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Status Updates posted by poochy

  1. Yea, a warning point and deletion, for call someone an idiot in a response to that person calling people idiots, while their post stands. It's difficult to believe any forum could be this badly managed. Now, go ahead and delete this too.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ash74


      lol. Alright Squid. Good call

    3. Hydraboss


      And remember to bow when "She" comes into the thread lest you upset Her Holiness and her minions "point" you.

  2. Forum facilitators get to make baseless accusations, it's good work if you can get it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Thats a great idea. Im sure there are some adolescent sites where you can get your jollies.

    3. poochy


      Yes smallc it is, i havent ever said a negative thing about homosexuals, so insinuate im a bigot, equating me to the governeor of Indiana NP, call someone for obvious stupidity, ooo, big problem. I cant explain how ridiculous that is without getting banned.

    4. drummindiver


      Well, it may be their site, but tell me again how censoring whatever they don't agree with promotes what the site is supposed to be about, ie open political discussion.

  3. Calling people racists for having a non racist opinion that differs from your own, good, Calling people stupid for making presumptions about your posts, bad. Moderation standards, depends.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      If someone spreads less than intelligent or discriminatory ideas then we have a duty to castigate them. No ideas should be protected...crowd sourced ridicule is all that's required.

    3. Smallc


      People have been called racist on this forum because they believe that all people should be treated equal. The exact words were "colour blindness is the new racism."

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