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  2. No evidence of Ms. Daniels attempt to extort Trump was presented in court. If she had attempted to extort him, she could be criminally prosecuted.
  3. I'd ask why I wasn't consulted or solicited for my support and say it's long past time to have an election. What if the people claiming to represent you won't allow that to happen? I'd say the invaders are baby killers too. That's why I say secular progressives are the only hope.
  4. We shouldn't need a right, just some due consideration. But if you'd prefer oh lets say, lobbyists from a big pharmaceutical corporation privately discussing public funding and vaccine safety with a politician behind a closed door, who am I to argue? I'll just mark a piece of paper with all the other Schmoes come election day I guess. Or maybe I'll just make a paper airplane out of it.
  5. Interesting facts about Juno Beach that every Canadian should know - The original D-Day landing plans did not include Canadians at all, or the beach they landed on…they were a last minute addition to the beaches to be assaulted by British I Corps and Canadian 3rd Infantry Division and 2nd Armoured Brigade answered the call, as part of the British Corps - The Canadian beach was arguably the most challenging of all allied beaches, which is likely why it was not initially considered, dor the following reasons: It was the only beach where fortifications included a formidable man-made concrete seawall that soldiers would have to scale under fire. -It was also the only beach with built-up areas, as the beach was directly in front of 4 villages whereas the other allied beaches all fronted on open countryside. This meant after clearing the killing fields of the beach, Canadians were the only allies on D-day who had to then immediately continue into to “urban combat”: fighting block by block, street by street, house by house, and even room by room while Germans had a network of tunnels and trenches that allowed them to “pop up” behind the Canadians as they advanced through the villages -This also means the very first houses to be liberated from the Nazis on D-Day were liberated by Canadians -In addition, the beach was surrounded by a number of reefs and sandbars that had the potential to impede landing craft and leave forces exposed Indeed, supporting tanks landed late ams they had to wait for the tide to be high enough to clear the sandbar leaving the first wave(s) of infantry exposed without fire support in the meantime - Due to proximity to civilian villages and cloud cover, pre-invasion bombing amd naval bombardment was light and left many German defences untouched - Despite the fact that Canadians suffered the highest per capita casualty rate of all allied beaches (and second highest overall), they advanced further inland and achieved more of their objective on D-day than any other allied force - The British Corps beaches were all named for Fish: Gold(fish), Sword(fish) and in between the two at the deadliest point, the newly added Canadian beach of Jelly(fish). Fortunately Churchill himself objected to the name “Jelly Beach” as entirely inappropriate for a place where men would likely be killed and mutilated in the largest numbers (“turned into jelly”), so he personally changed the name to Juno. Imagine telling people your grandfather was blown to pieces on Jelly Beach! - Because of the “Can-loan” agreement which allowed the British military to plunder officers from the Canadian military, the Canadian military had a severe shortage of officers and a number of Canadian platoons onD-day were commanded by NCOs instead of officers The British military tradition of using Canadian troops as cannon fodder (“elite shock troops of the empire” is a flip-side of the same coin) throughout WW1 continued in WW2 with Dieppe and the predicted high casualty assignment at “Jelly beach”. But the Canadians left the role of Britain’s cannon fodder after the unparalleled success at Juno An accurate telling of Juno Beach, as told by US and British historians
  6. A due process must be followed such as an RCMP/CSIS investigation of all the details and then if warranted charges must be laid. After that the names of politicians that have been charged with an offence would probably be made public. But until that time, I don't think the names can be made public.
  7. Today
  8. So if I, a regular constituent, go to my mp to talk about something that concerns me then I have to have that conversation recorded and my personal information has to be shared with everyone? Basically you're looking for an end to privacy in Canada? What about all of the MPS aIDS and assistance? They meet with people on their behalf all the time so I guess their personal life has to be recorded as well. It's so stupid it beggers the imagination that you would even think of it.
  9. Do the cameras follow you into the bathroom? Do the cameras record every single thing you say? Do the cameras follow you off the boat? No? Dishonestly is your bread and butter isn't it.
  10. First off they didn't. The fact that you feel the need to lie about it pretty much demonstrates you know you're in the wrong here. Nobody just parachuted in and started killing their people. Secondly this has happened all the time throughout history. The germans killed a crap ton of people's family. TWICE in one century. We got over it. When it happened the first time people had a problem letting it go and we got the Treaty of Versailles. Which is why it happened the second time. Fortunately we learned our lesson and didn't hang on to anger and hatred and let it go a third time. The Japanese got nuclear bombs dropped on them. And that conflict started because the Americans and the Brits were screwing with their trade. But they lost the war and they realized it and they've moved on I could name a thousand other times in history. No matter what you say that conflict is over, and now they have a choice of whether or not they're going to move on or die in a fiery death. They chose dying in a fiery death and they're welcome to it and Nobody should have any sympathy. The death of their people, their poverty, the slaughter of their children - that was 100 percent their choice and they absolutely could have made a different choice.
  11. Blasphemy! You need help. What conversations involving public's business? Any conversations between MPs or officials and the public are private. There is no right to have cameras recording what are private conversations in the political world. Sounds more like Orwell's 1984 with Big Brother watching everyone. Everyone's home had a camera that monitored everyone. Perhaps that is what you will say next.
  12. You don't understand what I'm talking about. I'm talking about cameras recording politicians in conversations involving the public's business, not their own. Christ on a stick...why can't you people pay better attention?
