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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Corruption is like a disease that festers and spreads. It seems like a civilization eventually declines to the point that corruption brings about its own demise. That is the time when a society is divided against itself. Then, there is no chance for moderation or facilitation. Then, as Oswald Spengler writes in "Decline of the Occident", the people shall willingly elect a strongman to rule over them, because the only way to solve the ills is to destroy. When political parties reach a level of non-cooperation such that they are paralyzed, such that no more progress can be made, none of the serious problems can be solved, then only a dictator with supreme executive power can bring about the change that is needed. Some may call it "Caesarism".
  2. They all lie of course, to varying degrees. Hillary was caught on some lies and some stories that just don't ring true (emails). But she was already pretty much anathema to democrat voters even before the election. Trump being out of the question for them as well, large numbers of democrat voters chose to not vote at all. Bernie Sanders got screwed. He said he was the only one who could beat Trump. I wonder if he was right.
  3. Doesn't seem like a big deal. Sounds like a matter of opinion and will need a judge to decide. Trump might have to shuffle a few people around if legally required to do so. Or more likely the case would be dropped. Again... distraction. It will be more interesting to see what policies are put in place, executive orders being signed. Looks like NAFTA is going to be one of the first.
  4. From what I've read, virtually the whole of Europe assisted the Nazis. Eastern Europe as well. Baltic States, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech. They may have done so for these reasons: - Europeans hated the diaspora Jews for over 1000 years. Jews were accused of horrific crimes and attacked in large numbers many times. For example, during the Black Plague. - It was considered better to be occupied by the Nazis (Hitler) than the Communists (Stalin). Given that they faced imminent invasion, the easiest thing to do was surrender rather than fight to the bitter end. Nazis were preferred because they did not want to completely transform the people and their culture to the extent that Communists did. The blitzkrieg prevented major damage to the precious European infrastructure. Once occupied, there wasn't a lot of resistance to the idea of putting the Jews in boxcars and shipping them off to an internment camp. Nazis offered a solution to the long-standing "Jewish question". The sad truth is that most countries were complicit in the crimes of the Holocaust. Although the Holocaust was planned and directed by Germans, the Nazi regime found willing collaborators in other countries, both those allied to Germany and those under German occupation. Link
  5. No, man, I think it's just time to move onto something important, that's all. Let's see what tomorrow brings... lol
  6. I don't know, but it sure keeps people babbling about things that are unimportant, rather than discussing real issues.
  7. I don't know, but it sure keeps the media babbling about things that are unimportant, rather than discussing real issues.
  8. Great... it proves you are capable of thinking and adapting as necessary. Like Donald Trump
  9. Had the British Empire followed advice such as this, it would never have existed.
  10. Wasn't there a Canadian judge asked to step down from the bench for doing that? Yes there was, even after he apologized. I thought that was a little harsh, but then, forgiveness is not a virtue among the left. Justice Bernd Zabel, who declared his support for Donald Trump in court, is no longer presiding in court, according to a spokeswoman for the Ontario Court of Justice. Link
  11. What would you have him acknowledge? That his cake was smaller than Obama's?
  12. Perhaps they'd have to suspend themselves.
  13. None of this talk is important in the grand scheme of things. What we are seeing is a media that seeks to sensationalize and ridicule everything they can, no matter how trivial. There was even condemnation about the cake at the inaugural party, as if it somehow reflects on the quality of Trump's leadership. This is mere tabloid gossip, nothing more. It completely fascinates the public, and the media cannot stop themselves. Interestingly, it's the same type of dialog that got Trump elected. Let the naive, reactionary masses crap on themselves. That way they are well-distracted, being obsessed by unimportant things, thereby making Trump's opponents less effective. Man's a genius
  14. Seems that Trump's personality is such that he refuses to concede to anything. He must have a highly competitive nature.
  15. All this proves is that leftists turn out in larger numbers, when their crowds amass due to the social herd instinct. Right wingers do not have the same need for constant emotional reassurance.
  16. Are mods allowed to participate in the forum?
  17. Check the link I provided. https://www.quora.com/Has-a-Canadian-political-party-ever-won-the-popular-vote-yet-failed-to-win-the-election Better hurry because its off-topic, and Chuckles is on a mission to delete stuff.
  18. Same thing has happened in numerous Canadian elections, where the person elected did not win the popular vote. Link
  19. An elbow in the tit is certainly worth a grope on the pussy, especially when seen on TV. Perhaps these two guys can find some common ground to get along!
  20. Yes we had a "Pink Pussy Parade" here. The name refers to a pink hat these ladies wear which has cats ears. The women knitted them themselves... damn them and their crafty skills!
  21. So you see the level of deceit that is going on here. - Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies October 18, 2016 Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump. Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director. "I wonder why those people are here, because they never seem to have much on their mind other than stand up and protest,’” Mr. Trump told a crowd in Colorado Springs. “And yesterday it came out, but it was barely covered by the media. But it’s all over the internet. They were busted.”
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