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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. What better credentials to run a country into the ground? Canadians are so politically lazy and stupid. Nice hair! Yeah!
  2. The CBC is Canada's expensive joke. Preoccupied with the 5% of the population FN issues combined with the Liberal bias makes it unlistenable to any thinking person. 'Canada's radio station' . . . ? What a joke.
  3. ron Young . . . . you're the perfect example of a Justin Trudeau voter/supporter. You must be proud of yourself. Congratulations on a job well done. Canada thanks you.
  4. Is Gerald Butts the Trudeau puppet master? Is this 'Great Re-set' the vision of others? Justin Trudeau comes across as a dolt . . . maybe he isn't though?
  5. ^ ^ Yeah, CBC knows the truth. You should find another 'source' for your 'truths' . . . .
  6. You call yourself a predator that hates planes . . . .
  7. $3,500,000.- spent on our new dump/recycle facility. Very expensive to dump there. No funding to keep it open 12hrs. every day. It's open 3 days per week. Town has a spring garbage cleanup by volunteers from the FSR past the new dump. People drive past the closed/expensive new dump to dump tonnes of garbage on Crown Land. 23 tonnes in the recent cleanup. The dimwit mayor, and his band of elected council penguins strut their stuff after the cleanup, but not once has anyone of those clowns showed up on the volunteer cleanup day. Not once. Yet they starve the dump staff to keep the new dump facility open for only 3 days per week. Found yet another poached elk on the weekend. The bush is the home to some very creepy types nowadays with the covid bullshit in full swing.
  8. You've come to Canada, planted your ass on the north-west coast, and expect to limit/dictate/bully everyone who disagrees with your NIMBY ideas. Sorry pal, you're the freak . . . wishing people to die in a plane crash or end up in G-bear sh!t. Get a grip on yourself.
  9. We're being played . . . . . again and again.
  10. Do you think of yourself as a 'landed Communist' . . . ?
  11. So says you . . . . Just in case you haven't noticed . . . . boats/barges are used to get logs from the Skeena/Nass/etc. down to the markets in the lower mainland. Fish for consumer palates is caught /shipped by boat . . . . fish herring, wheelbarrow full of money, buy house and Harley. What colour is the sky in 'your world' ?
  12. We're a bunch of snotty fuckers aren't we . . . (?) Arrogant and self righteous . . . that's us. Sad but true.
  13. What investor would spend a dime in this country? Heading to third world shit-hole status. Lazy stupid voters, dim-witted government. Nice!
  14. Communists like yourself and Cougar squirm when confronted with what everyone else sees about you both. If you feel better being referred to as 'woke' . . . . . Please list your 100 reasons.
  15. 'Is Canada becoming a Communist state?' It's all a matter of degree . . . . yes, we're heading down the control road. Communists abhor the word 'communism' when they seep into mainstream media, when they contaminate a productive company, when they subtly smear initiative, enthusiasm, and the 'self-starters' that built this country. Mix in the 'verbal victims' of everything from racism, perceived racism, future racism, pretend racism, bad breath, and a build-up of empty beer cans. Everybody is a victim. All tools of the closet communist. Country's fucked-up.
  16. What's your solution . . . . total acceptance, without question, of everything the 'sock monkey & crew' are doing to this once great country?
  17. Bonnie Henry . . . . $360,000.- annual income. Couldn't find any verification on this. Maybe not looking in the right place ?
  18. You're saying it's acceptable to you then?
  19. This may have been posted before . . . Rex Murphy interviewed by Aaron Gunn. 'Cancel Culture' and the 'woke' mobs . youtube.com/watch?v=L6bbgQqYs_U Hope the link works . . .
  20. "the phasing out of the Canadian Armed Forces." Let's invite the Chinese Army in to 'train' . . . . We older (mature) citizens are witness to the systematic dismantling of Canada. Soon to be just another shithole with no direction, no initiative, and no enthusiasm.
  21. Jagmeet & Co. . . . . . . out in the ozone layer. Out of touch with reality. Un-funny comic relief. Communists.
  22. It's not a 'blame thing' anymore . . . . . they are Canadians in a foreign prison. They should be here.
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