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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. "Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred... Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress at this period in history."
  2. The left needs to steer itself back to the centre, before we end up becoming the next Soviet Union.

  3. The PKK are atheists, which is creepy because it probably means interference by Soviet Russia. They drank the communist Kool-Aid.
  4. Interesting development- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says she agrees with Donna Brazile's claim that the Democratic primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders by Hillary Clinton's campaign. Quite surprised she would be so candid about this. Video here- http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/11/02/elizabeth-warren-dnc-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-lead.cnn Question asked at 1:20
  5. You didn't qualify the circumstances. Asking for an investigation is certainly not a crime. If there is reasonable evidence that a crime was committed, the thing should be investigated, doesn't matter who did it even if it was the president or the secretary of state or whoever. It depends what you mean specifically by "pressure". If you mean the tweets, Trump admits to saying things to deliberately get a rise out of people. But those tweets are not executive orders, most of them are just incendiary BS with no follow up. They have no teeth. Based on his own admission I suspect they're not even supposed to. In that light they can only be called offensive and "wrong". But I asked what has he actually done, not his self-admitted rhetoric.
  6. Personal attack not warranted, fella. You do your thing I'll do mine.
  7. Chris Taylor's final conclusion speech in Platoon says something about the very nature of humanity, what we all are. And despite the conflict and turmoil, what we all must do- "I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy. We fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days as I'm sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called possession of my soul. There are times since, I've felt like the child born of those two fathers. But, be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again, to teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life."
  8. Not necessarily, if it gives a context to the current president. Some commit their adultery or molestation while in office, some may have done it before. But getting back on topic, let's discuss what Donald Trump actually has done while in office that is illegal, or just offensive and wrong.
  9. Sorry I can't connect the dots between your linked reference and this thread.
  10. I see. Deny the significance of history. Certain factions on the left have a problem recognizing the importance of history, and a reputation for denying/ reinventing it. Perhaps you've fallen for that "bunch of crap" yourself, but I don't. It's not about absolving one's self from responsibility. It's about understanding why we are where we are today. If you read history you get a broad sense of what humanity is all about. All humanity, not just the west, east, middle east etc. We are brutal killers, and civility is a thin veil that can be torn away in an instant. Every page is bloodshed, bloodshed. History shows that time and again. History affects the public's cultural attitudes in general, thus Islamophobia did not arise in modern times, and is no different than other cross cultural fears prompted by xenophobia, a recognition of "otherness". Ponder that with your morning cornflakes.
  11. Keep investigating and you'll find things that maybe you don't want to find.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. OftenWrong


      I believe we're all the same, little fella. All people are more or less the same, everywhere. The only difference is in the war for global domination whitey "won",  and the other guys lost. And now they bitch and cry about it, and want to kick some ass. Yeah.

    3. hot enough

      hot enough

      What you believe is of no consequence just as what Hitler believed was of no consequence. You do realize that you are the total opposite of everything you pretend you believe in. You admit that you have been lying your whole life to yourself and your children. 

    4. OftenWrong


      You mistake lying from being "Often Wrong".

  12. That's a rather myopic view of history, but not altogether surprising coming from a one-eyed fella. The conflict of the "Great Powers" has origins going back for many centuries, long before the 19th century and included Europe and Ottoman Turks, Habsburg, Chinese and Russian empires. The Islamophobia we speak of today (thread topic) has ancient origins.
  13. The link is about PKK terrorists- PKK terrorists in the preparation of the action in Dogubayazit District of Ağrı were noticed by the security forces and ran away by exploding the bombed vehicle in the rural district when the operation was carried out. Which I believe are Kurdish Muslims. Muslims attacking Muslims? Oh my.
  14. There's so many to connect, it's a rat's nest.
  15. Dunno. We'll have to wait and see if there is an indictment. Another good question is, why did he perjure himself in a voluntary interview? Was he not aware of the consequences? Dunno. Sounds like he's a bit of a fool.
  16. Did your 59 old white guys kill for a common cause, to send a message to the public at large? No of course not. You are likely referring to random killings that already exist. "Its ok, because we kill so many other people every month." That's just nonsense.
  17. Which is exactly what I said earlier. There's no crime in talking to Russians, either before or during an election campaign, even if the reason is to disclose "dirt"on another candidate. The charges are clearly laid out, incorrect disclosure of facts to a federal agent.
  18. The tree-huggers think that everyone else in the world thinks and feels like they do. Sunny ways. They think everyone, even people from foreign lands want to welcome people with loving open arms. But the reality is, they don't. That is why for example leftists were so deeply shocked when Donald Trump won the election, they just couldn't imagine that anyone would approve of somebody like him. German politicians (and voters) are equally naive, as they reap the bitter harvest of what they've sown.
  19. - And what did all that talk accomplish? Nothin. So, given that it is useless why do you still get worked up about a bunch of nonsense talk, by anonymous people on a little Canadian forum? I mean anyone who has put emotional investment into a debate forum needs help. - Warmongers don't need to worry about an exit strategy. That is secondary. The West convinced themselves that war in the ME would be a cakewalk. Blitzkrieg. Sweep into Iraq and Afghanistan, execute a couple of quick sorties and be home in time for corn flakes. What matters in war these days is starting it, not finishing. Leave that to the next administration.
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