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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2017 in all areas

  1. That's revisionism. Trans people have been quietly using washrooms for decades without trouble, and it only became an issue because angry conservatives decided to draw up "bathroom bills" to fight this non-existent menace. It was conservatives who thrust this issue into the spotlight, not liberals. Conservatives, having lost on gay marriage and anti-gay discrimination, went looking for some other fight they could win, and started drawing up these "bathroom bills". Blame them that this became an issue. Your opinion is that liberals only care about identity politics now... one might just as easily claim that conservatives only care about fighting gays and banning abortions now. I think you're wrong. Liberals care about a lot of things beyond the politically correct cause-du-jour. Liberals care about the growing struggle that regular people face trying to earn what previous generations have taken for granted. Liberals care that only the rich are getting richer, that banks can break the law at will without punishment, that politicians only care about the interests of large corporations, that the most profitable corporations don't pay any tax. Liberals care about a lot more than just SJW causes. -k
    2 points
  2. Restricted gun sales surged in Canada....without Trump. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-s-restricted-gun-ownership-increased-9-5-per-cent-in-2015-1.3745464
    1 point
  3. Conspiracy theorist, 9/11 denier, conspiracy theorist, 9/11 blah blah....which is it? Troo....trut...stop it!!
    1 point
  4. Actually no you haven't. You made one claim after another, each of which was totally debunked. And rather than actually try to engage in any sort of rational dialog, you say basically that you don't believe in rational thinking then threaten to put me on ignore. I provided a reference from a respected site, which of course you seem to have completely ignored. Just the opposite... I'm actually debunking conspiracy theory nonsense. Except of course I never said that. I'm an atheist. I think all religions are failures. There are some decent Muslims (I've worked with some). There are some who are evil (bin Laden). Ignoring a problem (that some Muslims celrated the terrorist attacks) doesn't make the issue go away. Instead of spending your time with your head in the sand trying every excuse to pretend it didn't happen, perhaps you should spend some time trying to figure out why they might have celebrated. (Rather than saying "it didn't happen" you could point to failed American policies in the middle east as a trigger.) Oh by the way, here's another quote from the Snopes article... It comes from an Italian journalist: So there you have it, a journalist directly asked a Muslim about the reason for the celebrations. He said it was the terrorist attacks. But hey, I'm sure you'll complain about it being "fake news", not because there's any evidence it was fake but because it contradicts your rather questionable world view. I really don't think you understand what a "conspiracy theorist" is. A conspiracy theorist is someone who takes the word of incompetent people and non-experts, ignoring evidence gathered by qualified individuals because they fit some bizarre world narrative. The main conspiricy theorist here is the poster 'hot enough'.
    1 point
  5. I'm glad you're glad. You may now carry on with your propaganda.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I believe that the Western provinces should go it alone. Western Canada has nothing in common with the east. The west has had to put up with the east and it's political programs and agendas for decades now that are of no use to the west. The west has had to pretty much live according to the dictates of the french from Quebec, and Ontario liberalism. The west could separate and still be good friends with the east. The west has always been shafted by the east, and yet westerners still take it. It still amazes me as to how stunned most westerners can be. The west can be a very wealthy and prosperous place to live but yet westerners still want the east to control their lives, and continue to want to be shackled to them. Talk about suckers for punishment.
    1 point
  9. Ignoring facts is what religions are all about after all.
    1 point
  10. The bathroom bills were, as I understand it, a response to court rulings. Not honestly. Conservatives mostly talk about economic issues. The Harper government, for example, never brought up abortions or gays in ten years in power. What you mean is liberals have abandoned the classical liberal attachment to Capitalism. Now they're addicted to Socialism, because that gives them more scope to 'fix' things they don't like about society. And one of the things they don't like is that some people are rich and some are poor. But this is an attachment to equality of results, not equality of opportunity. In any level playing field there will inevitably be losers and winners. History has shown that if you eliminate the winners you multiply the losers. The current Liberal party mantra of 'the middle class' is nothing more than cheap identity politics, especially since they evidently don't even know what the middle class is and because the rich haven't been getting richer for many years here (income inequality has been falling for over a decade as documented by the Parliamentary Budget Office).
