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Personal and generalized attacks


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Im referring specifically to comments posted within the 9/11 and False-Flag Terrorism threads in US Politics. I know this problem is rampant throughout this board but I would appreciate it if these useless detracting posts could be weened from the threads as they cloud the actual debate that is taking place.

How many moderators are on here? Could there be an election to provide enough moderators to enable enforcement of forum rules?

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I rarely go into the conspiracy threads, but there's only one moderator so if you have a problem you have to report a post to him. He has said there will be no moderators from here.

I think the issue is, should we avoid calling conspiracy nuts names?

I say yes but their talking toasters and tin foil hats are fair game......

....on the other hand, conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, cryptozoology and the occult have no place in a political forum.....

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I rarely go into the conspiracy threads, but there's only one moderator so if you have a problem you have to report a post to him. He has said there will be no moderators from here.

I think the issue is, should we avoid calling conspiracy nuts names?

I say yes but their talking toasters and tin foil hats are fair game......

....on the other hand, conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, cryptozoology and the occult have no place in a political forum.....

This is what Im taking about Greg. M Dancer here will troll into a thread and try to debunk valid points with insults. If he has nothing to contribute to a thread there is no reason to be in there name calling.

What tapes....if you and the other kooks won't believe the relatives of the dead passengers, airplane wreckage at the scene, eye witnesses and video images...why would you believe so called tapes that have been the hands of the government for 6 years?

Lets face it, until the toasters and microwaves of the world start broadcasting messages direct to the tin foil hats that terrorists did this, the crack pots won;t believe......

Well M Dancer I sourced you the information on the classified tapes. You disappeared. What happened? Run out of insults?

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This is what Im taking about Greg. M Dancer here will troll into a thread and try to debunk valid points with insults. If he has nothing to contribute to a thread there is no reason to be in there name calling.

That's a lie.

I have never tried to debunk a valid point.

Are there any?

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Im referring specifically to comments posted within the 9/11 and False-Flag Terrorism threads in US Politics. I know this problem is rampant throughout this board but I would appreciate it if these useless detracting posts could be weened from the threads as they cloud the actual debate that is taking place.

What actual debate? Conspiracy threads are full of repetitive nonsense, all of which has already been discredited and disproven many times over. So you have blind, bull-headed conspiracy loonies ignoring all evidence to the contrary to doggedly persist in their loony theories, and you have, well, sane people, who mock them.

That's basically how it goes everywhere.

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What actual debate? Conspiracy threads are full of repetitive nonsense, all of which has already been discredited and disproven many times over. So you have blind, bull-headed conspiracy loonies ignoring all evidence to the contrary to doggedly persist in their loony theories, and you have, well, sane people, who mock them.

That's basically how it goes everywhere.

Well, except when it comes to global warming threads. Then it's perfectly acceptable to think that global warming is a conspiracy theory and that kyoto is a socialist scheme.

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Well, except when it comes to global warming threads. Then it's perfectly acceptable to think that global warming is a conspiracy theory and that kyoto is a socialist scheme.

You have to wonder why some of the anti-global warming people are so hostile to September 11 conspiracy people.

However, I have to admit I have seen some people here who believe that both global warming and September 11 are conspiracies.

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I rarely go into the conspiracy threads, but there's only one moderator so if you have a problem you have to report a post to him. He has said there will be no moderators from here.

I think the issue is, should we avoid calling conspiracy nuts names?

I say yes but their talking toasters and tin foil hats are fair game......

....on the other hand, conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, cryptozoology and the occult have no place in a political forum.....

Actually, anyone who believes that everything a government says is true (any government), is more looney than the doubters. Forty years ago, someone would've called you a loonie conspiracy theorist if you said the CIA was trying to pay mobsters to take out world leaders, but......

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You have to wonder why some of the anti-global warming people are so hostile to September 11 conspiracy people.

However, I have to admit I have seen some people here who believe that both global warming and September 11 are conspiracies.

Here we have a thread about Personal and generalized attacks,

and, I wonder why some people think it's ok to generalize about other people here and in other threads.

I have seen some people here, believe that the former government running Canada,the ones who used taxpayer money for their party benefit, and the same individuals who think that their environment minister did wonderful things for the environment by doing nothing, should be back in power running the country. Can you believe some people?

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Here we have a thread about Personal and generalized attacks,

and, I wonder why some people think it's ok to generalize about other people here and in other threads.

I have seen some people here, believe that the former government running Canada,the ones who used taxpayer money for their party benefit, and the same individuals who think that their environment minister did wonderful things for the environment by doing nothing, should be back in power running the country. Can you believe some people?

I guess this is the personal attack approach versus the generalized attacks, right?

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I think the greatest insult is the one done to our intelligence by nonsensical 911 conspiracy theorists. I don't know if its a general insult or a specific insult, but it's certainly an insult. As for equating a debate over climate to an event witnessed in realtime by 6 billion or so people, that's an insult to the intelligence too.

