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Army Guy

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Army Guy last won the day on March 16

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  1. i personally think the ICC has overstepped it's bounds here, with over 3 dozen conflicts ongoing today, they have singled out Israel...like any international organization these days, if it involves the jewish people it needs to be condemned...It is funny that the IRGC/ sudan, etc etc is not mentioned for crimes against humanity...
  2. Not sure how that is relevant in this post, but OK, First nations wins... you've yet to explain how Israel are colonizers..
  3. Don't get to excited about this bad guy, he is only going to be replaced by someone like him, or worse...Iranians need to stand up and take the government they want...so far they are content with this one...
  4. For the record can you list these crimes against humanity, and or if war crimes were committed...
  5. I don't care what they call themselves...can you be a colonizer when your people have had a footprint in the area as long or longer than the palestinians...it is a yes or no answer...
  6. I think Herbie has a point here purple thumbs are not going to bring in more voters, nor does it accomplish anything except visually point out who those that did not vote, who really cares, what reasons you have for not voting, it all comes down to priorities in everyone's lives... Giving them a 100.00 that talks to canadians of all strips...they may be lazy, or don't have time to keep up with platforms or speaches, promises.....but give them money, and every Canadian will stop and vote....purple thumb only means your going to sell more soap.... I did not vote last election, there was no choices i like on the ballets...so i refrained...my right and i can use it anyway i want.
  7. No, i get your points, your comments reminded me of what happened in Afghanistan, those with purple thumbs were rounded up and shot by taliban forces...It was a stupid system then and it sounds a lot crazier now... Nobody in Canada cares if you vote or not...let alone wants to have a purple thumb for weeks on end...see it is a right you have , nowhere does it say you need to vote, or even show up at the voting centers. it is a Canadians right to do what they want with that vote, use it or not... it is a personal decision..... A purple thumb means nothing, except having to scrub it off for days at a time... you can't vote twice now...do you think this is a major issue with todays voting practices... Not everyone is proud to live in this democracy, it has it moments, but far from perfect...but there is a long list of things that are wrong with this country and how our democracy works right now...we are as corrupt as any other democracy not something to be proud about...we have many things we need to work on in this country, all of us getting purple thumbs is not one of them.
  8. We have already discussed colonization, and apartheid...there has been none...Here is why we have already talked about it....The guy talking is the Hamas leaders son, who has broken away from the terrorist's organization...Listen to his explanation.
  9. Sure right across the forehead...in huge letters atleast one inch tall "i voted for liberal 2015 smack here", right below that i voted liberal 2019 smack real hard here, I voted liberal 2021 shoot here... i voted liberal in 2025 and still nobody has shot me...
  10. Climate change is real...it is just our government that does not take it very seriously and when they do , they c*ck it up to the extreme...and it is not just the Liberal plan your NDP play a huge role in it's failure as well... Colonization can not happen when Jewish people have been in the area , for literally thousands of years...Apartheid...ya well you f*ck with the bull sometimes you get both horns...
  11. The Winnipeg rifles should have taken procession of the statue placed it outside of their building...being a huge part of regimental history and all.
  12. Bullshit, the ottoman empire took those lands in battle, they created dozens of new countries over the years....it's funny the only country everyone has issues with is Israel one of the last ones created....i mean if you rip one up rip all of them up...and see what shit storm you crate then... there was no malice intent when these nations were created, most new nations actually want it... I did not vote for anything, and i have no guilt over their decision at all...tens of millions of people are quite happy with the result... you should ask someone that grew up in Gaza that very question...Mosab Hassan Yousef, he's the son of Hamas leader ask him what he thinks of his fathers plan, his fathers crimes against the palestinian people...He gave up a long time ago, and now lectures people on what hamas is really like...He has written a book you should read it, "Son of Hamas" he sees palestines struggle differently than you or blackdog does...he has lived through all of it...He will never see his father again, as the Israelis will kill him for sure.
  13. We have already discussed colonization, and apartheid...there has been none... I'd call them terrorist as well, but when your surrounded by enemies on all sides and they are coming to push you into the see , do you really care about your soldiers background...not really...Israel's military was forged in fire...and no longer operates in terrorist ways. You should know something about the group you cheer for, i mean come on man...Palestinians had several groups in which to vote for...and what they chose was Hamas...who did not hide the fact they were terrorist and made it quite clear their terrorist agenda going forward...and they won by a majority of the vote...imagine that... Stop right there, the merit is that Hamas and many citizens joined in and massacred by deliberately attacking unarmed innocent civilians "well over a thousand of them"...took hostages which it is yet to give back, paraded dead civilians through the streets as trophies, went house to house killing everyone in them, unarmed men ,women, children, thats OK...but how dare they defend themselves... Hamas took this war to another level...and now Israel is repaying that act...there is no rules stating how many people must die before it is even, or the other side satisfied...there is no rules of war dictating how long a conflict can last, nor is there any rule on what weapons can be brought to bear, and for how long...it is a conflict, brought on by hamas and it's terrorist attacks period...well those rules apply to everyone except Israel...the rest of the globe insists those rules do not apply to Israel...you insist those rules don't apply to Israel. no one can bit*h and moan about how many are being killed, or how much damage is being done, or when the last aid convoy was allowed in...THIS is a war...started by Hamas...and it will be finished when Israel says it is...And currently that is when Hamas military structure is destroyed, it's leadership killed or captured, it's ability to wage terrorist attacks against Israel is done... And when this is all done, and the palestinian people elect another terrorist regime....and this starts all over again , Israel will have the right to defend itself once again...rinse, wash dry , fold, repeat until palestine have lost their appetite for terrorism.
  14. Many palestinians crossed the borders armed by other arab countries and started killing Jews...of course they were joined in by many arab states...all with the same goal to push the jews into the sea...it was not with flowers or well wishes it was with rifles and bayonets'...thousands of jews paid with their lives...How did you expect them to treat those arab attackers ? much like how Russia treated Germany , poland or the other warsaw pact countries...what Russia is doing right now, or the dozens of other examples of how nations seized lands and territory from other nations in combat.... Palestinians think that over 60/70 years of conflict is going to change anything , they will continue to bang their heads against the wall until their heads split open... and somehow you feel sorry for them...
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