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Status Replies posted by Cannucklehead

  1. Absolutely incredible...

  2. Biden‘s covid plan, free testing and free vaccines.  Um, that’s already government policy dumbass.

  3. Trump gets COVID vaccine on his watch...Trudeau doesn't.

  4. The Great Election Fraud seems rather huge...and planned...according to Team Trump. 


  5. So, the Michigan Court of Appeals has rescinded their 14 day extension for the receipt of mail in ballots.  Nice of them, 2 weeks after the election...before a slam dunk appeal forces them too.  

  6. @Boges  About 7,500 Americans died per day...before COVID.   


    The figure is a bar chart showing that in 2017, an average of 7,708 deaths occurred each day. January, February, and December were the months with the highest average daily number of deaths (8,478, 8,351, and 8,344, respectively). June, July, and August were the months with the lowest average daily number of deaths (7,298, 7,157, and 7,158, respectively).


  7. Conspiracy theories allow those who know less than the rest of us the comforting illusion that they know more.

  8. Conspiracy theories allow those who know less than the rest of us the comforting illusion that they know more.

  9. Conspiracy theories allow those who know less than the rest of us the comforting illusion that they know more.

  10. Never again trust a politician to run an economy that’s never run a business.

  11. USPS employee who alleged voter fraud in PA recants testimony.

  12. Democrats also successfully removed the Green Party from other state ballots as well.  Because Democracy!

  13. Hillary Clinton: "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances"

  14. I'm confused.   I thought they just had an election for the House in 2018?

  15. Does anybody want to guess why Canada was sending Red China bat pathogens? Does anybody want to guess what China did with the bat pathogens we gave them???


  16. "When Fascism comes to America, it will be called anti-Fascism!"

    --Huey Long (by most accounts)

  17. In the middle of a pandemic, the GOP is making it as difficult as they can for people to vote. This is all you need to know about them.

  18. Lil’ Wayne endorses Donald Trump.  Add this to Kanye, 50 Cent, Ice Cube etc.

  19. Lil’ Wayne endorses Donald Trump.  Add this to Kanye, 50 Cent, Ice Cube etc.

  20. Lil’ Wayne endorses Donald Trump.  Add this to Kanye, 50 Cent, Ice Cube etc.

  21. Lil’ Wayne endorses Donald Trump.  Add this to Kanye, 50 Cent, Ice Cube etc.

  22. Attention Canada:  Only days left...send more money to U.S. politicians.

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