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  1. I'll eventually get to the Trudeau government with a point - but some background first. Saudi Arabia is a very complex case - but over the past year, with the new Crown Prince - Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) at the helm - the Kingdom has been making clear signs and policies that this new leader is indeed trying to move Saudi Arabia to a more moderate Islam. Complex - because changing history and culture in a Wahibi dominated country is like trying to turn around the Queen Mary. And remember - the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran is a Saudi enemy. Iran's radical theocracy is a sponsor of terrorism - hence Saudi's involvement in Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Yemen. Diplomacy is tricky because one has to put water in their wine to accept the small steps (big ones for the Kingdom) that are being made by MBS. One could fill up our board with past criticisms of Saudi Arabia - but we should be cautiously hopeful that MBS will continue with reforms - slow though they may be. Power and Politics had a couple of interesting commentators who indicated that the $15 billion Lav deal was not really that important to the Kingdom. It was meant to be the start of a trading relationship that the Saudis were willing to build with Canada. Because of some negative press on the Lavs, the Liberals dropped much of the building of that relationship and put the Saudis on the back burner. The Saudis felt betrayed and Freeland's tweet was the last straw. The Trudeau government has ruined just about every relationship they have been asked to manage - most of the TPP partners but especially Japan, India of course, Belgium, China - and now Saudi Arabia. They have little or no Foreign Affairs strategies and quite frankly, our allies have shown little interest in dialogueing with our shallow Prime Minister. That's probably why allies have not shown any support for Canada's virtuous ramblings. The relationship looks unsalvageable - but a silver lining might be that it's a good opportunity to re-engage on the Canada East Pipeline Link: https://www.timesofisrael.com/saudi-arabia-a-year-of-change-with-a-new-crown-prince/
    4 points
  2. Vermin that won't be pushed around by virtue signalers with an obvious agenda.
    3 points
  3. Liberals were about to wrap up a multi-billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia, which simply would not look good if it were questioned by the party's ideologically bent supporters. That tweet was not intended to accomplish anything towards human rights, for what could be expected from a mere tweet? Sending it out was a feel-good statement for their supporters. That way when it comes out that "the Trudeau government finalized a huge arms deal with the Saudi, who want to use it for...", the response could be "Yeah, but at least we told them off on their deplorable human rights record. Way to go, Trudeau!" They never guessed how it would totally blow up in their faces. They probably should have known better, given the disastrous reaction from Donald Trump when Trudeau sent his little wisecrack tweet. Hoping that either Trump wouldn't notice or not care. I bet Trump is having a good laugh right now. Didn't offer his help, either. I see. In fact I'll bet he doesn't mind this happening whatsoever. Meanwhile Liberal opinion panels on Canadian media are stammering, unable to offer any words of comfort to those, in whom the madness of Liberal party dichotomy slowly grows. Other than, "Oh well, maybe it IS a better idea to nationalize." How pathetic.
    3 points
  4. Well.....for every action there's a consequence. Whether the Saudis over-reacted or not, is not the point. There wouldn't be something to react like this about if Freeland had said things diplomatically. Why do we even spend money having an ambassador if everyone can just go about tweeting what they want to say?
    2 points
  5. Well, look at the bright side...at least Freeland didn't kill an old lady in Maryland with her SUV like Canada's GG. That would have really pissed off the Saudis !
    2 points
  6. But that wouldn't be right! You'd be interfering with freedom of religion by even questioning why Saudi money is funding religious organizations in Canada!
    2 points
  7. A normal civilized country wouldn't make demands on a country via tweeter. Instead, they'd use their ambassador in Saudi Arabia to do the diplomatic thing. What is the recourse for Saudi Arabia when they make that very public rebuke and demand? Capitulate?
    2 points
  8. Let's REALLY virtue signal by sending EVERY Saudi funded mosque a-packing. What? Not on the dance card??
    2 points
  9. It is not an important human rights issue...it is political grandstanding by Trudeau and Freeland that has blown back into their faces.
    2 points
  10. Deliberate actions have deliberate consequences....Freeland and her flunkies put Canada's tits in this wringer and now they have to figure a way out. I am confident that Canada is seeking back channel negotiations to try and fix another Trudeau/Freeland mistake.
    2 points
  11. That isn't going to happen. There is no way the Liberals, given their virtue signalling and sanctimonious puffery about gender equaltity, could possibly apologize for protesting against the unwarranted arrest of female rights advocates. And the Saudis are vermin anyway, and certainly deserve no apology.