    1 point
  11. Here in Kim City we don't seem to have the same sort of Bike Nazi problem that big cities apparently do. We have three main groups of cyclists. We have ordinary bike commuters, who generally stick to marked bike lanes and seldom interfere with traffic. We have athletes and enthusiasts, either road-bike or mountain bike, who are usually well away from major traffic areas. And we have bike hobos who are usually weaving all over the road, riding down sidewalks, cutting across traffic, disobeying traffic rules and common sense, trying to operate their bicycles while they have a giant garbage bag full of cans and bottles in each hand, and so on. They're a menace to everyone, most especially themselves. I have observed this as well. We have meek, mildmannered people who turn into Immortan Joe when they get behind the wheel. I think part of it is that people feel powerful when they drive. At work you might be a computer-jockey and at home you might be a couch-potato, but when you're behind the wheel you're a 4000-pound, 250 horsepower super cyborg. RAWR. As well, driving in some environments can be somewhat stressful, and feel quite competitive. I notice this when I go to Vancouver. Feeling that you're boxed in on the freeway and can't move into the lane you need to get into. It starts feeling like you're competing with other drivers for the space you need to be in. "There's an open spot... I'd better get there before that jerk does." As well we have jackholes who have modified their vehicles to be as obnoxious as possible. If the little 1.3 liter engine in your subcompact car sounds like a propeller-plane taking off when you drive 20km/h, you are a loser. End of story. Motorcycles are the worst. People with big diesel pickups that they've modified for extreme noise are an increasingly large problem. If you want to look like a total jerkwad, here's what you do. Shave your head, get a bunch of tattoos and an MMA t-shirt. Then you go buy a big black pickup truck and get it jacked up. Get a super loud exhaust system installed. Get a "Metal Mullisha" sticker on your rear window. But if you really want to be an asshole, become a "coal roller". These turds have gone the extra mile to make their vehicles obnoxious. Not satisfied with just noise pollution, they have also modified their trucks to create air pollution. That's right, they can apparently inject extra diesel somewhere into the system, such that their truck can create a giant black cloud of toxic smoke behind them at the press of a button. Often the target of these smoke attacks are pedestrians, cyclists, or Priuses. I got "coal rolled" onced, while riding my bicycle in the bike lane along a busy road. I am sure the drivers felt like real super-heroes. I remember the truck, and if I see it again I will customize it with some interesting modifications of my own. -k
    1 point
  12. I suppose if someone is prone to generalizations rather than practicing any intellectual rigor and assigns individuals labels based on one or two criteria, and then assumes their beliefs, ideology, and behavior based on those labels - it would be pretty easy to mock and disrespect them through hyperbolic statements and misstatement of the issues.
    1 point
  13. I expect the whole thing was filmed in the same studio that they filmed the moon landing, remember that scandal? Then they used special laser-lights to project the film around the WTC for the benefit of the people on the street, along with hidden speakers for sound effects, and of course detonated the explosives so the towers would come down. Pretty sure that's what happened.
    1 point
  14. @hot enough You clearly have some animosity towards America. I imagine you were one of the millions worldwide cheering the collapse of the buildings and the deaths of thousands of people who just went to work Monday morning. Allahu akbar.
    1 point
  15. That was Jesus' response to Peter - who was used by Satan. Shows you, anyone can be deceived by Satan. Thus we have to be on guard. Take a break from your 9/11 and spreading of fake information (which amount to lies). Something is restless about you.... Come to Christ, hot enough. It's never too late. That's the very best I can hope - and pray - for you..... ........a happy ETERNAL life.
    1 point
  16. This is a forum full of right wing nuts... hating Trudeau Sr. is a religion to them.
    1 point
  17. Maybe there were no hijackers. Maybe the pilots of 4 major airliners just all of a sudden went a little wonky and decided to fly into big buildings or maybe just crash into a cornfield. Maybe it was bad inflight meals that pissed them off?