  13. You spend a lot of time fixated on other people's orifices Is it possible the emotional problems you display here constantly might be a result of you wresting with certain "feelings" you're not comfortable with? We're not here to judge you know.
  14. Maybe you should try working (commercial fishing) with cameras monitoring you along with GPS tracking software collected in a black box that auditors come and swap out when you're unloading before dismissing the idea of using cameras to keep our governance honest. Don't say it can't be done to someone who's done it.
  15. See, ^there you go again. Sorry, but it doesn't work for you. LMAO
  16. You don't understand to what was testified because you don't even bother to find out. Very lazy. She identified Trump's PERSONAL ITEMS, which were NOT DISPUTED by the defense. Duh Unfortunate they didn't call you to LIE about what she said. LMAO
  17. And there's the rub. Not everyone wants to purchase an expensive virtue signaling set of bagpipes where the bag needs to be constantly refilled even only after a few bars of Scotland The Brave . Most peoples need are filled by purchasing a less expensive set of exhaust pipes that require much less filling and are good for all of Bach's piano concerto's on one fill.
  18. @ironstone 2 flags: The upside-down US Flag and the Christian Nationalist flag known as the “Appeal to Heaven” or “Pine Tree” flag that recently became popular among Jan 6 rioters, election deniers and other extremists (photo of flag flying at Alito’s beach house at link below) Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home The justice’s beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government. May 22, 2024 Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs. This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the “Stop the Steal” campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html#:~:text=Another Provocative Flag Was Flown,a more Christian-minded government.
  19. You have NO EVIDENCE that she is telling the truth. She described a hotel room? Woah that just tells me she has been in a lot of hotel rooms and given her profession I am sure she has.
  20. He wasn't charged for that at all., 34 counts of falsifying records. Not for why he did, but that was obvious to anyone with a brain before the trial. dodge weave dodge weave misdirect deflect whatabout fake news witch hunt don't look up everyone else is stupid ya ya yah
  21. Once again, I'm not talking about you personally. You've made it clear that if you saw an EV or PHEV that met your needs and price you would consider it. And I'm talking about thinking rationally, not "like me". As above if it met your needs and price only a fool would still refuse to consider one. As I said before, it's not regulations and incentives that will drive people to EVs, it's oil companies and the car makers. They're already hiking ICE vehicle prices to nearly the price levels of EVs they're counting you will put up with even more. Kia Niro Hybrid - from $33,000 4.4L/100km 52mpgUS Kia Niro PHEV - from $38,000 Kia Niro BEV - from $48,500 Average spent in Canada 2023 new vehicle purchase $67,817 (autotrader.ca) NOT outrageous prices comparatively.
  22. You mean like breaking the law by falsifying business records. That is NOT just a bad light. She just tried to publish her story. That was of no interest to Trump until the Access Hollywood take came out. Did you hear the testimony? She gave details about items in his bedroom at the Hotel. You have NO EVIDENCE she lied. Thanks for demonstrating YOUR strawman argument.
  23. Trudeau or Poilievre received their power from the beast, do you denie that?
  24. Yesterday
  25. I think what you really mean, is they refuse to think like you. Again. Not thinking like you. Not everyone can afford an EV. Am happy for you that you can. Shaming people for this, really does nothing. Honestly. What do you gain from this, other than personal gratification of an illusion you give yourself of "doing something"? If anything, this is like a co-worker I had who shamed me for eating bacon during lunch. She reminded me how pigs suffered. I don't care what you eat. I didn't comment on her food. That level of entitlement will only get people to ignore you, and dig in their heels further. Instead of shaming, you should be looking at the concerns voiced by the consumers. This actually gets things done. Resolving issues, to ensure future adoption. Thinking shaming works in this case, when you're the minority is the epitome of not thinking. There isn't any objection. I'm not on the market for one, as one doesn't meet my current driving needs. Doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks of it, as will buy based on need. Not based on what others shame me into buying. We have properties in the Philippines. Our next vehicle will likely be purchased for there. Good luck with an EV where there literally is zero infrastructure to charge it. Our properties are in a mountainous rainforest. Many unfinished roads, meaning a car would not be recommended. Either you buy a motorcycle, or you get a pickup truck or SUV, or stay out of the rural areas. Like I said. You are out of touch with the reality most people face. Travel a little. Most on this planet are more focused on food on table, roof over head than buying an over priced EV they can't afford. My car is a personal choice. I buy it accordingly based on what I need. In Canada, this means high MPG, reliable and high resale value. In the Philippines where we intend on retiring early, it will be centered on mobility and reliability. The world doesn't revolve around your needs. If you ran a McDonald's franchise in that country, you would go out of business. You like fries and burgers, so feel entitled to impose your will onto others. Markets don't work that way. You truly need to observe what consumers want. Ignoring this, will have consumers continue to shun EVs and rightfully so.
  26. You don't understand the basic principles of democracy here. Cameras cannot be used between MPs and their constituents or Canadians. The right to private conversations about issues is a fundamental right.
  27. Untrue. You forget that Presidential elections are held independently in each state. The election Trump defrauded was a New York State election.
  28. One can prove that a choice exists only by showing it being real. Any dictator can paint or sing imaginary choices. So until proven real and in the reality, down to two it is. Putin and Xi have one.
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