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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. So what. You mentioned the term DJIA, but you didn't cite any data. Got any links to support your claim? I've shown the US economy is responding positively to Donald Trump as the next president. So let's see your info to the contrary. Support your claims.
  2. Have you sen what the stocks re doing lately? Facts are the most right.
  3. Actually you have cited nothing. Not a single reference or link. At the moment the economy is very favourable despite liberal/ democrat predictions of a Trump win bringing financial doom. Donald Trump got the presidency in a stunning win and ran a low cost campaign, spending far less than Hillary. The man's a financial genius.
  4. It's CNN Money who is forecasting the stock market rally will continue, and is because of confidence in President Trump. These people are in contact with some of the top bank strategists on Wall Street and this is what they're seeing, contrary to some graph on google. Trump stock market rally: Likely to keep going in 2017
  5. Perhaps you should send the links to Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group, so that he can issue a correction.
  6. Now let's hear the real story- Boom! Trump rally carries stocks to new records Many predicted stocks would plunge, or even crash, should Trump upset Hillary Clinton. Initially that did happen, with overnight markets plummeting the night of the election. Yet that freakout proved short-lived, with stocks racing higher on Election Day. Instead of focusing on fears that Trump could start a trade war, investors are hoping the president-elect will unleash the U.S. economy by cutting taxes, rolling back regulation and ramping up infrastructure spending. "The basis for the rally is optimism about reversing Obama-nomics -- raising taxes and increasing regulation," said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group.
  7. Certainl enough there for an investigation. Let alone the debate questions given to her, which she gladly received.I'm just wondering why no investigation into the leak and acceptance of debate questions? Is this not an attempt at election rigging?
  8. Not just threatens, but does. Point is that many politicians use bluster and threats to make you go away. Nice pick, did you make that one yourself?
  9. Destroy my lawn? I'd threaten to firebomb his cars if he just tries something. We saw Obama practically licking the hand of anyone who was angry or upset with the USA. Rather than strength, his was a style of appeasement. We all saw what good that did in nazi Germany. Just because Trump has a bold personality, and you don't get it doesn't make him a poor choice for president. In fact, quite the opposite. Trump will crush our enemies once and for all.
  10. Charlie should have died young, because I dislike Platoon a little now, knowing what a pathetic little Hollywood douche he turned out to be.
  11. When I first heard this I thought, Sheen was probably high on drugs when he wrote that. Many Hollywood celebrities have died because of drug overdose or HIV/ AIDS due to their lifestyle. This is the culture that Charlie Sheen belongs to, so if he wants to save some people, he could start by cleaning up a little. The big problem is not taking things like drug addiction or mental problems seriously. Donald Trump is gonna change all that.
  12. Wouldn't know. Most right wingers don't tweet, so I guess those are for someone else. From what I've seen, he makes threats, doesn't mean he's gonna go through with it. He let Hillary go for her crimes, and this despite the fact she was given debate questions beforehand. Let's not talk about things like that. Let's accuse the Russions.
  13. Donald Trump: Keep friends close, keep enemies closer.
  14. It will make sense to you eventually... when Donald Trump takes office.
  15. Talking about something that's already a done deal and won't be changed, is even lower information.
  16. I think it's a litmus test to show what kind of talk you can get away with these days, and what kind you can't. That goes for the media and campus life.
  17. Only in polite company. The gloves have to come off eventually, in order to do what must be done.
  18. No trick needed, see Trump election result
  19. A lot of misbehaviours result in people feeling personal pain.Not just trolling, but insults and personal ridicule. It's not "trolling" perhaps. There is a group of people who take pleasure in seeing others suffer, and find ways to do this even within the rules. Hence, it is Schadenfreude but not trolling. The kind of troll who makes provocative, incendiary comments intended to arouse strong emotion, are hijacking. They want to steal the podium, change the conversation. Such trolls may be interested in achieving a transformation, either in the individual or in society as a whole.
  20. No real difference in the power structure there vs. here. The troll is but one of many internet personas, and there are a number of subcategories. There's misbehaviour trolling, which is almost like a child and then there's purposeful, agenda-driven trolling, which occurs for a variety of reasons whatever they may be.
  21. It will not go away because we are by nature both rational and irrational beings. So while you might espouse the virtues of critical thinking, sorry, that only appeals to half my brain. On the other hand, who even says that trolling gets eliminated by a foundation in critical thinking? There can be very purposeful "trolling" that derives from critical thinking. We must avoid broadening the definition of trolling to include things that merely piss us off through biting dark humour such as "satire" or sarcasm, which is a french word.
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