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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Far-Right rally in Poland draws 60,000 -



    Marchers chanted religious slogans such as "God, honour, country" and some called out racist chants including "Pure Poland, white Poland".

    An "anti-fascist" counter-protest attracted about 2,000 people.

    Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak called the event a "beautiful sight".

    Andy Eddles, a British language teacher who has been living in Poland for 27 years, said he was "shocked that they're allowed to demonstrate on this day. It's 50,000 to 100,000 mostly football hooligans hijacking patriotism".

    Pawel, 21, from the southern city of Rzeszow told AFP it was "important because religion is important in our country and we don't want Islamisation, of Europe or especially Poland".


    It's the beginning of a new rise of extremism, in reaction to other forms of extremism. :unsure:

    1. OftenWrong


      I know. What concerns me is how popular this is getting in some places. People are not thinking clearly. The rise of extremism began with a couple of planes hitting the WTC, and we have reacted in kind. Extremists are affecting us, by making us react emotionally. Culturally, we are ripe for it.

      This seems to be gaining ground in Europe faster than it is here, which makes sense given their past antisemitic history. Problems are appearing in pockets throughout central Europe. Here's a clip from Italy-


      Just one guy, but the attitude shines through.

  2. New laser weapons technology could render old technology, drones and missiles, obsolete-
  3. Actually he, among others, demonstrates that extremism in all its forms has now gone mainstream. You can trim the edges but there's no centre.
  4. Never mind him, he seems to want to shut down the discussion here.
  5. Infotainment has been around for a while and has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades. In my experience it really started with the Gulf War 1, which was the first to broadcast a war live on TV. Media sales went through the roof, as did subscriptions for cable TV service. Most people are hungry for information but at the end of the day, come home tired from a long days work, thinking on the job, you don't have a lot of mental energy left for doing critical analysis, let alone creativity. Therefore such small, tasty morsels of information coupled with a sense of drama become an attractive snack. We don't want to think about the details, just snacks please. It actually points to a problem- where the integrity of msm is questionable, people turn to other, even less reputable outlets.
  6. I think the role of the media is understated these days. Long ago in the past the media at least attempted to report facts without bias. Today the main focus is profit driven, and they (media outlets) have whipped each other up into a "frenzy" through competition for viewership, competition seen as "healthy" in the capitalist model here possibly infringes on people's rights. It can even be dangerous... you get accused of something like sexual harassment in the media, you can expect some anonymous threatening phone calls. Secondly, the right to a fair trial is compromised. So while it's important that people feel safe identify real offenders, it's important too to recognise there's plenty of opportunity for abuse in this environment.
  7. It used to be an event for amateur athletes but now there's way too much money involved. Olympics has become so elitist, it's practically a rich man's venue, both for spectators and athletes. We got a kid in our town who's into figure skating, and his Mom tells me it costs upwards of $100k a year to keep him involved at the competitive level necessary to qualify.
  8. Hello TPP... Hello more wealth for the 1%.

  9. Muslim world is rife with sectarian violence, fighting among different types of Muslims, as well as rampant terrorism. This is how these people solve their social problems.
  10. Yup, that's the ultimate meaning of life... to have fun.
  11. Someone close to me? Nonsense... I am not in Texas.I am in another country, and we have no cowboys here, except at midnight.
  12. Ok, but I've watched people I know get completely transformed by it. They went from welfare junkie with no future to a fit, intelligent young man with a renewed purpose in life. I could tell, he knew what he was getting in to.
  13. Yes and since there are no reports of anyone shouting "Allahu Akbhar", let alone "Praise Jesus" while doing the killing, it is best to wait and see how the investigation unfolds before reacting emotionally. So the question is not how many are being killed each day, but what they are being killed in the name of...
  14. Trudeau fundraiser linked to tax scheme.


    1. hot enough

      hot enough

      Incredible amount of speculation involved in your single sentence, doncha think? 

    2. OftenWrong


      It's a good way to communicate... called Psychologico 


  15. Nice qualification, "most". The USA is under threat of attack by an organized terror group. They have the right to step up their defences, which in this case must include more screening. "Extreme Vetting" is the buzz word tossed around in the media. What is Extreme Vetting, and who does it apply to? Regarding selection of so-called "banned" countries, if you had bothered to really look into it, actually read the "letter of the law" you would understand why it was those countries and not the others. Secondly, and before we leave this point which is off-topic, can we now agree it was not a Muslim ban?
  16. lmao. I think it shows that these events are starting to become normalized. I also heard that there are school shootings and multiple/ mass killings in America almost every day, but the majority of them are never reported. Perhaps Donald Trump would like them to be reported now.
  17. It has been revealed that she rigged her nomination though. Not just because of what Donna Brazile said. If I recall we heard about this during the campaign, that Saunders had be unfairly swept aside, Clintons bought their way to the nomination. And now we have Senator Warren (D) admitting in one word, yes, that Clinton's nomination was rigged. I don't know what more evidence you people need to see there is a serious problem here.
  18. Nonsense. Wherever the Soviets spread their influence, they brought atheism. They tried to do the same thing in Afghanistan. I suppose you think that these guys spontaneously formed a political movement heavy on socialism, and call themselves Kurdistan Workers Party were not heavily influenced by the communists.
  19. Yes, as president Trump recently said. "They knew what they were signing up for."
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