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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. He lifted 190 kg, which is impressive... for a small man. As weight goes down, the ratio of strength to body mass goes up. Even a hamster can lift more than 6 times their body weight, so would have won that championship.
  2. The topic is one of those in the "grey" region, meaning it's not clear, black and white issue. Some people are more mature than others. It wasn't that long ago age 14 was ok in Canada- Canada's age of consent raised by 2 years May 01, 2008 The 'Tackling Violent Crime Act' raises the legal age of sexual consent in Canada to 16 from 14, the first time it has been raised since 1892. Perhaps outraged leftists can relax knowing this, it's part of our history. Your mama was doing it at an earlier age than you.
  3. The left's need for daily outrage is a freight train. Get out of the way, you damned fools...

  4. Same reason they would "interfere" if you were 6 years old.
  5. Nonsense, it's very logical. You do not understand the concept of freedom, like many people who live in countries where freedom has been restricted for a long time, you incorrectly presume freedom means to do whatever you wish. That in my opinion is falsehood. If you have a different opinion I'd like to hear it, but now it seems like you are running away from the discussion. Because your position is illogical, you cannot stand.
  6. So, if people try to have reasonable conversation you lose interest? Oh well up to you. Doesn't mean I will let you get away with posting illogical nonsense.
  7. Isn't a private club like having a forum within a forum? I can understand the rationale for having private clubs in that their membership is exclusive, but why should the content that is posted in these clubs also be private? What's the harm in making the private club visible? Its visibility would encourage newcomers to join.
  8. I remember we did cover some aspects of US history, in elementary school. I had an assignment that made reference to the US constitution and Thomas Jefferson. But that was about it. Later in high school, history class was all Canadian history. I learned about the US Civil war primarily through TV, American media. I think the movie "the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" with Clint Eastwood was an early reference.
  9. When I say they should "Grow Up" I mean they are being stupid. I am blaming them. However I do not know what the whole story is. Maybe these girls were wearing pants with half their ass hanging out. In that case something might need to be said... so there is always a limit. The boundary between civilization and barbarism is always subject to debate.
  10. Thanks, I try to be very logical. The source of my logic is the same as yours. I think those male teachers should grow up in the UK. But they seem rather sexually repressed, so I'm not surprised by their reaction. Victorianism still has a lingering effect on their culture. Here in Canada we don't have that kind of rule, except for private schools where uniforms are required. Those pants are very popular here, almost all the girls wear them. They also like those worn-out looking blue jeans with many rips in them.
  11. I know. But our country and the USA are very huge. Even, YUUUGE you might say. There is great diversity across these distances. If I went to Texas, them Good Ol' Boys would either run me out of town, or give me a gun! (Because you're not allowed to walk in there without one).
  12. There is a difference between "identifying" and "exposing". We already have technology in place for identifying a person, to prevent individuals from having multiple accounts. Yet it is not necessary to publicly list how they voted. On your second point, any so-called "dangerous" referendum questions should be properly vetted before they even go to a vote. There is no need to publicly expose people's voting choices to "hold them accountable", if the vote is a completely legal one. What exactly do they need to be held accountable for?
  13. No private vote? That might make people afraid to vote because of the potential repercussions. We can already see that today with some instances of voters who supported Donald Trump being vilified. People can lose their jobs or be beaten in the streets, if they vote for something considered controversial. Who defines absurd? The masses?
  14. Sorry, I can't agree. My view is just stick to the basics, as in yer readin, writin, and rithmetic. Stay focused on the things that matter and remove all distractions. That includes hot button social justice warrior issues, and hot pants.
  15. Some of what you wrote also sounds like whataboutism. It is fair to make comparisons though. These guys were pasted by the whole media, not just Fox, so I wouldn't get excited just because Slate said so. But in today's hyper-political environment, I pity anyone who is wrongly accused. The media is seen as the final judgement, and the media can be bought.
  16. We've moved beyond that dichotomy. If you want to use sexual identity to divide people into rooms, you better plan for a lot more rooms.
  17. I am certainly not offended, and not attacking. Freedom does not mean anyone can do anything they want. That is not freedom at all actually, it is anarchy and leads to chaos, the end of society. The very nature of civilization requires that there be some limit to freedom. In order for people to live together in peace, there has to be compromise. How far that compromise goes depends on the civilization's values. Some societies are more liberal, some are more conservative... that is obvious. The point is, there are degrees of freedom. Where it is harsh and controlling at one end of the spectrum, or lawless and out of control (chaos) at the other, you don't want to live in those areas. They are the result of extremism. You want to live somewhere in-between, in a society that has a "reasonable" level of freedom. The actual level considered reasonable is something that our society constantly argues about.
  18. Will Quebecers also ban the new 'Hijab Barbie'? http://money.cnn.com/2017/11/13/news/barbie-hijab-ibtihaj-muhammad/index.html
  19. I see the above points as MORE democratic than the alternative. Look at point 2. Do you consider it more fair if California had 126 Senators compared to the 2 in Wyoming? Then the two in Wyoming don't matter whatsoever. California runs the country, wins on every vote every time and with that kind of power cannot be stopped. Under that system there is no reason for Wyoming to hope to get anything out of the Fed.
  20. Good thing Freeland brought lots of extra suitcases. She admits talking about human rights is not on the table. Philippines human rights NOT focus of Trudeau visit: Freeland But hey, "Canada is back!"
  21. Why didn't I see that one on the 6 o'clock news? I only heard about how the "people of the Philippines have asked Trudeau to talk to Duterte about human rights."
  22. Of course we have laws for what people can wear, in public, at school or the work place. Every country has these things, but especially countries which are under Islamic rule. In those countries people are sometimes given harsh punishment if they don't dress correctly, flogging, caning or perhaps worse. We have laws against indecent exposure in Canada, but no such punishments. In fact physical punishment in the form of beatings is not permitted for any crime in Canada.
  23. Re: Sir John A statue, and memorialĀ for fallen soldiers statues vandalized in Montreal- We should not tear down the monuments of our past but rather have dialogue about them, so people understand the contributions that these people made, great contributions in some ways, and perhaps vile and disgusting in others. Understanding history with a balanced view should be part of our standard education, to helpĀ reduce extremism.

    Anti-racist group defaces statues

    ... lest we raise a generation of people who believe the way to deal with something you disagree with is to attack and condemn forever, without understanding.

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I'd like the idea of forcing them to work in Vet homes, changing bed pans, and shitty diapers. and on the side they could write essays on each one of the vets....

    2. OftenWrong


      Agreed Army Guy, we need to remember the contributions of our soldiers, those who put their very life on the line for us. It's one thing to dishonour Sir John A, but memorials for fallen soldiers? WTF?

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