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Status Updates posted by poochy

  1. Says there is no ice, produce graph that obviously proves there is, response is, what the hell does that mean...Meanwhile, I get yet another moderator message, why don't you moderate the liars MH.  ffs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bush_cheney2004


      Some people are very sensitive about ice.

    3. Omni


      I am as well. I don't like crushed, I like solid cubes in my single malt.

    4. The_Squid


      If he was to moderate a lie, every time you deny there's climate change, you'd be punished.

  2. Liberals, given a social lisence to lie about everything by people too stupid to know any better and those that are getting something out of them, the lies, too many to name, in the name of doing 'good' work for the new Canadian order, paid for by the rest of us.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cum Laude

      Cum Laude

      The justin's carbon tax hurts the lower and middle class. the justin...working for average canadians.

    3. Ash74


      All politicians are liars. Liberals are just the liars of politicians

    4. Smoke


      Liberals are born assholes.

  3. Delete the comments, or let them continue.

    1. Smoke


      Deleting comments is a regular pastime on this site....

  4. So aparently it's ok to spend 127k on your move because, middle class tax cut, that's full Calandra, shows what they think of liberals voters and deservedly so.

    1. overthere


      Pfffft. when you consider $127k as a % of GDP it is not much. That is the new Liberal metric.

      Yet $127k is less than what Duffy did not steal. It's all relative......

    2. sharkman


      I can not imagine spending $27k on a move, what are these people on?

    3. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      There are a few people in Ottawa on which a $100,000 move would be beneficial foe Canada. A move far, far, far away.

  5. In response to cowards who delete responses, the developing world will not follow our tiny, fraction of a fraction of world emissions reductions. They are too busy wanting what we already have, they don't want to be lead, and won't be. But, we will of course hurt ourselves, just so some of us can pat ourselves on the back while nothing real changes. Maybe ask the mods to delete that for you, coward.

    1. ?Impact


      Instead of leading to be good, we can lead to be bad. Nice philosophy

    2. cybercoma


      You take this stuff way too seriously.

    3. The_Squid


      Stop making insulting comments and they will stay up.

  6. yay for making things up and then locking your troll status posts! #courage

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. msj


      Go to Sep 11th to see poochy's locked down troll status. Ha, what a hypocrite. This post will be deleted in 3...2...1...

    3. msj


      Poochy is probably mad because I have him on ignore and therefore he probably can't reply to my status updates. Too bad, so sad, not gonna change it now.

    4. msj


      Of course, we all know courage comes from selling phones without 3.5mm jacks!

  7. What's the difference between a "real" and a "manufactured" controversy? If people think it's a controversy, it is. 'Gather round, watch as the indefatigable liberal contorts himself into the Full Pretzel!'

    1. Smallc


      I know, everything in life is completely black and white in my world too.

    2. ?Impact


      Manufactured means you are being convinced by someone with an agenda.

  8. MLW members apparently required to comment on every criminal act or can be openly accused of racism/bigotry by stupid people.

  9. It was the end of a war lefties, people were jubilant, sacrifice and victory, things you don't seem to understand.

  10. I thought only conservatives prorogued? Nah, just another liberal lie, just like the lie about UNDRIP that helped get the feds elected. Whatever works hey liberals, because, 'it's good for me'

  11. In the first 4 days in China our spectacularly good looking PM took only one question from Canadian media, i wonder if those Harper like numbers have improved yet?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. poochy


      Wind them up and watchthem go, they always leave a cesspool filled with straw men and insults in their wake. Hey, has he said a single word about the NEB process being shut down? Shown any leadership at all on the subject? One question in 4 days smallc, while morons were shutting down the NEB meetings, that's leadership to some of you.

    3. scribblet


      Smallc: neither do you, while in China he didn't give a presser until after a few days. It's all about photo ops

    4. Smallc


      What exactly is he supposed to do about the NEB until the investigation is complete? Scribblet - it helps to read and respond to the things people actually say.

