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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Plus you're not European, in case you weren't quite sure. Brexit- God Save The Queen! Best move you Brit boys have made in a while. Preserve your dick.
  2. Because they help support a local economy. Second, if the market supports the price for something including applicable tariffs before there is free trade, it will surely support the same price for that commodity without tariffs. In the long run all that happens is the money moves from tariffs in the pockets of government (where at least in theory it feeds back into society) into the pockets of private business owners (where it does not).
  3. NDP may as well slit their own throats now, politically speaking...
  4. It's possible. But given the popularity of it in Quebec, it will be another reason for Quebecers to want to leave the Fed. I'll wager our limp dicked leadership will be afraid of this and back of. Trudeau- 'Not up to the federal government' to challenge Quebec's religious neutrality law: Trudeau Interesting highlights- "It's not up to the federal government to challenge this, but we will certainly be looking at how this will unfold with full respect for the National Assembly," Trudeau said in French. The Liberals, who hold a majority in Quebec's National Assembly, voted in favour of the bill, while all the other parties voted against. The two main opposition parties, the Parti Québécois and Coalition Avenir Québec, have argued the legislation doesn't go far enough, while civil rights advocates and Muslim groups argue it discriminates against religious minorities.
  5. I like that method because it is not highly punitive, in that they have to pay a fine but also sends a message to discourage its use (Burka). What we finally want is for people to willingly give up those aspects of their culture which we in Canada consider to be misogyny. Not by force, though there needs to be at least some "teeth" so they get it.
  6. Sure you can. It's called "Report... ignore... and move on." Don't let things get under your skin, you're doing just fine.
  7. You didn't need to say it that way and I think all reasonable posters should be welcome to give their opinions here. Then the dialogue can include WHY they think so. As a former forum facilitator you should know better than this.
  8. Agreed. I support the idea only if it applies equally to all religious symbols on display in public. That's not to say I support banning religion of course, the right to practice must be protected but I would be ok with removing public displays. There needs to be more clarity.
  9. What you see is democracy in action. So like it or not, this is the will of the people and they have the right to pass such laws. Majority of Quebecers want ban on religious symbols: poll February 22, 2017 63 per of respondents agree with the old Bouchard-Taylor formula on religious symbols Also, some may recall that Quebec legislature proposed laws in 2013 to disallow the wearing of religious symbols in the workplace, applicable to public service workers. The law was not passed before the provincial election in 2014 and the Liberals were opposed to the legislation, although Liberals promised to put forward a different set of measures on the "reasonable accommodation issue." So this issue has been part of the political dialogue in Quebec for several years now.
  10. It's a link to my earlier post in which I answered the question you asked. Seems you have to click on the part that says "Monday at 11:06 pm"
  11. Financial corruption, big spending, graft are all the hallmarks of a Liberal government, fella.
  12. Also known as a "Neo- Liberal". I had you pegged as a guy who would have voted for him... assuming you do actually vote. I know a few bitter old-timers who refuse to vote for anyone, on principle, and you could possibly be one of those. Of course, the NDP option would also suit you well. Are we... communism-lite?
  13. Yes it is, and now that bush_cheney has explained it to you (once again), hopefully you might be able to understand it too.
  14. Imagine Stephen Harper as PM, wearing a giant cross on a chain around his neck.
  15. I didn't say anything about agreeing or disagreeing. My posts over the past several days have highlighted the fact that things are being done quietly while we blather on about the colour of someone's hair, etc. Whether done by executive order or not, they're being done. I didn't say about the method of passing these changes. It's my understanding that president Obama used EO's in a likewise manner. Re taxes, they (Trump and republicans) developed the plans and are about to vote them in. The ground work is done, and no reason to expect they will not pass. It's not as controversial or difficult a health care. Note I didn't say these changes are good or bad changes, quite simply I don't know about the details. I provided the info without judgement. My point is not about the info itself. Think about what Chomsky is saying in those links.
  16. Not offended. Puzzled perhaps... disappointed a little, yes. Alienated from all of you, yes.
  17. It's not like I read up all day every day on what Donald Trump does, but certain things catch my eye. The question is what are they actually doing, aside from tabloid nonsense. Anyone can google "Trump Deregulation". http://www.conservapedia.com/Donald_Trump_achievements:_Deregulation_and_government_size https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/29/trump-to-pivot-to-deregulation.html https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-regulation/white-house-deregulation-push-clears-out-hundreds-of-proposed-rules-idUSKBN1A51O1 Chomsky says Trump’s scandals are only a distraction to hide what's going on behind the scenes Google "Trump Tax Reforms 2017" The new Republican tax plan, explained http://www.investopedia.com/news/trumps-tax-reform-what-can-be-done/
  18. So if you read what I said yesterday that got you all excited, I include the fact that partisans will not be swayed, on either side. So if you bring up the point like you did just now that the right is just as much in that pathetic game of talking about nonsense, I cannot disagree. Perhaps this agreement that, people are equally stupid everywhere gives you pleasing a sensation of fairness and equality. Good for you, fella. So what. In context of this discussion, it's a bigger problem for liberals when the current administration, right wing conservatives, are benefactors of that distraction. They don't want you to know what they're doing, and the fact people are having fits and seizures about Trump's clearly baited tweets if just fine by them. Trust that you will not be offended by the above. And no, I don't watch Fox News. I used to watch CTV news, but they keep playing SNL skits in their program which I don't consider appropriate for news. I switched to CBC but the same thing is now happening. Why do I even mention this? Good question. Because it confirms what I said is also part of the problem - news media driven by the need for making profit transforms into info-tainment. The death of unbiased, responsible journalism. It's all a rich tapestry though, hey? Kisses...
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