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Everything posted by Boges

  1. Then they should have no problem switching to Presto. It would make live a lot easier for commuters who can't walk to work from Union Station after getting off the GO-Train.
  2. Yes but there are many in the Liberal party that have far more in common with the Harper Conservatives than thy do the NDP. And there are many in the NDP that have far more in common with a Communist party than they do the Liberals. I don't think Canada's left can be pigeon-holed into a single big-tent party like the CPC did with Canada's Right. As for the 40% figure. Did the Liberals consult with the other members of the Commons when they failed to receive a 50% mandate in their 3 majorities? Stephen Harper is doing what he ran an election on, and in every election he's ran his support has grown. And to still be fear-mongering about some social conservative agenda is just that: fear mongering. Other than a vote on re-opening the issue of Same-sex marriage (which was a promise to his base that I bet he prayed he lost) he doesn't have a whole lot to say about social issues.
  3. So you're saying I fabricated this story? Or the any number of media outlets that are reporting it and the reporters that caused him to make his 3rd person diatribe in the commons yesterday?
  4. http://www.canada.com/Trudeau+clarifies+stance+Quebec+sovereignty/6155365/story.html Look if you're not a Harper fan, I get it. But to imply that Harper is doing so many things wrong that people in Quebec would be right to think separation is good is beyond ridiculous. All the bad things people say about Harper are things everyone knew going into the 2011 election and he won a majority. To say he's ruining the country less than a year into his mandate is sour grapes. I'd like him to run down some of the "10,000" way Harper is ruining the country. 2 of those things certainly aren't re-opening abortion or same-sex marriage. And what's with his speaking in the 3rd person defense of himself? This guy is an absolute clown!
  5. In theory you wouldn't need as many because the goal is to have some re-loadable card. So once you have once card you can just keep putting money into it online.
  6. Could the TTC now be balking at implementing Presto? http://www.thestar.com/news/transportation/article/1131165--could-the-ttc-now-reject-the-presto-smart-card?bn=1 I can only imagine one reason why the TTC Union wouldn't want to use Presto is the fact that having guys in booths 24/7 collecting tokens would be unneeded. http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/images/news/photos/2010/01/22/to-sleepingttc(2).jpg
  7. Well he's already backed off axing Full-Day Daycar. . . ERRRRRRR Kindergarten. Today a leak from the Drummond report say that he'll recommend canceling the Post-Secondary tuition rebate McDalton ran on. He also is going to recommend banning students from doing a 5th year of high-school just to improve grades AKA as the "Victory Lap" Lots of education recommendations should be in there. I actually wonder if he'll do any of it.
  8. http://dustythoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/sarah_palin_5.jpg So this pic doesn't do anything for you then?
  9. Is she hot? BTW I was talking about the teacher, not your cousin.
  10. Well I've very curious to see the details of the CUPE 416 contract that is being voted on today. It'll set the framework for other public service negotiations in the future. I've heard news reports that have workers saying it wasn't as bad as people thought.
  11. McDalton got a second shot so I think Hudak probably should. John Tory would have gotten another chance if he picked ridings he could win a seat in. And yes his platform wasn't Right-wing enough. The Drummond Report is going to make Hudak's platform look leftist in comparison.
  12. So you if you were going to block websites you can do it just as easily using Wi-fi. All Wi-fi does is allow you to access a modem without an ethernet cord. Of course you have no evidence of the sites Catholic School would like to ban do you?
  13. How would banning Wi-fi accomplish this? They didn't say they were banning the internet, just Wi-fi.
  14. I'm sure the Union cares more about their bennies and their ridiculously generous pension than what the Pope has to say. Also don't you think students can access the same information through hard-wired internet terminals as they would with Wifi? What type of information do you think they are trying to censor?
  15. Yes because the Union takes its marching orders directly from the Pope. Your hatred of religious organizations show no bounds olpfan1.
  16. Also anyone watching HBO's Luck or the Third Season of Spartacus. Sunday is a very crowded night of great TV.
  17. Who liked last night's mid-season premiere? Not a lot of zombie killing but the payoff at the end was pretty cool. You can see Rick's narrative is going to change now. He's looking more like the dark character he becomes in the comic book. I believe this was the first actual human-on-human murder scene we've seen so far in the series. That Lori car accident thing seemed tacked on. Maybe she dies?!? She's not one of the best characters in the show.
  18. Yeah the cleavage issue isn't really a slag on her. It's people thinking that showing the "girls" would be offensive to people in the South Asian Community that I find kinda weird. Then again you don't wear blouses that low-cut unless you want people to see your "assets". So don't act surprised when people have an opinion on your attire. As for the population issue, had a Conservative said that there'd be people analyzing how a member of the government can do their job properly when they don't even know how many people are in Canada. Remember when the 15-year-old kid went after Peter Kent for using internet speak on Twitter?
  19. You know what you're right, I totally whiffed on this thread. Still a funny story though.
  20. If you google this girl's name you also find a story about how her headshot has her impressive cleavage photoshopped out. http://www.nodeju.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Rathika-Sitsabaiesan.jpg I thought that was kinda interesting.
  21. So will the sue Purell and Listerine next.
  22. Yeah I know that's why it's cool. Had Actra had their way, the players and the crowd would have been Union members, making Union wages. I wonder what the hourly wage for pretending to give a shit about a Beer Leage Hockey game is. But they would have to ask the players permission to appear on TV after the fact. I'm sure if a player didn't really want to appear in the ad he could ask to be edited out.
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