  12. Empowering fringe eco nuts to shut down the oil industry but working hard for more trade with one of the dirtiest countries on earth

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smallc


      Thanks, Obama.

    3. poochy


      The problem slick is that your inability to understand seemingly anything leads you to believe you're the smart person here, you aren't.

  13. Thanks Harper for your mediocre service, thanks liberals for continuing so many of his policies.

  14. So to point out a poorly crafted thread about an albeit real issue, a liberal somehow thinks blaiming all liberal opposition for said thread disctredits the validity of the issue, smart, so smart.

  15. He gives a helluva speech

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. poochy


      Well, I hope you aren't quite stupid enough to insinuate that I have ever called Obama a muslim, or that I would care if he was.

    3. The_Squid


      You just support people that do.... got it.

    4. overthere


      Obama is an outstanding natural speaker.

  16. "There is a price for governing from on high, for being detached from voters’ expressed concerns and anxieties, and for characterizing those concerns and anxieties always as small-minded, or proceeding only from anti-liberal biases, or xenophobia and racism." Rex Murphy http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/rex-murphy-results-of-the-brexit-referendum-is-a-rebuke-to-western-elites .......yep

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. poochy


      You just can't get there can you? A bridge too far it seems.

    3. BC_chick


      Rex has a point. Brexit was such a dumb financial move that I admit I didn't take it seriously. Never underestimate the power of stupid in large groups - George Carlin.

    4. Smoke


      BC_Chick has a point. A Trudeau majority was such a dumb financial move that I admit I didn't take it seriously. Never underestimate the power of stupid in large groups

  17. Brexit debate may be an example of when 'good' side leaves no room in any argument for the 'bad' side, people voted for what is probably the wrong thing because otherwise they arent allowed a voice.

    1. poochy


      Ill just assume that's nonsense, but thanks.

  18. This whole forum stinks of left behind, dead red fish, an absolute moral bankruptcy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BubberMiley


      No red fish left behind!

    3. waldo


      what does poochy left behind... smell like?

  19. What kind of asshole, deletes comments on his status up date so he can then accuse the responses to those comments as being off topic? Two guesses, why does the administration allow this sort of asshole to keep posting here?

  20. What is it about MLW that attracts so many false premise trolls?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shady


      And their strawman army.

    3. bush_cheney2004


      and irreverent mockers.

    4. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Sounding board for amateur propagandists. Fox News and CNN envy!

  21. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/charities-push-back-against-liberals-on-political-audits-1.3490988 Conservatives hate left wing charities apparently as much as liberals, or is it the other way around?
    1. Smoke


      No comments from the left?

  22. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/veterans-marijuana-bill-forces-1.3487516 A strange juxtaposition, the government that says it will legalize marijuana worried about spending too much on medical marijuana for veterans who also according to the liberals didn't have enough money spent on them under the conservatives
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smallc


      People are already complaining about it - witness your post.

    3. poochy


      There is not one iota of doubt that if this was the last government some people here would be lined up around the block to complain about this

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Sounds to me like a bit of a right wing tempest in a t POT. (sorry, couldn't resist)

  23. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/brad-walls-mother-should-have-taken-the-abortion-pill-ndp-candidate-steps-down-after-online-post How do these guys get nominated to run for any party? Most people here, of any political stripe, would make a better candidate than this.
    1. poochy


      Almost conservative in it's not niceness.

    2. Smallc


      Multiple sources, not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, say a proposed deal was almost sealed but was nixed by the prime minister, who didn’t want to condone what he sees as an abuse of taxpayers’ money.

      What's the problem?

  24. cowards deleting comments on status updates, it's ever so surprising!

    1. Smoke


      Happens to me all the time with him.

    2. The_Squid


      because your comments suck. Post something intelligent and it will stay!

    3. Smoke


      Yeah because gushing over a pretty boy is so very intelligent. I'm humbled by your brains! Hahahahahaha

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