    1 point
  18. Why is that a dumb question? This is why I got turned off religion. Every question was dumb. Needless to say I flunked Sunday school.
    1 point
  19. Does He go to the bathroom like we do? I asked this in Sunday school but never got an answer - is it a dumb question or something?
    1 point
  20. That's not evidence that's just your opinion. I'm of the opinion that what these billions of people actually felt were a rush of endorphins from the central nervous system and likely triggered by intense emotions and other psychogenic phenomenon. Everyone experiences these at various and usually challenging or troubling times in their lives. It's entirely natural and measurable by science. These sorts of sensations can also be exacerbated by delusions and hallucinations which can manifest as a sensation of being touched along with auditory and visual hallucinations people commonly report experiencing.
    1 point
  21. Billions of positive claimants...billions upon billions...have failed to provide a single physical shred of evidence. Not a single iota. That's a staggeringly enormous body of evidence. How could the mere handful of atheists that exist in the known universe possibly provide more of nothing compared to that? You're asking the impossible.
    1 point
  22. I do care though, but way down deep I think I must be an activist for the un-whitening of the human species. It stands to reason we'd have one less thing to squabble over if we were all the same colour. That said the real trouble with Whiteness would just just find a new shade or other physical, religious, ideological, economic, etc etc difference to wrap its self-assumed self-absorbed superiority around.
    1 point
  23. It's none of your business. On what grounds do you, or God for that matter, get off telling me what I can and can't do? I have a better question, does God believe in me? Prove it.
    1 point
  24. Excuse me but, would you please return my free will. Thanks.
    1 point
  25. And there it is for all to see.....the true agenda...having nothing to do with the pursuit of science. Any wild-ass conspiracy theory will do, because facts don't matter at all.
    1 point
  26. No brick wall here. I am always surprised when the truthers come out bashing their heads against one though. You haven't explained how all those "explosives" got installed in the towers.
    1 point
  27. Well, it sounds like you just said you can't name names because you might be killed so...who's the Komrade here again? I'm the coward, remember?
    1 point
  28. Religious people tell me much the same thing when it comes to morality. I go to my BS filters when religion and science fail to satisfy. I'm not a scientist so I kind of have to take science on faith and my cue to its veracity from my fellow human beings. Yes, I realize I'm probably committing some horrible academic/scholistic fallacy that automatically destroys my layman credibility but it is what it is. In any case and as I said earlier the greatest hurdle I have to overcome in the 9/11 thing is my inability to believe the US government is remotely competent enough to be involved in such a stunt without cocking something up and blowing its cover. No deathbed confessions, no wikileaks, no trail of emails, no whistleblowers...nada, zilch. That is what really defies reason the most.
    1 point
  29. I don't ask for it. Not when we know who's actually behind you. Break free, hot enough. It's never too late. Come to Christ.
    1 point
  30. Then how is it that every time there's a terror incident involving Islam, none of them ever give "poverty" as a reason for their actions? When they state their reason is for their religion, why do you disagree with them?
    1 point
  31. First of all, (9/11) I'm not (evil West) Christian. Nor am I (WTCB7) wholesome or (millions of Muslim deaths) saintly. Secondly, (everyone is a hypocrite) I wasn't alive (9/11 coverup) during a First Nation (the UK are the real terrorists) genocide. I hope I captured it all for you.
    1 point
  32. Oh, it is! For sure. I just don't have the mental capacity that you do to link the topic of marrying underage children to First Nations genocide.
