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  1. Feel the burn....Canada likes to dish it out but hates the blowback in its smug face. Freeland stepped in it big time.
    2 points
  2. The scumbags then post a picture of an aircraft headed for the CN Tower. All but one of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis, so no surprise. Some of Trump’s and America’s best buddies.
    2 points
  3. I'll eventually get to the Trudeau government with a point - but some background first. Saudi Arabia is a very complex case - but over the past year, with the new Crown Prince - Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) at the helm - the Kingdom has been making clear signs and policies that this new leader is indeed trying to move Saudi Arabia to a more moderate Islam. Complex - because changing history and culture in a Wahibi dominated country is like trying to turn around the Queen Mary. And remember - the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran is a Saudi enemy. Iran's radical theocracy is a sponsor of terrorism - hence Saudi's involvement in Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Yemen. Diplomacy is tricky because one has to put water in their wine to accept the small steps (big ones for the Kingdom) that are being made by MBS. One could fill up our board with past criticisms of Saudi Arabia - but we should be cautiously hopeful that MBS will continue with reforms - slow though they may be. Power and Politics had a couple of interesting commentators who indicated that the $15 billion Lav deal was not really that important to the Kingdom. It was meant to be the start of a trading relationship that the Saudis were willing to build with Canada. Because of some negative press on the Lavs, the Liberals dropped much of the building of that relationship and put the Saudis on the back burner. The Saudis felt betrayed and Freeland's tweet was the last straw. The Trudeau government has ruined just about every relationship they have been asked to manage - most of the TPP partners but especially Japan, India of course, Belgium, China - and now Saudi Arabia. They have little or no Foreign Affairs strategies and quite frankly, our allies have shown little interest in dialogueing with our shallow Prime Minister. That's probably why allies have not shown any support for Canada's virtuous ramblings. The relationship looks unsalvageable - but a silver lining might be that it's a good opportunity to re-engage on the Canada East Pipeline Link: https://www.timesofisrael.com/saudi-arabia-a-year-of-change-with-a-new-crown-prince/
    1 point
  4. Well our banks are in much better shape and our federal debt is lower (proportionally). I do worry about subnational debt though. It all requires cleaning house. Just don't complain if the bubble bursts in the U.S., which some very respected economists predict. At that point there won't be a lot of reserve to draw from. I guess you could try printing more money, selling more debt, but China might have a different game plan for U.S. debt after the trade war.
    1 point
  5. The thing is we don't send an ambassador home because their govt highlighted our asbestos problem or the deplorable conditions on our reserves. KSA will never reform if it can't accept mild criticism from abroad.
    1 point
  6. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/potlotek-chief-tired-of-waiting-for-government-to-fix-water-woes-irish-company-brewal-1.4293042 The Irish company that went to Potlek at their own expense demonstrated very simple, inexpensive technology and equipment that could reduce the iron and manganese to well within federal drinking water standards was shuffled aside. I assume that the bottom line is that they weren't using the "appropriate" engineering and consulting companies (i.e. not those who are...let's just say FRIENDLY....to the federal bureaucrats). Chief Marshall is probably going to go it on his own with the Irish guy(s). This is typical of reserves all across the country - and also true of a lot of small communities. While a reserve may SHOW 2 or 3 thousand members on treaty day, reality is that most of them do not actually live on reserve. Most are actually very small communities in very remote places (as with many dying Western farm towns) and the cost of full scale water treatment is way out of proportion to what we see in big cities. Problem is: few engineering companies know how to scale down the facilities - and one of the big roadblocks is they don't have particulate media filter beds that can backwash properly (which the Irish company DOES). We have encountered similar stories of completely ridiculous and seemingly incompetent behaviour by the feds in foreign locations. It's all about the providers being "on the bandwagon" that seems to be steered by government employees that, well, you know - just seem to be living a lot better lifestyle than their pay stubs suggest is possible. The Libs are masters at the scams of public money, but the Trudeau #2 bunch have literally no idea of the politics of the countries outside of Canada, nor for that matter, the politics and realities INSIDE of Canada. Just their own twisted politically correct, mindless agenda.
    1 point
  7. I don't really want to bring religion into this but fundamental Islam is just something we in the Judaeo-christian west are not compatible with. We don't believe in treating women as property and that slavery of other religion was okay. Those that believe in fundamental Islam didn't reach their 7th century way of thinking logically so we don't need to reason with them. Fundamental Islam is just one of the many shitty religion/cultures around the world, the sooner lefties admit to the fact that we are not simply going to reconcile with those kind of beliefs the better. We in the US military proudly deliver them to god to sort out.
    1 point
  8. If anything, I would argue that eliminating the murderous mullah regime occupying Iran will allow for a transition and reverse the trends of “brain drain” letting the highly qualified leave the country. That kurdish guy born in Iran that won the highest price in mathematics didn’t have much opportunity inside Iran. Yet he achieved great things moving abroad.... Who knows....Maybe a more populist government in Iran will help other Iranian immigrants to move back to their home country and rebuild the economy.
    1 point
  9. Yes, this is one of the main reasons progressives have been blaming so much terrorism on western interference in the first place. This sort of revisionist nonsense reminds me of why I predicted the day will come when conservatives will blame the left for preventing anyone from doing anything about climate change. And where how and why on Earth did these many tens of billions, not to mention a mountain of weapons end up in the hands of these manics in the first place? Where's my fucking shovel?
    1 point
  10. Only BC2004 would take the side of a despotic regime with no respect for human rights over an democratic ally that is sticking up for them. CDS so bad it is quite pathetic. Sad.
    1 point
  11. So are you saying that because of past contribution you are entitled to no longer pay for the collective defense, allowing America to shoulder the greatest burden and complain when we say no more? That's not really a valid excuse. The globalist did a fine job didn't they, leaving america's poor and destitute jobless and living on welfare, taking away their dignity because they're deplorables. If that's how you measure growth then consider america slapping tariff as a no thank you. LOL wut? Last I check I thought me and BC were the only Americans here. People are waking up to the truth, perhaps you didn't realize what was already obvious to others, the problem with unchecked leftism.
    1 point
  12. Russia suffered far more from world wars and paid a much higher price than Canada or the United States, but still managed to become a super-power. Canada didn't...and Canada can't. Canada has neither the means or the will to do so.
    1 point
  13. Not too stupid, too Liberal/liberal. Yeah, I guess you are right, same - same.
    1 point
  14. They are fine. I work with a lot of technologically minded Muslims who make good money and contribute to this country. I would rather deport racists who repeat internet lies as they tend to be unemployable people who refuse to re-educate themselves or better themselves because they think their race should give them a well paying factory job. Or at least that's what I read on the internet.
    1 point
  15. Canada still imports sweet crude from the Saudis...must be best buddies. Too stupid to build east-west pipeline infrastructure.
    1 point
  16. That's why we don't like strangers in small towns. Them fake refugees who disappear can stay in the big cities, because, sorry we ain't got no jobs here! I don't think that's it. I for one am pissed off that the government is willing to give a free ride to anybody who crosses the border illegally, and has taken so many in that it will take years to sort it all it. Yet the government has no problem ignoring the plight of homeless Canadians, including children and veterans. Their message is and have always been that this was the best they can do. This situation stinks like ideological bullshit, and that is why people are very upset by this. The answer is not to give them "due process", as there's no reason to accept refugees from the USA. They should not be accepted at all, but immediately turned over to US authorities.
    1 point
  17. Lauren Southern has been paying some attention to the plight of these farmers. You'd figure Canada would have been first on the list to offer new homes to these folks. Wrong colour? I guess...
    0 points
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