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Everything posted by Boges

  1. The Harper gumint is doing a happy dance today because this totally distracts away from Robocall. The NDP must be pissed.
  2. http://www.newstalk1010.com/shows/joshmatlow.aspx
  3. So they brought ORNGE choppers in to transport the wounded? I wonder if they pick-pocketed the survivors. Too soon?
  4. Unless it can be proven that races would have otherwise gone to the Liberals were swayed by these phone calls it would be hard to convince people that this election was somehow rigged. Also, if you're really interested in voting how dumb do you have to be to be swayed by a robotic phonecall. I get tons of them during election campaigns. If you're an informed citizen you should know that your polls are set by where you live and Elections Canada sends your voting info over the mail.
  5. Was it equally abhorrent in your mind when Josh Matilow hosted this same time slot for the past few months?
  6. http://thenextbarstool.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/wtf.jpg The hypothetical nature of the thread is what I find perplexing. It's like if I started a thread hypothetically saying the Quebec faction of the NDP will start their own party with Nationalist aims because it's obvious Bloc voters voted for them in the last election. WTF is there to say about that?
  7. You do this all the time. "I think _______ even though I have zero evidence to support my opinion therefore none of the other members can't debate my opinions. But that OK because it's how I feel and that's all that matters"
  8. Of course you have no evidence to support the fact that any faction of CPC MP's are unhappy with Harper's leadership.
  9. What Bob Rae didn't want any of that? (It's only a matter of time before he spans the entire political spectrum right?) This is a stupid thread by a Harper hater. There's no way backbenchers are going to look to stab the PM in the back he's brought Conservatives back from the political wilderness. The only way you'd see this happen is if you saw two factions develop (eg. Team Chretien, Team Martin) There's no evidence that will happen.
  10. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/6/12/a7fbf168-86b4-4521-aa40-bb6d5bd56d1a.jpg
  11. http://www.thestar.com/News/article/236628 Funny similar stuff was said in this article that was said after Ford lost the budget vote and the transit city vote. So without taxes that Toronto hadn't seen up until that point Miller basically said he'd have to take a hatchet to city services.
  12. Holy Crap!!! Something positive about the Ford Bros from the Star. http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1134772--dimanno-ford-lite-levels-a-heavy-blow You know there are people in the Anti-Ford community that wish he doesn't lose weight.
  13. If it's applicable then sure. I remember when council initially defeated David Miller's plan to introduce the Vehicle Registration Tax and the Land Transfer Tax he had a full blown meltdown and started threatening to cut TTC service right away.
  14. Yes because the David Miller regime was the epitomy of compromise. Apparently the last guy who had this job; Rick Ducharme quit cuz he couldn't work with Miller and Co.
  15. Yeah that $400,000 severance he's slated to get is going to suck. Apparently dude was going to retire soon anyway.
  16. Although I agree that the USSR could have probably ultimately defeated Germany without a second front, you forget to mention that the Reds got lots of aid from the west after the Battle of the Atlantic was won and while the war on the Eastern front was going on Allies were fighting in North Africa and Italy. So there kind of was a second front. Also keep in mind the US was fighting a war on two fronts and they did it successfully. As for 1919 being the ultimate cause of WW2, I can't disagree but would you say then that the armistice shouldn't have been signed and all and the Western allies should have brought Germany to its knees then? I recall hearing that on November 11, 1918 that the American forces fought until the last minute because they believed that if peace was called then that they'd have to come back and do the same thing all over again. Pretty prophetic.
  17. http://www.pitch.com/imager/daily-briefs-discontiniuties-in-wolverine-and-pathologies-of-nerd-s/b/original/2573536/372c/nerds.jpg I like the one where The guy from Shaun of the Dead plays Mr. Scott and Harold from Harold and Kumar plays Sulu. Spock comes back from the future and watches Vulcan get blown up from the guy from Munich.
  18. Sure it's right of centre, but if the Libs and NDP merge the political leanings will change. There are many Liberals that have far more in common with the CPC than they do the NDP.
  19. The CPC won a majority having that crime bill in their platform and proposing to buy these jets. You sound like a broken record.
  20. If the two left parties unite then much of the centre will go to the CPC. It'll be bad for the ROC because Quebec will hold all the cards again, where at least now a party can win a majority without broad support from Quebec. Harper could pull a Chretien and call a snap election soon after the Libs elect their leader like Jean did to Stockwell Day.
  21. It's hilarious that people hate Harper so much they longingly look forward 3-years to when he'll face re-election again. The 2 parties that have a realistic chance at beating the CPC don't have a leader. The Libs aren't even choosing their leader until sometime next year. Any poll regarding the CPC's popularity at this point is beyond irrelevant.
  22. I know I was being hyperbolic. What was the CPC's popular vote total in La Belle Province last May. I still sore that the 2008 election went the way it did because Quebec were worried about Arts funding so they didn't vote for Harper and that cost him the Majority. That's why I was more than happy the see the CPC win a majority with little support from Quebec last year.
  23. Or maybe 50% of America believe the government shouldn't dictate what's in health insurance plan.
  24. Hyperbole FTW. Clearly not everyone, Harper still has a handful of seats in Quebec.
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