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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Yeah, I figured you were from Ontario. Your forest industry is a joke. Hopefully you can grasp the fact that forests are a renew-able resource. That's what we do in BC. Supply the 'better than thou' housing industry in places like yours.
  2. You live in a wood house? Use toilet paper? Eat any crops grown on that cleared land? What color is the sky in 'your world' ?
  3. You? Hunt? Hmmm . . . difficult to visualize that.
  4. Do you let everyone that knocks on your door . . . into your house? Canada has the right and responsibility to its citizens to screen out those that are unsuitable possible citizens. Immigrants should be compatible with the Canada. Not try to change this country to what they left behind.
  5. Question/Thread title should read: 'Has Canada ever said anything good about Justin Trudeau?'
  6. Trudeau is 'your guy' . . . . . transparent and open government, the budget will balance itself. You must be proud.
  7. Andrew Scheer got more votes. Your boy Trudeau is anything but 'center' . . . . and he doesn't enjoy massive support. Trudeau is an embarrassment to Canada. He owes Canada an apology.
  8. Are you smoking Trudope? Do you think any other Canadian leader would turn their back on Canadian citizens? Harper is an economist and most likely would have kept track of where $$ went. Lots of undeserving people 'loaded up' on taxpayers money. Your blathering devotion to a fool is a sad testament to what's happening to this country. No pride-no country. Well done. Light up and bask in the glow of your fool. The rest of the world laughs . . .
  9. Disturbing revelation above . . . . . but, you do make my point. "You haven't learned much in that time have you?"
  10. The sock-boy could rain tears at will. After all he's an actor.
  11. Myata, your opening post lists a variety of possible criminal deeds, multiple ethical violations, outright lying under oath, violations/breaking contracts, the list is long. Sadly, all of your list and much more, is completely acceptable by the brain-dead -me first-gimme/gimme Canadian voters.
  12. My friends in Idaho and Nevada aren't bothered by home invasions or car-jacking . . . . I wonder why.
  13. That arrogant prick in Ottawa has tossed your kids, grandkids, and their children under his out of control bus. He's scared off any investment in this country, divided the country along racial, economic, and regional lines . . . but, he has nice hair. That fucker was voted in. Go figure.
  14. There's generations of First Immigrants that really don't know how to work, don't know the responsibility of applying for a job-and working at it, have never been employed, have no idea how income is generated, and most of all - having the pride to look after themselves and their family. Show me where First Immigrants have left the reserves and gone on to participate in the well being of this country and themselves . . . . and gone back to the reserves to do nothing except hold their hand out for someone else's money. It just doesn't happen. Jagmeet Singh is 'deadwood' . . . . . along for the ride. Nothing more. Where did you immigrate from Cougar? Citizen?
  15. Are you a Canadian citizen now? Living for free on the rez? Ever thought of moving along to some shit-hole country more to your standards? Do you pay taxes?
  16. Yet gladly hold out their hand for that 'free' government money . . . . . you know, the lovely $10.- bills with Sir John A. on them. Justin Trudeau should be on the new $5.- bills. First off, that note is worth f.a., and will be worth nothing whatsoever in a short while, and his face on one side of the note, and his 'other' face on the other side. One face is white, the other is black. Endless possibilities here . . . .
  17. Maybe not the best comparison . . . . Americans would respond, that's a given. Canada as it is now, would accept anything from Ottawa. We've proved that beyond a doubt with this fool of a PM. Corruption/crime gets a shrug of the shoulders and a yawn.
  18. Jagmeet Singh for Governor General . . . . or, because our boy PM has a penchant for kissing China's ass, Meng Wanzhou for GG. Endless opportunities for our 'leader' . . . make us proud Justin.
  19. De-fanged military and an unarmed populace . . . . .truly a nation of stupids.
  20. Sadly, we already have that. King Sparkle-Socks . . . . . and just how's that working out for the stupids ?
  21. Could never understand why a beautiful young woman with good skin colour <(Canadian spelling), a career, living in the sunshine, cruising in her Benz convertible - milkshake in hand . . . . . would give all that up to go live in a land of perpetual fog populated by snotty inbred gingers with bad teeth. Fish 'n Chips three times a day, a language named after them reduced to unintelligible gibberish . . . . I could go on, and on, and on.
  22. There's nothing Jagmeet Singh says or does that's relevant to anything in Canadian politics. He's irrelevant, his party is irrelevant. He's just a store mannequin sitting there taking up space.
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