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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. That's true! If Hillary Clinton had won, none of these issues would be on the table. What did her platform offer anyway?
  2. And yet, can you show a non-white, non-christian society in the world that is better? Equality in power is not always a smart thing to do.
  3. In order to distribute the power of the vote more fairly between urban vs. rural culture, whose needs are very different from each other but where both are needed to make a nation work.
  4. "Progressive" folk, I would guess. If there ever was an oxymoron of modern usage, that's gotta be it.
  5. Yes I see your point. But I also said evidence doesn't matter in an election cycle, it's about optics. Might I also add, I don't support either candidate whole heartedly, I don't trust anyone implicitly in the game of politics. So don't get me wrong, if Donald Trump screws up, it will not be a shock nor a disappointed to me. As to my opinion of Hillary Clinton, whether she's guilty in the email scandal or not, my guess is probably. But would prefer that the real truth comes out, why the emails are missing, or found by accident on someone else's computer. Just so we understand each other Wilber, I am not partisan and don't care much either way. I am happy to listen to your views.
  6. The consequences of a generation that has been coddled and protected all their lives from facing hardship. These people were brought up in a school system where judgement is not allowed, where there is no winner or champion, lest anyone should feel inferior. Everyone gets a medal for participation. You do that to somebody, and when the time finally comes that something "bad" happens to them, as it must, it's like the rug is pulled out from under them. These people have no cajones.
  7. Tell you something else that is surprising but most are not yet aware, the number of calls to suicide hotlines has tripled in the past few days. Calls to crisis and suicide prevention hotlines surge post-election Mostly college educated younger folk who have been psychologically decimated by this loss. They have no way to deal with it.
  8. Given that much of the industry has moved south or overseas, there's a big hole waiting to be filled in terms of the kind of work that a more insular America needs. And this sort of change only makes sense in this day and age, to be less dependent on ones competitors. If a major war broke out, how mush easier it is for the industry to respond when there are so many more steel mils and car manufacturers available to be drawn upon in an emergency... exactly as was necessary in the world wars. What Trump then needs to do is figure out a way to make these companies cost effective against an economy like China, places where the economy is not regulated, no environmental controls, pollution controls. The current system is unfairly balanced toward those countries who exploit their own people and environment. These changes are sorely needed and long overdue.
  9. Unmanned aircraft, great idea. I like the use of fencing too, cheaper and still quite effective. As in barbed wire, razor wire, electrical. More work for the "Rust Belt". I'm sure there will be new technological advancements coming out from those sectors.
  10. Parts will be made elsewhere, for example the steel rods, for support and bracing. Share the work and wealth fairly. That's how a Trump economy works!
  11. Not at all. There will be a surge in demand for hands-on skilled labourers in the next few years... wall builders.
  12. You don't need to pull the "evidence" card here, if you consider this is politics. In politics it doesn't matter about real evidence, it's about the message and what people think. We all heard the message that 33,000 emails were deleted, by BleachBit software no less. Did Mrs. Clinton come out and explain about how this happened? No. She didn't have much to say about it, for a good while. That alone is a failure. Silence is admission of guilt in a public forum.She did eventually apologize that she "didn't know". Thats not an excuse, since ignorance of the law is not an exception to the law. And that the Secretary of State "didn't know" that what she did was a security risk in this day and age is rather hard to believe. Here is a video of Hillary Clinton giving a lecture to State Dept. employees on Cyber Security- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDBix0AlJ2E But that was not the only serious problem she has with her campaign when it came to demonstrating trust and integrity. I think when it came out that she received debate questions beforehand, and made use of them, that was a serious error. When CNN dismissed Donna Brazile, that was "evidence" to the public that something rotten had happened. That is nothing more than sleaze. Not saying Donald Trump is above any of this mind you. I have no skin in this game, don't care anyway other than the fascinating social commentary it provides about the left vs. right dichotomy, what it says about us as a society.
  13. I have no problem with a person doing only what is required by law, provided that they stay within the law. No one should be forced to do otherwise. Simply put, I believe in the rule of law. That includes when someone is subpoenaed to disclose their emails and then hastily deletes thousands of them. You see what I mean? Hillary screwed herself. The Democratic party, screwed themselves. And in doing so handed Donald Trump the Presidency. So if there is anyone the demonstrators need to be upset with, it's Hillary and the Dems. Once they come to terms with that reality, then they can heal and move on.
