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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. The 'First Nations Financial Transparency Act' (FNFTA) brought in by PM Stephen Harper was a good start in a long process. Cancelled by Justin Trudeau in 2015 . . . .
  2. CdnFox / ExFlyer . . . any chance you two can 'kiss and make up/out? Asking for a friend . . .
  3. ExcessiveFlatulence . . . you're looking foolish yet again.
  4. Argue it any way you want . . . Justin Trudeau is a rookie, and a very bad one at that.
  5. What Trudeau policy(s) have made your life better, have promoted unity, or been a benefit to Canada and Canadians?
  6. Career airline pilots, carpenters, lawyers, loggers, skippers, politicians, physicians, etc., etc. . . . . they likely have a better grasp of the job at hand than the rookie. Canada's PM is the perfect example of an inept rookie.
  7. Get some psychiatric help. Your post was creepy and disturbing.
  8. Many belief systems/religions around the world . . . all are wrong, according to you.
  9. Through countless revisions, interpretations, translations, and deleted chapters/books . . . how can the Bible be the 'be all-end all' answer to the multitude of religious belief systems throughout the world?
  10. "I think Canadians actually deserve the Trudeau dynasty" . . . . No!, eastern Canada deserves the Trudeau fungus. Western Canada should be a country unto itself.
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