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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Einstein said "Imagination is more important than intelligence." What you think of as science is run-of-the-mill analysis and research within the accepted paradigm. You must concede that science is not complete, and likely flawed in many areas which are limited by normal human cognitive abilities. It takes a genius "weirdo" to come along and make significant breakthoughs to advance science. Then the ordinary folk can jump in and start writing their papers.
  2. Same goes for the atheist Soviet Union. Without religion you would not have the Holy Roman Empire, which was the foundation of the laws and freedoms that we enjoy in our modern civil society.
  3. Could be relevant. No universal moral code, no punishment from God in the afterlife.
  4. This recount thing is quite simple. Merely political, nothing more. Just read the news objectively, if you can, and it becomes clear. Who called for the recount, and why? Some lady from a small party that received less than 1% of the vote. She has nothing to gain from this, other than an attempt to look good to disenfranchised Democrat voters for the next time. Hence the reason that Dems had no interest in participating in a useless venture that costs millions at first, but now realizing this is going to happen, changed their position in reaction to what is at stake. If you don't get that, then it's just more hope for the hopeless.
  5. By "we" I mean that the 'deplorables' are on the rise worldwide, as a reaction to years of leftism that has resulted in policies putting our liberal freedoms at risk. Brexit is one example. Donald Trump is another. Germany might be next. The door swings both ways.
  6. Indeed, it demonstrates how blind attachment to ideology is pointless, if it leads to greater suffering for common people. Communism certainly demonstrates this.
  7. I know, because you want to incarcerate my mom and dad!
  8. Yeah but also, before the election the system wasn't rigged. Now it is ...
  9. Dead Man with Johnny Depp. "Some are born to endless night..." Loved the sound track by Niel Young.
  10. I had coke and pepsi given to me all the time when I was a kid, plus candies, cookies, ice cream, and chips. And look at me, I'm fine.
  11. Yes, I'm with the "deplorables", and we have the power now.
  12. Start by locking up anyone who dares to dream of something greater than the ordinary. Imagination is illegal.
  13. Hahaha. He moves a lot like her. Fade to next scene- that nasty morning hangover!
  14. I'm not sure about "harm" but this costs lots of money. Stein's fundraising goal was $2.5 million — and donors blew right past it. At that point, as New York magazine first reported, the goal spiked to $4.5 million, and new language on the donation page admitted that costs could rise higher. “The costs associated with recounts are a function of state law,” wrote the Stein campaign. “Attorney's fees are likely to be another $2-3 million, then there are the costs of the statewide recount observers in all three states. The total cost is likely to be $6-7 million.” Why are people giving Jill Stein millions of dollars for an election recount? It's a scam.
  15. If you like this, you should look into archeoastronomy, a fascinating field that has many implications about the origins of our culture.
  16. Why should I move on, when you clearly haven't? Today we have little Justin, practically his nephew. Justin likes to punch people, and photo-bomb weddings without a shirt on.
  17. No particular reason. I like history and science more I guess. These days I'm reading "Decline of the West", an old book (1918) by Oswald Spengler. German guy. Apparently this book was quite popular in Germany before "Mein Kampf". In it Spengler writes that all civilizations follow the same pattern as they evolve over time, much like a person does, and one sign of the final stages of decline is when the people willingly embrace a strong man or a Caesar.
  18. Great band and tune. And I get the reference...
  19. Vonnegut was one of my favourite sci fi authors as well, long ago before I stopped reading fiction. Right now I am reading a forum full of rude and immature sounding people who seem to have it in for each other. Most posts here today are so pathetic there's not a lot I feel interested in commenting on. Is that what this MLW forum is all about?
  20. Just another twisted dyke who hates all men. What a mess. These are the people who are teaching young folks in Universities these days? Man things sure changed since I went to school.
  21. I know what you mean. They wanted to save civilian lives on the basis that they would leave Mosul but they didn't achieve that. Once ISIS heard of the coming invasion and the premise that civilians should get out, they prevented anyone from leaving. They butchered alotta people, left them partially buried in mass graves, right in the path of the oncoming troops. Because they knew they would find them. A gruesome welcome. In addition ISIS now had the time to build up their resources, get their fighters ready, weapons, make defense plans. They booby-trapped every house that's on the way in. What they have set up there now is not unlike Stalingrad in 1942. Notice how quiet the news is about Mosul? It speaks volumes. It doesn't take a genius to figure this shit out.
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