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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. I liken Justin Trudeau to that pile of dog crap you've just stepped in . . . no matter how many times you scrape your shoe, the stench remains.
  2. The mental evaluation you need is probably covered by medical insurance. Take advantage.
  3. China likes Canada, and especially the Liberal Party of Canada . . . no army needed. Just a wink and handshake. Deal done!
  4. Does anyone think that the Canadian voter has been 'turned off' politics considering the present PM's appalling behavior and bizarre fascination with control and climate change? Apathy a factor?
  5. Trudeau/Guilbeault . . . enemies of Canada and its citizens.
  6. The Scottish folks are known for their fine cuisine . . . . What other band of 'girlie' Vikings would leave the lamb chops on the hillside and take home the gutbag to eat? Washed down the gullet with the most vile swill on the face of the earth. A potion made from distilled wool, and that these muttering skirt wearers name after themselves. Stacking lumber is foreign to these creatures. They would much prefer throwing boards helter skelter . . . and their hovel dwellings are a testament to this 'skill' . . . Oh well . . .
  7. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!!! Happy Holidays. Justin says so . . .
  8. Ever been assessed by a psychiatrist herbie? Your grasp of reality is humorous . . . in a sad sort of way.
  9. The Honourable Steven Guilbeault . . . Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada Qualifications : ? Experience : ? He's the ultimate 'diversity hire' . . .
  10. Fellow mentioned that Muslim immigrants shouldn't be accepted in Canada . . . his point was that about 30% of the worldwide Muslim population is radicalized and their sole purpose is to recruit and destroy anything/anyone who is not Muslim. He stated that they do not try to adapt to the host country's laws, social customs, etc., or even try to fit in and be a Canadian citizen. He said that they expect the host country and its citizens to knuckle under to their radical views, and Sharia law . . . .
  11. Canada is a lesser place, thanks to the voters that elected that clown. Elect a clown, expect a circus.
  12. Could print $$$$ every hour of the year into eternity . . . it wouldn't be enough for them. There never will be an end to this fiasco.
  13. Eight months of pogey/dole . . . . yeah, you should fear a responsible federal government.
  14. So refreshing to see provincial Premiers Moe and Smith standing up for their provinces.
  15. What's your solution herbie? How should Alberta/Canada resolve this situation?
  16. Well you've shown yourself as the Chump you are with your fawning adoration of Trudeau.
  17. Hardner & Nationalist . . . . either one of you been 'north' for an extended period of time? City dwellers?
  18. No, you miss the point with your perception that "Canada is a large land space. Many people can live here." Put as many folks as you want in the northern quarters of this country . . . and tell me how these folks will make a living? Don't sidestep the above question with your 'cold' argument.
  19. Much of Canada is uninhabitable . . . no way to make a living in the northern quarters.
  20. Are you a Palestinian, or just a supporter?
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