.

  20. Hunter Biden’s firm received over $130 million dollars in bailout money while his dad was Vice President, under the TARP program.

  21. Trump admitted in court he looted $3M from charitable donations intended for veterans.

  22. Well...well...Neil Young wants U.S. citizenship after decades as resident.


  23. Happy All-Hallows Eve...Eve.


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