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Army Guy

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  1. The consequences of going to war with israel...why is that so hard to understand... So your unhappy with some of the UN choices..... join the club the end of the line is about 1000 miles that way...
  2. I'm curious as to why Sing read the same report and got a totally different message...one says nothing to see here, the other is deeply concerned...and then there is the fact of why CSIS or the NSICOP reports suggest that something bad is going on...
  3. Yes the report is top secret, so are the other numerous reports on this topic CSIS has crafted in the last several years...it might be mentioned that MAY had access to only one report not all of them...Your assuming that she has full knowledge of the topic , i suggested she does not , she read one report.... I did not call her a lair, i said she does not have full knowledge on the topic, or either misread the report opr did not understand it, or was lying about it take your pick anything is possible in todays politics...reading one report does not make you an subject matter expert... Once again why would CSIS craft a report on one ex MP , a report that has started a shit storm in the media...we will know soon enough someone is going to leak it to the press and the public will know...
  4. You mean those palestinians that decided to take part in pushing the jews into the sea with their Arab counterparts and had their lands sized in conflict those palestinians...got it...well you know what happens when you f*ck with the bull, you get both horns, it's time to stop whining about it and start living with it... The point still remains the same, most Arab countries decided to kick out their jewish populations...not for a tit for tat, becasue they just did not want them in their lands... Just for the record, becasue it seems your making it up as you go, League of nations and the UN decided to give both palestinian and Jews their own states...it was not just Arabs that had to move but jews that owned lands in palestinian territory as well ...( I Know we don't talk about that part) but it is part of written record... Those arabs had a choice to make move or live in peace with the jews...
  5. Last time i checked there was also Arabs enlisted to fight in both wars on both sides...you seen the movie Lawrence of arabia...all arabs ... That would be a great leftist decision...lets give them a chunk of germany, the same people that exterminated 6 million jews...Becasue that makes sense.....thats where the wanted to live right next to some of the concentration camps you know just for the reminder that everyone still hates them....lets forget jews that have lived in the Palestine area for thousands of years...lets forget the this is where Jews have the most history...
  6. Somehow you seem to know what is "NOT" in the report...Why would CSIS produce a "top secret "report on MP's that may have been involved in foreign interference if it had no merit...Are they known for producing reports that make accusations that are not valid ?...are they working for the conservatives?...Are you telling readers that May has seen ALL the info on the subject or just what is in the report.....you tell us YOU are the one saying the report is false news...what do you know that we do not... What we DO know is that CSIS produced a report that casts one or more Canadian MP in a very bad light...your seem to be telling everyone move on nothing worth your time here...when the subject is worth everyone's time if true, and if it proves to be false then CSIS report authors need to be looked fired ....
  7. I'm saying that CSIS is the author of the report, and reported facts that one or more MP's did help foreign agents... I'm saying May, said she did not see a list of mp's names that were listed, perhaps she misread the report or did not interrupted the report correctly..or she out right lied...or there were not a list of names.....Based upon what she said it implies there is nothing to see here....She said she is confident that NO mp's were guilty of treasonous acts... BUT and there is always a but CSIS thinks other wise or it would have stated so in the report....You've read top secret documents before they are not always black and white, they are based on the reader and the need to know...MAY , may have the clearance but really does not need to know all the facts...like the list of names... What i think is that CSIS did report on a subject it was suppose to, and reported what it did find...that some of our MP's did in fact help out foreign governments to what extent no one knows yet...
  8. Your not much of a salesmen are you August...If these are the best talking points you could come up with....i could list a couple hundreds nations with the same talking points and truth be told they are not that interesting nor do they do much that matters...
  9. Yes common ideas are bad to a modern society, it sounded like criticism to me, something you are having issues with. I mean come on Michael if we were a mature society we would not be on these forums, ...I think it is good to reflect on criticism , if only to see where we can evolve...In Canada we need to reflect on almost everything,
  10. I guess all that dancing in the streets we seen all over the media, that was all fake, that was palestinians celebrating those 1200 israelis deaths....People that do not support the Oct 7 attacks don't dance in the streets... Now that Hamas is been beaten to a pulp...is there any sign today of palestinian standing up to take back control..."no" they are content with their current political situation....even when Hamas is almost extinct....Don't pretend you know what they want, they have been telling you and all the people like you what they want for decades now....The total destruction of Israel. That's is what you support...the destruction of an entire state...
  11. How could it be misinformation, is it true or not did those cities have worse air quality or not...And not sure about your province but here in NB we have 4 people die in the waiting room in the last 2 years...No red flags there...our entire health care system is on life support and you still think it compares to any others that pay for health care... Or maybe his words hit to close to home, nobody likes criticism especially the left,or canadians and to suggest wokism does not exist in this country suggest your not aware of what is going on nationally or even in your own province...Why would anyone defend this government when it has actually broken everything it touched...with exception of pot, is was broken but is only half broken now... Growing our population has been a huge failure...in every sense...This is nothing to brag about it just further illustrates just how incompetent this government really is...The fact that your still standing behind them with your support is telling...
  12. Well looking around the globe, we continue to see governments change form the left to right or in some case extreme right..just look at whats going to happen here in Canada, change is coming and most that are on the left are not going to like it...shit even some that say they are on the right are not going to like it...but then again change is never liked...
  13. And yet here we are you supporting terrorist state, but screw the rest of the globe , i get it , it's so exhausting to support on conflict let alone all of them. Well if i had a choice,i like my choices rather than the one you made, i would never in a million years support the palestinian people or their terrorist ways... Cowardly...not exactly the word i would use but if it makes you sleep better then sure call me what ever you want, what i do know is when i was in the fighting terrorist i looked left and right and no one fitting your description was to be seen...Your forgetting Hamas was voted in by the people of palestine, with the majority of palestinians content with how things are being run....They may be funded by Iran and other middle eastern countries but it is Hamas that decides what it does or does not do....they and they alone are responsible for their actions... As for Iran I'm sure there will be a day when they are forced to eat a bag of D*cks , hopefully for a NATO coalition... Your ignoring that in my culture a man is not a man until they are 18 years of age...Hamas will recruit as young as 11, with being 15 is military age...By the time they reach the battle field they are full of hate, and would gladly kill you then drag your dead body through the streets, phone mom bragging how many jews they have killed....And i don't think of them as savages...just terrorists... I have never said you supported rape, torture and murder...but you do support those that do...I don't hate you eyeball, i may dislike what you support but i don't hate you....i do however hate terrorist
  14. It is CSIS themselves that are the author of the report that there was MP's that helped a feign government help taint our elections. So who are we going to trust CSIS the guys that made the report or windbag May...now perhaps she is right, then CSIS needs to be investigated on the validity of the report, perhaps someone over there needs to be fired or let go... or May needs to justify her statement,or have some form of consequences. in any case it is far from over...
  15. An American view on what Canada has become lately, none of it is good, no longer are we considered the polite and friendly nation, but rather the than the leading nation of woke...I like the end statement best it warns all those on the left "winter is coming" and your not going to like it....
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