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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Not me either. I was talking about the historic St. Nicholas.
  2. I didn't deliberately "do" anything. I provided the full link for people to go read themselves, and an explanation. To me the images look more or less the same in skin colour. Certainly not as dark as the medieval images. Sorry that you wasted your time writing a huge tome that was useless. The man was caucasian, as shown by legitimate information.
  3. Those are medieval paintings. Saint Nick was a Greek living in Anatolia. Here are some images based on actual scientific research: http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/real-face/ "This is the most realistic appearance of St Nicholas based on all the skeletal and historical material. It is thrilling for us to be able to see the face of this famous 4th century Bishop," said Professor Wilkinson."
  4. Yes I did read the link. "Nicholas was born in Asia Minor (Greek Anatolia in present-day Turkey) in the Roman Empire, to a Greek family during the third century in the city of Patara (Lycia et Pamphylia) " Greeks are Mediterranean and classical Greek culture is the foundation of western civilization. That is what matters most here. He was a Christian saint. "He was the only son of wealthy Christian parents named Epiphanius and Johanna according to some accounts and Theophanes and Nonna according to others. He was very religious from an early age." Those people may have had darker skin than northern Europeans, such as the Jewish do so while he may not have had "white" skin, the people are still considered Caucasian. Saint Nick was not a black man. Same goes for Jesus. Also, while he may have been the origin of the Santa myth, Saint Nick was not the "Santa" that we know today. That story comes from Sinterklaas, which I mentioned in my earlier post and is a Scandinavian legend. That's about as white as it gets.
  5. If you read the thread further up you'd know. One thing I would be against is selling pot at the liquor store. Marijuana has nothing to do with liquor, and needs a different type of store to be sold properly. Also that liquor is a far more harmful substance. Liquor kills, either by cancer or directly alcohol toxic overdose. If they decide to sell weed at the liquor store it will just show how brainless they truly are.
  6. Saint Nicholas was a white man. "His legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus through Sinterklaas." But the cultural Marxists want to take over and destroy everything in western society. They do so without even realizing it, being heavily influenced by tabloid newspapers, advertising, and the entertainment industry.
  7. He's also a hypocrit and liar. From July 23 2015, before he was elected PM: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/justin-trudeau-backs-controversial-medical-marijuana-shop-in-winnipeg/article25641222/ Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is speaking out in support of a controversial medical marijuana store in Winnipeg. During a stop in the city on Wednesday, Trudeau said marijuana storefronts like “Your Medical Cannabis Headquarters,” owned by Glenn Price, should be allowed to operate. He was also overheard to say "Yoh, Ima Legalize... so come and buy my shit, bitches".
  8. The Liberals have no intention of making pot legal, just that some Liberal analyst figured out they could get lots of votes by promising this. Now they drag their feet and say it will take years. The first clue is they put the former police chief Bill Blair who is against marijuana in principle in charge of the project. What a farce. Canadians forgot just how bad the LPC was in the days of Stephan Dion and that political vampire, Bob Rae. In no time shall we be reminded.
  9. Castro was an obsessed ideologue. Reality did not matter to him, only his ideas. He was a stubborn man who insisted on perpetuating an error. What is so wrong with "political and economic domination" by the US, if it brings a better standard of living for the common people than what they endured for decades? How is it better to be "free" and independent, when the consequences of that freedom are abject poverty? Even the Russians and Chinese abandoned communism as a failed initiative, but Castro refused to accept it. He was more interested in preserving his image as a revolutionary than being a true leader of men.
  10. A real leader brings their own ideas, not just parroting what they are told to say by someone else. That is just a figurehead. A leader is somebody who has their own vision for the future, with a personality to inspire confidence. All we have now is more of the same old Liberal party agenda as we've had for decades, nothing new but packaged with a different face. Canadians, right or wrong, hoped that Justin Trudeau would bring real progressive leadership. But it's becoming clear that he does not. He is in fact, quite useless. He has no experience. This is bad news for Canada, because the likely response to another round of mediocre liberalism will be that Canadians will vote in their own "strong man" the next time around. Someone like Stephen Harper on steroids. What choice do we have anyway, in response to what is happening around us in the western world? France has already chosen their next leader which will be Francois Fillon. In England they voted Brexit, primarily in response to their xenophobia. Germany will be next, without question. Canadians are out of sync with the times by about one generation.
  11. Why should he? He's just a poster-boy mouthpiece doing what he's told by the party leadership. Same as it's always been for the liberals.
  12. Of course he was a hero to them. What other choice did they have.
  13. Trudeau is the Left's cult of personality. There was absolutely no reason to elect him other than this. He had no policy or even significant experience in politics. Just a pretty boy, a face. They even made sure he didn't get to say much, cause when he did... oh boy. I'll tell you something else about you're entitled little fella. Beware those who smile all the time, and never for a moment get real. They are the worst there is.
  14. Those are all liberal talking points that are beeing fed to us. You have put the cart before the horse.
  15. Of course it is. The people are there to express their sorrow for 9 days, willingly. I mean, the man was a saint. Doesn't mean anything to Canadians. Who the hell cares. I know I certainly don't.
  16. Oh my god, 5 minutes later: "Coming up, reaction to Fidel Castro's pasing on both sides of the spectrum". There is no head-bashing emoticon here, or an angry one. I guess too late.
  17. Thank you, CBC and CTV news for your daily, non-stop coverage of Cuba over the past weeks, telling us where his ashes are every day, and sending their newsmen to Havana for daily updates. Just watched another 10 minute report. Well I shut the sound off. Like what the hell, are we full of commies now?
  18. Allow me to educate you, oh mighty-brianed one: "The political terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution (1789–1799), referring to the seating arrangement in the Estates General: those who sat on the left generally opposed the monarchy and supported the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization,[6] while those on the right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Old Regime." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics
  19. Justin is behaving like one of them dope dealers on the streets of Toronto, promising everyone pot and delivering garbage.
  20. Bono of the year, I like that. That would be a good award for leftists. I mention the left because they are the ones driving the politically correct agenda, and seems like their who the people are who invent new pronouns to describe there sexuality, or lack thereof. Same as atheists, really.
  21. You probably mean conjoined twins. That was insensitive of you, to pick on the people of Siam.
  22. In humans sometimes when one twin dies, the other dies soon after because they are so lonely and twins feel that they are very closely connected, even more than just regular family members.
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