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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Sadly, your posts may be an indication of head trauma at some time. Why do you invite me to call you names? Why do you continually use the word 'genocide' in a very inappropriate and disrespectful way to both Indians/Whites?
  2. Ever thought of going back to Eastern Europe? You come here and expect the country change just for you. Let you in on a little secret . . . . Indians call each other 'Indians' but, don't tell anyone. Ask me how I know . . . Did you sustain your head injury in your 'native' country?
  3. You better look up the meaning of genocide. This has been mentioned to you before.
  4. There's nothing normal about any discussion with you. You're the one suggesting television. Europe markets through Churchill.
  5. I think you should roll another fat one and forget peeking out at western Canada. Yes, the west is unhappy, and yes, you've projected your stunted reality . . . yet again. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon would be a very viable country . . . European/Asian markets by sea. Food and fuel. Watch your tv shows and rest assured Canada is just a big happy picnic . . . .
  6. Said it many times . . . . from Manitoba west = CanadaWest. All the food and fuel for a viable country, and we still have enough of that western enthusiasm to make it work. Does anyone honestly think that this will ever be a united country now? Canada's done. The dream is dead. The buffalo are gone. They're not coming back. Get over it.
  7. Referring to Michael Hardner . . .? ?
  8. French integrated with the natives much easier than any(thing) from the British Isles. The French seemed to have darker complexions/eyes and the transition was more acceptable at the time.
  9. Bit of pushback . . . . torched totems.
  10. What do you suggest 'we' do to get rid of the 'brainless followers' . . . ?
  11. Mom once quipped "The buffalo are gone, they're not coming back. Get over it."
  12. Title of this thread should read: 'Why do Canadians keep supporting this corrupt government?' Answer: Canadians are politically lazy and stupid. Nice hair trumps the slither into communism.
  13. Says you . . . .
  14. Like your statement WCM.
  15. Noble sentiments . . . . Question is: What is the defense tactic against a wave of "wokefull-ness?
  16. "Don't Bogart that joint my friend . . . . pass it over to me . . . . "
  17. Living on a diet of ginger ale, ginger snaps, and living in a ginger bread house . . . .
  18. Bobble-head with a pulse? We have a bobble-head with no pulse. Chrystia Freelunch is looking more 'man-ish' these days . . .
  19. Grandpa doesn't have his bib on yet . . .
  20. Its been said that the GPR image from the Kamloops school shows only that the strata has been disturbed at some time. Apparently it does not show bodies, again, not 215 bodies. It has also been said that the Kamloops Band has refused any outside assistance to recover and count said bodies. Many question marks . . .
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