    1 point
  33. The thing is there's vocal minority on both sides that would like to see violence. What would be really fun, is to put our conservative hawks and their conservative hawks in a big stadium full of swords, clubs, stones etc. WE could giggle like school girls while they bludgeon each other to death! Imagine the amount of beer and hot dogs that could be sold at such an event? We could call it "conservadome", since its conservatives on both sides that are spoiling for a fight. I say let em fight! Just do it in a big stadium so nobody else gets hurt. A do it right! Televise it... sell advertising, tshirts, jerseys. Nothing says good family fun like watching conservative hawks slaughter each other like livestock
    1 point
  34. You know perfectly well I laughed my ass off when he won.
    1 point
  35. Internet trolls? This is all the electoral interference it takes to unhinge the US? Seems a little over-sensitive in the face of some of the things the US has done when it interferes in the election of another country's government. Heck, it'll go right in and overthrow it when it suits.
    1 point
  36. Thats a good question Altay......one that is complicated with the fact that Syria is being protected by Russia which means the west is restricted on it's actions.....So is the west responsible for not taking action, Sure it is....could it have done more, sure it could have.....The west is not even close to being perfect in any matter that we have talked about..... But if we in the west are able to stand up and take some of the blame for the Syrian problem, the rest of the planet has to stand up as well.....and when i refer to the west, it includes Turkey as well.... You can call them what ever you want, they identify themselves as muslims, they claim their actions are for their religion......They have taken your religion and perverted it into something else, Does that not make you mad ? does it not make you want to stand up and say "enough" and hunt these scumbags down....in the name of your religion.....i mean we have seen Islamic countries place death threats to others for drawing Allah, or burning the Quran.....why can you stop these people that bring shame to your religion ? ......
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Are you laying the responsibility of 4 million muslims deaths at the feet of the west.....Just so i understand correctly your saying that 4 million muslims were killed by western forces since 1990.....and none of them died at the hands of other muslims......the reason i ask is that if you look up civilian deaths in either Iraq or Afghanistan, there is direct evidence that says over up to 85 percent of all civilians were in fact killed by Muslims themselves.....why do they not atone for these deaths... who do we hold responsible for these people....surely not muslims.....is that not again'st the law some where....where you so vocal when Sadam was killing his own people or the kurds....did you speak out then....did you hear the muslim community speak out again'st these killings.....what action did they take....where was the Moderate muslim community when all that was happening.....they were silent..what does that make them...... You what honest western style discussion but some how unable to use honest figures....just like most of the issues in the Middle east circle around religion, or islam to be specific...i wonder why the majority of islamic nations are not democratic but rather dictatorships...because they are the peaceful religion after all....you want to be honest then dress islam up like it really is.....leave all the flowers and frilly curtains at home....
    1 point
  39. Actually, I don't "clearly know what you do" about your cause. Does it involve more than just Internet arguments with random strangers that mostly involve name-calling and insults?
    1 point
  40. Thanks so much for telling me who I am, what I should do and what I don't understand. Thank you for saving me from thinking outside the ideological box you've decided I belong in.
    1 point
  41. If you want a Chong, Michael would not be my choice. Rae Dawn Chong...now I could get behind HER for sure. We could hire Tommy for an advisor, since Canada is now officially Up In Smoke.
    1 point
  42. Well, all education at the secondary level is kind of watered down. School is basically daycare until you get to college. I don't think there's anything I ever learned in a year of a class at high school that I couldn't have learned in a single evening on wikipedia... other than social skills in interacting with my peers, I suppose. Realistically, you can't force math on unreceptive minds. But it would be nice if students that have an interest and aptitude could be identified early and given the proper opportunities to excel, rather than serving out years in dull daycare meant for all the kids who aren't paying attention. Even skipping a year or two or three ahead or taking advanced placement is not really fulfilling the potential of someone who has real talent. I took math and science classes in university starting in grade 10 but my parents had to fight for me to have that opportunity. When it comes to sports or music or performing arts, there are plentiful opportunities in schools for a person to develop to their maximum potential, but not so for academics.
    1 point
  43. Fast Fourier transforms are sexy.....not boring.
    1 point
  44. Chong supports M103 and carbon taxes.That alone tells me all I need to know about him and his mindset.The Conservatives can do much better than to choose him.
    0 points
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