    2 points
  12. Why yes, yes I will criticize them. If they knew anything at all about the Kingdom they'd know that things are done very privately in that country. Deals and arrangements are made behind closed doors, that's how it is and always has been. If you don't play by those rules then they don't let you play at all. This is something you'd expect the current government to know and understand. In fact the Saudi's have been taking steps, small, but steps nonetheless towards a society that is more free. Perhaps you may not think it's enough, they don't care. Tact and diplomacy are the only things that matter when dealing with them. Once again the Trudeau Liberals have screwed up royally. I can't think of anything they haven't screwed up actually.
    2 points
  13. Could be that the worst part of what the Trudeau gang has brought upon Canada is the eventual departure of 18,000 Saudi university students - they will be transferred to the US, Australia and others. Not only does it take significant funding from universities - but it wastes an opportunity to indoctrinate Saudi youth to Canadian democracy - and take that back home. That should be all part of the longer term plan to help the Kingdom turn the ship around.
    2 points
  14. Pope Francis has called for end to capital punishment. What an incredible statement coming from the Catholic Church. The Pope has indicated: "Pope Francis says nothing can justify the use of the death penalty, and there is no “right” way to humanely kill another person." He fully rejects the death sentence for prisoners and hopes to abolish the death penalty around the world. In Canada, the last people executed was in 1962. What does the Pope's opinion mean to the Catholic Politicians? What does it mean to Christian followers around the world? I know that we have a number of Christian followers on this forum. What do they think? Personally, I think it 's about time.
    1 point
  15. Yet the West does not exactly appear to be "standing together" on this, do they. Perhaps their values are on a different paradigm. As in, there is no way that publicly embarrassing the Saudi's will accomplish anything useful. Perhaps they know something that inexperienced, naive Liberals do not know. IE when it's time to talk, and when to STFU. No reason to believe anyone's going to come to Canada's rescue, by putting their own foot in it.
    1 point
  16. Yep.....Freeland tried to go rogue like Trump... but it blew up right in her face.
    1 point
  17. And you bet, it isn't just Saudi Arabia. Money talks.
    1 point
  18. Be that as it may, it is delightful to see Trudeau and Freeland have their smug and sanctimonious brand of "virtue signaling" blow up in their faces. Economics trumps Virtue.
    1 point
  19. Of course the U.S. won't take a principled stand on this when a reported $300 billion in military sales is on the line. Money Trumps principles all the time. And principles are really for the little people. Canada is no better, though. Will Canada take economic action against the Saudis or fail to fulfill the contract for armored vehicles? Don't bet on it unless the Saudis pull the plug.
    1 point
  20. Freeland, like Trudeau and many of the rest in the federal cabinet, is a naive ideologue who appears to believe that moralizing is a political parlor game of sorts. I tend to agree with the article in Macleans, 'It's time for Canada to take the next step against Saudi Arabia', which holds that if this government wants to be taken seriously on human rights it should stop nattering about abuses and take concrete action, including ceasing military sales to the Saudi regime. The article makes a good point about the extent to which other Western countries, including Trump's U.S., are compromised by having put profit ahead of principles for so long where the Saudi regime is concerned. I suspect Freeland believed her antics would have little negative impact while her her party could burnish its own windbag moralist credentials in the lead up to the next election. She's probably somewhat dumbfounded by the harsh response. The whole international human rights regime is really a big crock as the countries that generally conform with UN principles often take the brunt of international criticism while the abusers concoct their own alternative world views and usually avoid serious scrutiny. Maybe it's time to ditch the whole morass. In the meantime, if Trudeau's government really means what it says it does, it should demonstrate some courage and give a large middle finger to the Saudi regime and its enablers among both Arab and Western countries. I suspect it doesn't have the guts to do so. There's money on the line after all and we're not morally superior to anybody else, as it turns out. https://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/its-time-for-canada-to-take-the-next-step-against-saudi-arabia/
    1 point
  21. Eh, what's wrong with you? Can't you read? There. I used 72 pt.....and that doesn't mean I'm losing! I've to do that when I'm dealing with rationales like yours. Gee, all you God-less anti-Trumps are all peas in the same pod. I'll even throw in a smiley!
    1 point
  22. Good point! That's why they don't have any high ground with their finger wagging and preaching. To say that it took them by surprise the way KSA reacted is an understatement. Boy, their heads must still be spinning. I bet Trudeau is in shock - not a peep from him.
