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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. I think you can say it. Well today we also have anti-white nationalists. Probably few in number but they always get the media spotlight.
  2. Wait until the US mid-terms? That's a whole year from now. Does this mean we've moved on from the Russian collusion thing? How about that obstruction of justice charge?
  3. I think you are half right, and half wrong, same as me. If I recall correctly, Gulf War II (Iraq) did not receive UN sanction. That is why Chretien chose not to commit Canadian troops (although there was to my understanding some very limited Canadian involvement). Afghan war was UN approved, placing specific legal obligations upon Canada.
  4. Jupiter transit seen from Earth is not possible. Just checking on you fella. You passed
  5. Ah, I see. I thought maybe you had it mixed up with transits of planet Mercury, which occur more frequently. There's a transit of Jupiter coming up in 2020, looking forward to seeing and photographing that one if I can!
  6. As an amateur astronomer I find this comment puzzling. How many have you seen? "Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena. They occur in a pattern that generally repeats every 243 years, with pairs of transits eight years apart separated by long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years." I photographed the transit of 2012, but not the previous transit of 2004. Prior to that you have a transit in 1883, and the next one is 2117. Won't be seeing that one either. I am an avid Venus observer and photographer, and consider myself lucky to have seen a transit in my lifetime.
  7. Exactly... except the part about interning those who advocate internment. The poll question was not particularly clear. How many attacks, how were they carried out and by whom. I suppose at some point if a certain line gets crossed, some sort of action needs to be taken. But mass internment is unreasonable, rather I would expect the government to enact martial law and curfews for all.
  8. Who the hell says that around here? You?
  9. I know we've done some things over there that might not be considered fair by everyone else, like when we participate in a UN sanctioned mission which we are legally obliged to do. Canada is a small player in a big game. Those obligations come from commitments we've made with others, UN, USA, UK, EU. Canada's ability to affect policy decisions on that level is quite limited. Even more limited is the ability of the Canadian voter to make any difference. I only get to vote for the MP in my riding, based on a few non-binding promises they made and the list of options to choose from is pretty short. Asking a person like me to do anything affirmative about a problem in Iraq is a complete waste of time. That's why, insisting that I should accept responsibility is ludicrous.
  10. Alright now fella, don't get all excited it's too early in the morning for that. You talked about me "lowering myself" yet it was you who started this latest outrage, with your comment that you support terrorism. Way I see it, you vehemently oppose dictators on the world stage, but don't seem to mind if ordinary folks get their heads cut off by Jihadis, because "we" deserve it. Common folk have little/ no say in these matters, if Cabinet approves a military venture. Sure they can vote them out next time, they can vote and vote and vote but they cannot vote for someone who's not a dictator. If you truly opposed dictatorship as you say, you would stop voting.
  11. Not necessarily a racist remark. Pocahantas has long been a subject of art, literature and film in America. She is a native princess.
  12. Incorrect on all 3 points. - I suggest you cannot "not" support dictators, because non-dictators are nowhere to be found. - Peace requires all parties to agree and to cooperate, for it to work. War does not. Peace is noticeably absent in the book of history. - Parents punishing kids is a poor analogy, where parents represent a symbol of fairness and virtue. Who is the parent on the world stage? Which superpower is the parent, or which country. A better analogy is a playground where the kids are all bad, and no parents to be found. One kid's a bully who will beat the shit out of ya, the other's a criminal who'll knife you when no one's looking. So pick your poison. Your confusion seems clear on this... you have idealized our adversaries as though they are more peaceful than us, as though they are purely victims of the west. You ignore the evil things that they do to one another, and also the good works that are done by western civilization. Perhaps you prefer that the middle east be ruled by fanatics like Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the mastermind of Sept. 11 who inspired many Jihadis such as yourself to pray for planes to hit our buildings.
  13. I think what you and GostHacked are condoning would bring utter mayhem upon all people everywhere, hence it is a totally useless suggestion. My view is that all humans are more or less the same in their capacity for violence, as demonstrated by history. Your suggestion that we deserve more violence from our "enemies", as though it would transform the world into a better place, is disingenuous and naive.
  14. Scribblet, I think in this case it makes sense. We need to encourage people to have families, increase domestic birth rate and making it more affordable is one way to do that.
  15. There is also a tendency among some groups to idealize natives and minorities, as though they are perfected human beings who are purely victims of the evil "whites". A more detailed read of history reveals there never was a Noble Savage. However, I don't want to appear insensitive or one-sided. My heart goes out to the poorest ones at the very bottom of the food chain. They are as much a victim of exploitation by their own leaders today, the Chiefs, as they are by colonialism years ago.
  16. Who the hell is Mr. Canada?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngusThermopyle


      This guy, he's Mr. Canada. At least he is this year.

      Mr Canada.jpg

    3. OftenWrong


      That's what I thought. In fact I suspect severalĀ posters hereĀ are the same one person.

  17. Trump is a wrecking ball to offend your tastes, whatever you thought or preferred a president to be. Yet there are many who still give him total support, even more so because of things like this. That is the dichotomy you/ we need to overcome.
  18. They might know "what was up" sexually, but they don't have the ability to make responsible judgements.
  19. I read the link, that's what I was already commenting on. Thanks Argus for posting relevant info.
  20. The question was raised here about people running away from deportation in the US, like the Haitians for example, are they eligible for claiming refugee status.
  21. Yes security is all fine and well but do they "qualify as refugees", as mentioned?
  22. There are other ways to help people besides importing them to Canada. They can also be helped by providing appropriate aid in their homeland. Obviously if that's not possible they have a case to become a refugee, but otherwise we should be selective in allowing too many people in as refugees who don't properly qualify. That is misguided if not blatant abuse of the system, and it's not in the interests of Canada.
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