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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Just wait till they invent the transporter, you can beam yourself to work.
  2. Back in my day, bullying was accepted, even (and perhaps especially...) right in the school yard. Everyone was bullied in some way. We were made stronger because of it. My parents beat the hell out of me. I remember my old man beat me with a belt once or twice... my mom threw a clay pot at him to make him stop. That's just how it was, in the good old days As a man I should be able to proceed in confidence, and lay similar beatings on my son.
  3. Let's start another Trump thread

  4. A chlld is small and has a simple life, without enemies. Old folks are bigger and have a history, and usually some enemies. When you grow up thing get complicated. You hurt me, I will hurt you. And my son shall fight your son. That's how things go in the real world. Don't listen to the leftist university teachers, they're telling you lies. Crack a history book some time if you want to learn. Start with Napolean.
  5. This is why such analogies don't work- THEY ARE A GROSS OVERSIMPLIFICATION. The US and other superpowers are in a complicated dance that involves maintaining geopolitical control over all regions of the world. When one power makes a move, the other makes a counter-move. Everything else that happens is simply incidental.
  6. The guy isn't even the president yet but you people can't stop talking about him! There was a new phrase, you have TDS TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME
  7. Endless speculation. Donald Trump sure is fascinating...
  8. So the fact he picks people based on their merits, not which corporation they are working for is also no good. He should be vindictive instead and refuse anybody who works for Goldman Sacks. I guess there's nothing Trump can do right for some people.
  9. It keeps the peace. And where there is none, it makes it.
  10. Yes. One could say wars are even... civilized.
  11. Poppycock. We've had a few wars lately, and all is still well. What's the problem? Superpowers have learned the value of fighting their wars by proxy.
  12. Surely not those same ones who vilified him, as you claimed earlier? Right... he gave them great jobs because of the way they treated him. Clearly he's not a jealous, vengeful man. Look, here's where he entertained Mitch Romney. I understand Romney ordered the "poo poo platter".
  13. Nonsense. You end of the world harbingers always give me a good laugh. These problems are nothing a good couple of wars won't solve.
  14. Which is completely fine. They are allowed to do that without fear of reprisal. The conservative in me wants to protect an individuals private rights, so that they cannot be fired by their employer for saying something somebody deems politically incorrect, if the action was said or done on their own private time. None of your business if we do.
  15. Don't worry, still plenty of conservatives in congress. It's a pretty good mixture.
  16. Most certainly it does. There are plenty of people who enjoy being crude, rude and vulgar. Some do it because they are fed up with being careful over every slightest little thing, to the point where you are paralyzed and can say nothing at all. There is only one response to that... . IMAGE REMOVED
  17. Swaggering braggart vs.Arnold Scharwzenneger? Pot, meet kettle. For right wingers, this is a great time of celebration, yet it seems you have no sense of humour. Methinks perhaps you are not as pc-incorrect right wing as you claim to be. Have we... softened over time?
  18. That only makes him stronger and more independent . He is not beholden to the New York financial types.
  19. Even if that were true, the Clinton reference has another dimension to it. It would have put these two back in the White House, with a sudden increase in the number of cigars being ordered. I guess US voters could not pinch their noses enough. Much like our elections there was only two choices, terrible and completely unacceptable. But in any case "crude" is a widespread phenomena, should be no surprise there. As a self proclaimed politically-incorrect right winger, you should know this. Vulgar? First of all, even if it is vulgar, that should not be a criticism. The media is the message. We can waste a lot of time finding nicer words to say, to make you feel unthreatened, or we can just get to the point, say what needs to be said, and move on. We have a lot of ground to cover.
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