    1 point
  23. The Liberals were obviously NOT expecting such a visceral reaction to their pandering for #LookingTough votes back in Canada. All the Saudi students in my town are packing their bags and leaving. Most seem very upset but resigned. The Saudi funded mosque remains open for business.
    1 point
  24. It's no reflection upon you. My point is that Canada allows the same hatred that detains activists in KSA to be preached right here in Canada...and I doubt JT plans on removing them.
    1 point
  25. Looks like Freeland's tweet debacle has knocked Trump from the top of Canadian headlines.....good job Chrystia ! Did she learn to do this at Harvard ?
    1 point
  26. Trudeau and Freeland are getting plenty of criticism for this and many other screw ups regardless of what I think....from other Canadians ! Canada is not in the right when it has a Saudi national locked up in Laval and separating his family...that's only bad when Trump does it. Wanna stand up to extremism ? Close the U.S. border and stop all trade with the evil 'muricans. Be brave !!!
    1 point
  27. Oh please...the Liberals kiss so much Islamic rear-end that they're getting a bad rash.
    1 point
  28. I really don't care if Islamic Schisms lead to centuries of bloody war. When it starts affecting Canada and the US...then I care. But let's not pretend these LAVs were envisioned to be clearing snow from Saudi runways or something else they weren't designed for.
    1 point
  29. Then why haven't the Saudi defence contracts been canceled by the Trudeau government ? This was an issue before Freeland screwed up on Twitter.
    1 point
  30. You are new here and perhaps do not understand how the game is played. My job is to be the "ugly American" that some very smug Canadians hate while forcing them to confront Canada's own history and complicity with American hegemony. It is not personal at all...obviously many Canadians get along with the USA just fine, to the point of wintering there each year and emigrating for good. Your fears are your own...please do not project them on to me or others. I have been dealing with the pointy end of Soviets/Russians since 1975 and the height of the Cold War. NAFTA is the topic....not Russians....who did not take away millions of American jobs.
    1 point
  31. Great, so will Trudeau cancel the $15 billion LAV contract with the Saudis ? Stop importing Saudi oil ? Stop exporting ag products to the KSA ? Principles vs. money indeed.
    1 point
  32. I hope there’s no compromise. The British have humiliated themselves on numerous occasions by dealing with KSA so let’s not be cowards like they are. The family in question in here have substantial Canadian links and are thus different from many other similar situations around the world. It’s always an eye-opener to see how lightly many people hold principles when money is at stake.
    1 point
  33. An Allie? Against the terrorism they themselves spawn?
    1 point
  34. It wasn't just the tweet. That was the final straw. Gerald Butts/Trudeau's sanctimonious, virtuous ramblings have been embarrassing Canada on the world stage for some time. That's why Canada's allies have not stepped up with any support. We made our own bed - and now we have to sleep in it. It doesn't help that our shallow Prime Minister is unable to develop any personal relationships with Western leaders. So no - Canada is alone on this one - thanks to a completely incompetent, moralistic, naive, arrogant federal government. Politically biased? Not so much. Disgusted with how this government represents Canada? Absolutely! Ashamed and embarrassed of our "leader". That too. If Marc Garneau had been chosen leader, he would not have had Gerald Butts pulling the strings - and we would see a completely different approach to governing.
    1 point
  35. Notice the difference in tone with China! https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/chrystia-freeland-decries-plight-of-canadians-jailed-in-china/article37170212/ In other words, let's not really go there - let's not make a big deal out of it. See? You lose your high-ground and credibility when you say Canadian "values" are for sale! That's not only hypocritical. That's despicable. Of course, ther could be another factor at play here: KSA is a close friend of Trump.
    1 point
  36. OH i see, now its all about us as oppose to benefit only america. This is why you should engage more with those who have differing opinion, if nothing else it keeps us honest and more informed about one another's view. As opposed to calling for me to be ban as some have suggested on this forum or as BC has dug out about the Trudeau administration labeling of dissenters on nafta.
    1 point
  37. No, I am not being "manipulated". I don't get ads, pop up or otherwise on this site (hosted in the USA). Be smarter than your web browser. I want the USA to leave NAFTA and I don't need Russians to convince me.