  14. Evidence is a decapitated head on your TV screen. The eyes, they kind of... stare back at you.
  15. Everything eventually has consequences, as we now see. The left has been so arrogant as to refuse to engage the right in any meaningful dialog, but brush them off as simply inferior and to be disregarded. That the right's cultural views of the world have no relevance, and cannot provide solutions to any problems. The voice of the right has been suppressed, made illegal. Say something politically incorrect and you won't be allowed to participate. You could lose your job, get kicked off the sports team. Villified. You're not allowed to have an opinion that disagrees with the left. That is why some are saying now that the polls were so wrong, because people who were polled would not tell the truth of what they secretly felt, out of fear that punitive measures will be taken. But when they got into the voting booth, no one would know. That is the moment where the truth can come out. Now embrace this reality- you're gong to see some pent up anger released. Your safe spaces will be taken away.
  16. No, I mean the Clintons who accepted cash from Saudi Arabia, where a woman is worth less than a goat, and then tell people into a microphone how they will protect the rights of little girls everywhere. The Clintons who admit they have a public voice and a private voice, who branded vast numbers of voters as a 'basket of deplorables', somehow thinking that will help them get the win, and who accepted debate questions leaked to them before the debate, rather than contacting the authorities. Imagine how well she would have done had she reported that instead, by showing the public her honesty. That would have been one hell of a stunt! Instead, she chose to take the dope. I mean the Clintons who thought they could fool all the people all the time. That's why those demonstrators are out there now, utterly dumbfounded, seeking some place to focus their empty rage. They will not heal until they face the fact that the Clintons failed them, and in doing so, failed America.
  17. It's exactly this attitude of intellectual arrogance and cultural superiority that gave Trump his win.
  18. The "banksters", etc. have always been in charge, going back centuries. The elite are so deeply entrenched in all societies, all over the world that if ordinary people knew about the real extent of corruption it would probably break their hearts. No one is likely going to change this, and maybe it even shouldn't be changed. It is in fact the very foundation of civilization. Corruption is not in "them", it is in us, and is probably a foundational principle. Anyone who comes along and threatens the system as a whole is very likely doomed. Somebody like a Napoleon comes to mind. If they do somehow get far enough, then you have WWIII for sure. People must make a choice between whether they would tolerate moderate amounts of corruption that provides relative peace and stability, or pursue an abstract concept like "purity", total equality, and the tremendous violence it calls for to achieve it.
  19. In that case, same as a Clinton presidency. In other words, a member of the corrupt, power mongering elite. It's the status quo. As Donald Trump would say, what have you got to lose?
  20. It's like yer country mouse vs. town mouse. Pretty much explains the need for the electoral college too, for those who don't understand why it's necessary.
  21. While I too was pleased, it was mainly because the American public chose the politically incorrect candidate over the one who was corrupt. It was a difficult choice, and the corrupt candidate was the "safe" option, practically guaranteeing 4 more years of status quo. They could have accepted criminality as the norm, which the media was trying to justify but they went for the chancer, However, and here's the "however"... I'm old enough to know by now that one should be careful what you wish for. Just like when Obama got elected and his followers went ape, believing the messiah has come and some time after the disillusionment process kicked in. Same goes for those intoxicated by "Trudeau mania". In other words, "The King is dead. God save the King." or, "Meet the new boss...the same as the old boss".
  22. Interesting. There is a similar attitude here about Cobourg. The 3-lane highway stops there. Another pejorative is calling someone "North of 7", meaning, highway 7. We who live 'beyond' are grateful.
  23. We certainly don't need more for them in Canada. I only mentioned Vancouver to remind of the hockey riots thing. Perhaps self-destructive rioting is a trademark of unabashed leftism (along with showing your tits at protests).
  24. I like the videos where the chicks are walking around with their tits hanging out. "Free the nipple"
  25. Their leftist tree-hugging world view utterly shattered, these people are now completely dumbfounded. They should stop weeping into their caramel macchiattos and consider moving to Canada... suggest Vancouver would be the right place for them to live.
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