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Everything posted by Goddess

  1. Facebook shut down all the convoy pages last night.
  2. I'm sure it's......."just a coincidence."?
  3. Any leftover money will be given to Veteran's associations. That's the plan now, anyways.
  4. The Prime Minister says you should help the truckers however you can: ?
  5. The funds have been released now. Tamara had to provide more details on how the money was going to be spent, due to the charges of it being a "terrorist organization." She cooperated fully and the funds were unfrozen. There is a lawyer, accountants and bookkeepers who have volunteered their time and expertise. Truckers have to register with the convoy organizers to receive any funds. All of the cars you see joining the convoy are doing so on their own dime. There is a retired trucker and his wife from Fort Mac driving with them in his own rig - he is doing it on his own dime. Truckers from the US are now coming up to join them. I believe they are also doing this on their own dime or are raising their own funds. The highway cameras continue to be turned off along the route, turned on again when the convoy is past. No matter, there is plenty of video being shot. ? Rebel News seems to be the only news company following them - literally following them. The crowds are amazing and the chat sites and pages are full of posts from other countries extending their appreciation and support - lots of trucking companies from all around the world sending pics of their rigs and staff in support of the Canadian convoy. It's great to see.
  6. The convoy has been in touch with each large city they go through and have been working with police to determine best routes. Here is one example. I know when they came though our city, they staggered the impact, several hundred trucks stayed back til others were finished refueling and resting. Maybe they're not the bunch of deranged lunatics some of you are painting them as?
  7. One of my favourite quotes is Walt Whitman: "Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul." Talk of segregating, the sowing of division and hatred by the government, talk of taxing, jailing people, not extending healthcare to fellow citizens, people losing their jobs over basically a very slightly worse flu, the blind reliance on an industry that has incurred some of the worst billion dollar fines for fraud in history, the insane media propaganda...... I don't know why the things that are happening with this pandemic don't insult some people's soul.
  8. I think it's partly because a lot of people are starting to resent that they were forced to vaccinate on threat of losing their job. Some of them have turned into Vax Nazis - "Get vaccinated or go to jail" but deep down, I think they also resent that they were forced and feel that if they were forced, everyone else should be too. Some are just still buying into the "deadliest pandemic in human history" narrative because they were never told that covid is marginally more infectious than the seasonal flu and the same demographics are at risk from it, as the flu.
  9. All the doctors and scientists that you reject - the ones who found success and saved thousands of patients with early treatments. Early treatments that Fauci withheld and thwarted so that he could get EUA for his fake vaccine. If I had covid, I'd take the doctor that was willing to give me early treatment that was proven successful in the majority of cases.....over the doctors you favour, who sent people home with NO treatment and waited for them to come back to the hospital, too late to save. I showed you proof that Fauci knew in 2015 that HCQ successfully treated SARS-Cov2, in fact he said it was both a cure and a vaccine. Then he proceeded to thwart all efforts to use it to treat SARS-Cov2, even going so far as destroying stockpiles of it and blacklisting all doctors who were using it successfully. What part of: Fauci could not allow any early treatments or he couldn't have gotten EUA to experiment on humans with his "vaccine".....don't you understand? The man is a murderer. And yes - it's estimated 500,000 Americans died because he withheld early treatment.
  10. It's estimated that Fauci's policies killed at least 500,000 of the 800,000+ that died of covid. In addition to the withholding of early treatments, incorrectly ventilating patients also contributed to the deaths, especially in NYC.
  11. Part of the discussion included looking at Ontario, Canada stats. High rates of vaccination, over the top infections, hospitalizations of vaccinated people.
  12. It's the sowing of chaos, it keeps people off - never knowing what's coming next. Whether this sowing of chaos is deliberate or not is a topic for debate. But I think a lot of Canadians are getting tired of being yanked around this way and that way, all over the map, when the science does not support the chaotic decisions being mandated and imposed.
  13. Because it's not just about the mandates for truckers. It's about the mandates for all Canadians.
  14. Was trying to post a TikTok that an Ottawa police officer made in support of the truckers. The link didn't work here. She said she will be meeting the truckers in Ottawa and speaking on behalf of Police on Guard. She said "You guys are incredible. I know it feels a little like we are at war here and our rights and freedoms are at stake. So you guys are honestly true heroes." Sounds like they are a police group throwing their support in, too. I never heard of them but here are some links I found https://policeonguard.ca/police-on-guards-freedom-rallys-across-canada-may-15th-2021/ https://policeonguard.ca/we-stand-with-our-truckers/ https://siliconforest.ca/mission-statement-of-police-on-guard-for-thee/
  15. No. If that was true you would have just asked, "Do you know where the money is going?" You went out of your way to find some dirt on Tamara and came up with.......Celebrilla!! ? I bet Michael Harder is going to add it to his list of "trusted sources" now.
  16. Yes, the whole 3 million all came from me.? I'm actually short of money right now because I donate to my chosen charities every year in January. Which is why I donated my time and a bit of money to buy water and other things for the truckers. Thank you for your concern. I'll let you get back to your "research" on Celebrilla now.
  17. I'm supposed to make "damn sure: I know where the money is going? Did you make "damn sure" before you injected yourself with an experimental vaccine? Seems to me that making sure you know something about an experimental product before you take it would be more important than losing a bit of money. But hey, you do you.
  18. Celebrilla - the trusted news site that deals with such in depth journalistic investigations such as: What is Pam Trotter nationality? (That's not even grammatically correct, BTW) What is Close Your Rings mean on TikTok? (Again, grammar) What is Susan Ortiz age? Where is Corey Batey today? From the website: Well, Aristedes....you caught Michael Harder on that one. He jumped all over your "research."?
  19. I hugged everybody at the trucker convoy. ? Nobody resisted.
  20. Actually it came from you. And Aristedes. And the other ones here who believe that children have heart attacks all the time and if that heart attack happens to occur right after getting the jabs....it's just a "coincidence" and the parents are liars.
  21. https://muse.ai/v/Q2LpZZQ-Toronto-Board-of-Health-January-17-2022-clipped?fbclid=IwAR2BW4cGGEO-FlM0wAMBxn8Fxzb_IuJI53eHr1p4SyQXeB9VQznUpb9kvbo This is the father of Sean Hartman, the boy who died after the jabs addressing the Toronto Board of Health. The one Aristedes says is a liar. I think the most infuriating part of this is, this man lost his son, 4 siblings lost their brother, his mother found him dead in his bedroom and no one is interested in finding out why. This father had to find a pathologist on his own who could make a determination on cause of death beyond "inconclusive". Now this public health board tells him that it's HIM who should try to get the 2 pathologists together to talk. Can you believe that? He has to investigate his own son's death because the Toronto Public Health board couldn't care less!
  22. No, I think more and more people are waking up. The ones who want others jailed or hauled away to camps, who advocate for loss of human right to make your own medical decisions, who don't care when children are dying "It's just a coincidence that they die of heart attacks after being forced to take a shot that induces heart attacks", the ones who are terrified of other perfectly healthy people, who think Big Pharma is doing this because of their great love for humanity ?,........all over an illness slightly more dangerous than the seasonal flu and which most of them have less than a half percent chance of dying from.......they are the ones starting to look like deranged lunatics.
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