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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Shows where we are at, politically. This is coming,folks.
  2. The system as it is does not support/ encourage America first. Now it will
  3. Of course, but they are people who weren't allowed to vote.
  4. Patently false. Study: Abstinence program most effective at delaying sex among youths (CNN) -- An abstinence-only education program is more effective than other initiatives at keeping sixth- and seventh-graders from having sex within a two-year period, according to a study described by some as a landmark. "This new study is game-changing," the nonpartisan National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy said in a statement. "For the first time, there is strong evidence that an abstinence-only intervention can help very young teens delay sex and reduce their recent sexual activity as well."
  5. Lots of people can't vote. For example, children can't vote. Prisoners can't vote. Non citizens. Sorry, your numbers are totally skewed. You need to learn the difference between population, and registered voters. Math is hard...
  6. All methods of birth control have some risk, either for unwanted pregnancy or STD's. Abstinence is pretty much 100% guaranteed.
  7. You mean not having sex makes more unwanted babies?
  8. Or melt into free government issue crack pipes. Justin will donate
  9. Poppycock. Meanwhile the Ontario liberals are cutting like mad whores. But it's just nurses jobs, school funding and childrens aid society. When Liberals make cuts, they go after ordinary hard working Canadians.
  10. Yup. Not glamorous enough. There's no lipstick on that pig.
  11. Just making my point... keep thinking about it.
  12. Yeah, but he was just lying on his coffee break.
  13. Thanks to leftists, we've reached the absurd situation where Canadian tax money is used to house, clothe and feed refugees from another country, while poverty, yes even childhood poverty, continues to rise at home. TORONTO -- A new report says Toronto has the highest percentage of children living in poverty of any large city in Canada. The report, titled "Divided City: Life in Canada's Child Poverty Capital," says 133,000 children in Toronto -- 27 per cent -- were living in low-income families in 2014, the year the data was collected. A coalition of groups including the Children's Aid Society of Toronto issued the report as the city weighs up to $600 million in cuts to programs and services such as community housing, transit and student nutrition. Link I guess the Canadian women who marched against Trump are unaware of this.
  14. That's right, he did say that he cherishes every one of them.
  15. No, the man has already acted on/ implemented some of the policy changes that he said he was gonna do. Perhaps you didn't notice because you (and so many others) are still going on about the election. Did Hillary really win the popular vote by 3 million? Or was it 2.5
  16. Trump's lies are only white lies, so not that bad. I don't find it terribly interesting that Trump makes a few statements to get people's heads spinning around. What's interesting is the reaction, and the amount of energy wasted talking about it, while not talking about more esoteric matters involving policy.
  17. My government lies all the time, by collecting my taxes and promising to do something good with them, then squandering the money on something useless, or on themselves. The motivation for wanting a Trump comes out of exasperation and anger. Trump tapped directly into that when he said he would "drain the swamp"... probably the line that got him most of his supporters. People want to see action on important things, not waste time arguing about who had the best inauguration.
  18. True, too many threads about Trump but it is the way the moderator wants his forum to run.
  19. As we see now... Bye Bye TPP! Buh Bye I guess Donald Trump didn't lie about that one, eh Cybercoma? Or are yo still waiting to discuss the final numbers on the inaugural attendance
  20. No. My point if I must clarify is that in contrast, Hillary was more repugnant to the Dems than Trump was to the Republicans. Perhaps because leftists are so easily offended.
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