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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Are you sure these results are legit? I would like to know how they can differentiate between Eastern European, British, Scandinavian and Italian/ Greek at the DNA level.
  2. It's in the interest of the west to bring Russia back into the fold. The Obama administration made a huge error in its priorities. It went on the side of the terrorists. Putin is a white man, for god's sake.
  3. Putin is not the bogey man that the Obama administration has made him out to be. Or let's put it this way, no better no worse than practically any world leader. I remember a time when the relations between Russia and the west were much better. George Bush - "I looked in his eyes and saw that he had a soul." He has a sole, damn you. Fact is, USA interfered with the election in the Ukraine, Clinton practically admitted it by propping up their preferred candidate with lots of cash and media support, and their intent is to put missiles right on the border of Russia. That's a bit more serious than releasing somebody's unsecured emails.
  4. ISIS is killing way more. And if not stopped, they will spread further and kill even more. Then the whole ME will come under Wahhabism. You fear a dark world? That would be it. This wouldn't be half the problem that it is now if Clinton and Obama "had a pair" and did something useful at the time. But they were frantically looking for a way to "reach out" to the terrorists, so as not to offend their friends the Saudis, who are probably behind this all the way. Obama reached out through his television, and drew back a stump. They hacked it off. It's too late for some.
  5. Sounds good. Maybe it's better for the USA to make alliances with the right people around the world. Certainly better than what Obama tried to engage with.
  6. Yeah, as George Bush famously said. Bush meant that they use a cult of personality as a symbol of supreme power. For the Islamofascists it can be someone like the Ayatollah, or in the case of ISIS, the Caliph. It is totalitarian, completely pervading all aspects of society right down to the very conduct of people.
  7. They might be religious conservatives but they are certainly leftists, because they want to create a totalitarian state with a supreme leader. The innslamofacists
  8. Trump hats were made in USA but the Chinese flood the market with cheap imitations. Are Trump's 'Made in USA' hats really made in USA? On a broad level, the tale of Trump's hats shows the challenge of revitalizing U.S. manufacturing, which has been ravaged by cheap competition from overseas. Trump has accused Asian countries of unfairly manipulating their currencies to boost exports. Interesting article that shows what we all know, we've screwed ourselves and no spineless neo liberal politician is going to be able to fix this. Thanks to years of regressive leftism, we're on a road to nowhere. It's off topic so read it fast. Coneheads will delete.
  9. Trump says he will eliminate the advantage China has in flooding the market with their inferior junk. Sounds good to me. We want products made with American steel.
  10. Trudeau is just a poster boy for the vampires who run the Liberal party. The political undead. He doeth there bidding.
  11. Hope is for the hopeless. Canadians will still remember Harper's bullshit too. That is why they will elect a true Strongman the next time around, a man who will sweep away all the corruption and lies from the entitled that makes us weak. Thanks to our immoral leaders Canadians will finally say "Enough!".
  12. People are realizing the man is a complete hypocrite. Behind his smiling sunny face is the same old, dirty Liberal party. Canadians were fooled again. You can bet they won't put up with this sort of bullshit the next election.
  13. Yeah too bad the fight was over so early. I think the Dutch guy was winning up to that point though. He was really big boy, and very fast. Would have been good to see more.
  14. Nice, I'll check it out. Oh oh, chicks are fighting...
  15. Santa's not ALLOWED to remain white. Traditional Santa is married as well. "Mrs. Clause". So the next version of Santa is GAY.
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