    1 point
  38. These are mostly bullshit comments from U.S. Trump supporters. Smarten up. Saudi Arabia imprisons and mistreats political activists. Canada was speaking up for Canadian nationals. Stop turning this into a left versus right thing. You should be standing with Canada the way Canada stood with you after 911. The LAV deal was questioned because of how the Saudis were purported to plan to use this equipment. What kind of country says, “That’s it, come home, you’re no longer allowed to study in a country that raised human rights concerns.” Remember those, Trump supporters? You keep talking about the Trudeau “feminist agenda”, but I’m starting to wonder if there’s some real misogyny in your remarks, because you don’t respect the rights that Freeland was trying to defend. There was nothing unusual about those tweets, but after Trump’s major anti-Iran swing (mostly a partisan anti-Obama move), now the Saudis figure the U.S. has given them a green like to behave like tyrants. It’s so obvious.
    1 point
  39. Detroit's funding is only part of the issue, the other part is that Canada funded the bridge not from some outright altruism they funded it because more Canadians used that bridge to enter the US and also because it allows us citizen to spend money in Canada.
    1 point
  40. Saudi wankers don't like being called out by a woman. Something they have in common with Trump and Trumpsters.
    1 point
  41. It was a comment on the mistreatment of peaceful protesters in a foreign country. There's no hope for reform in KSA if it can't even tolerate that. And you're really going to criticize Canadian politicians for using Twitter indiscreetly?
    1 point
  42. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/potlotek-chief-tired-of-waiting-for-government-to-fix-water-woes-irish-company-brewal-1.4293042 The Irish company that went to Potlek at their own expense demonstrated very simple, inexpensive technology and equipment that could reduce the iron and manganese to well within federal drinking water standards was shuffled aside. I assume that the bottom line is that they weren't using the "appropriate" engineering and consulting companies (i.e. not those who are...let's just say FRIENDLY....to the federal bureaucrats). Chief Marshall is probably going to go it on his own with the Irish guy(s). This is typical of reserves all across the country - and also true of a lot of small communities. While a reserve may SHOW 2 or 3 thousand members on treaty day, reality is that most of them do not actually live on reserve. Most are actually very small communities in very remote places (as with many dying Western farm towns) and the cost of full scale water treatment is way out of proportion to what we see in big cities. Problem is: few engineering companies know how to scale down the facilities - and one of the big roadblocks is they don't have particulate media filter beds that can backwash properly (which the Irish company DOES). We have encountered similar stories of completely ridiculous and seemingly incompetent behaviour by the feds in foreign locations. It's all about the providers being "on the bandwagon" that seems to be steered by government employees that, well, you know - just seem to be living a lot better lifestyle than their pay stubs suggest is possible. The Libs are masters at the scams of public money, but the Trudeau #2 bunch have literally no idea of the politics of the countries outside of Canada, nor for that matter, the politics and realities INSIDE of Canada. Just their own twisted politically correct, mindless agenda.
    1 point
  43. Only BC2004 would take the side of a despotic regime with no respect for human rights over an democratic ally that is sticking up for them. CDS so bad it is quite pathetic. Sad.
    1 point
  44. Trudeau is getting desperate on NAFTA...now trying to brand any Canadian actions not pre-approved as "disloyal"....independent minded folk should just tell Trudeau to kiss their asses.
    1 point
  45. South Africa is simply reverting to being the same kind of country that is typical of almost ALL of sub-Saharan Africa. Tribalism, corruption and a flagrant disregard for property, life and liberty. Apartheid was one of the best things to ever happen to that place. The leftover whites are those whose families have been there for many generations and can't "go back" anywhere. They can seldom sell their land, and now may not be able to sell ANYTHING at all! https://qz.com/africa/1218309/south-africa-to-take-land-without-compensation-as-zimbabwe-backtracks-on-seizing-white-farms/ When the first whites got to Africa, they did not find any advanced culture with science, libraries, universities, representative government - just a bunch of savages killing each other off and taking each other's property. I am not being racist, I am being realist.
    1 point
  46. The scumbags then post a picture of an aircraft headed for the CN Tower. All but one of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis, so no surprise. Some of Trump’s and America’s best buddies.
    1 point
  47. Lauren Southern has been paying some attention to the plight of these farmers. You'd figure Canada would have been first on the list to offer new homes to these folks. Wrong colour? I guess...
    1 point
  48. Used to love this show as a kid...
    1 point
  49. Apparently there was not enough "shock and anger" before to motivate "welfare queens" toward gainful employment. They were happy to just stay in the free ride plan for three years.
    1 point
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