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I think the greatest insult is the one done to our intelligence by nonsensical 911 conspiracy theorists. I don't know if its a general insult or a specific insult, but it's certainly an insult. As for equating a debate over climate to an event witnessed in realtime by 6 billion or so people, that's an insult to the intelligence too.

Not only that, it is an insult to the people who died in 9/11, their surviving relatives and the eye witnesses. No governments are pure there are always bad apples, but to actually believe that hundreds of gov't officials etc. actually planned to kill thousands of innocent people to further some agenda is the height of idiocy.

Conspiracy theories obviously fill a need of some kind, not sure what but people who believe and perpetuate the 9/11 one in particular are delusional at the very least and insult everyone's intelligence. Its all part of an irrational hatred of Bush and the U.S. but one has to be a few clowns short of a circus to actually believe it was a gov't conspiracy. Those who write the books do it for profit, they know how many people can be suckered in. Maybe its Alcan behind it, you know, tin foil hats and all. LOL

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I think the greatest insult is the one done to our intelligence by nonsensical 911 conspiracy theorists. I don't know if its a general insult or a specific insult, but it's certainly an insult. As for equating a debate over climate to an event witnessed in realtime by 6 billion or so people, that's an insult to the intelligence too.

Not only that, it is an insult to the people who died in 9/11, their surviving relatives and the eye witnesses. No governments are pure there are always bad apples, but to actually believe that hundreds of gov't officials etc. actually planned to kill thousands of innocent people to further some agenda is the height of idiocy.

Conspiracy theories obviously fill a need of some kind, not sure what but people who believe and perpetuate the 9/11 one in particular are delusional at the very least and insult everyone's intelligence. Its all part of an irrational hatred of Bush and the U.S. but one has to be a few clowns short of a circus to actually believe it was a gov't conspiracy. Those who write the books do it for profit, they know how many people can be suckered in. Maybe its Alcan behind it, you know, tin foil hats and all. LOL

Your delusional. You dont believe in the possibility that hundreds of gov't officials could actually plan to kill thousands of innocent people to further some agenda? I guess your not familiar with Nazi Germany. But oh no, that could never happen in good ol' US of A. Like thousands of people are not being killed in Iraq right now to further some agenda. Like thousands of people were not killed in Nigaruagua to further some agenda. You really believe Gov't officials have innocent lives in consideration when pursuing an agenda? Like on the news today, a NATO air strike kills 46 innocent civillians and a few militants, thats OK right? Cause we're liberating those civillians right? Right? Liberating them from there resources that is.

Not to question 9/11 and all it's anomolies and all it's cover-ups (especially when you have high level gov't officials pointing them out) is freaking delusional. And you, you and all your war-mongering humanity-hating friends, are supremely freaking delusional.

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But oh no, that could never happen in good ol' US of A.
If you don't like being called a delusional wacko then you could try to provide a plausible alternate explanation for what happened on 9/11. Your 'anomalies' add up to a big fat nothing without such an explanation.

If you don't understand why then consider this scenario: a murder scene where the weapon has a police officer's fingerprint on it. If you look at that evidence in isolation then you could make the claim that the police officer was the murderer. However, that claim has little merit when combined with other evidence where witnesses saw someone else actually committing the murder. In this situation the most like explanation for the fingerprint is sloppy police work when the crime scene was investigated.

That is why it is rediculous to draw conclusions based on observing 'anomalies' in isolation. You MUST look at the big picture and ask whether other explainations for these 'anomalies' exist. Most people understand this and that is why most people think truthies are delusional lunatics.

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But oh no, that could never happen in good ol' US of A.
If you don't like being called a delusional wacko then you could try to provide a plausible alternate explanation for what happened on 9/11. Your 'anomalies' add up to a big fat nothing without such an explanation.

If you don't understand why then consider this scenario: a murder scene where the weapon has a police officer's fingerprint on it. If you look at that evidence in isolation then you could make the claim that the police officer was the murderer. However, that claim has little merit when combined with other evidence where witnesses saw someone else actually committing the murder. In this situation the most like explanation for the fingerprint is sloppy police work when the crime scene was investigated.

That is why it is rediculous to draw conclusions based on observing 'anomalies' in isolation. You MUST look at the big picture and ask whether other explainations for these 'anomalies' exist. Most people understand this and that is why most people think truthies are delusional lunatics.

Your a friggin idiot. Go ask Louis Freeh for his alternative story-line regarding him charging the 9/11 comission as a cover-up. Im in no position to provide an accurate account of what happened that day, and niether are you. That is the domain of a team of investigators with unobstructed access to information. Clearly the commision did not provide that and clearly the Bush admin blocked the congressional inquiry which was pursuing that. Your the delusional wako if you don't think that means something.

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Im in no position to provide an accurate account of what happened that day, and niether are you.
As I said before: you don't need to have a completely accurate alternate explaination. It just has to be plausible.

For example, if you claim that Flight 77 did not crash into the pentagon then you must offer a plausible explaination for what happened to the plane AND an explain why the alleged plotters would bother to make a plane dissappear when crashing it somewhere would have been much simpler.

Assertions like 'the government must be hiding something because they won't release the tapes' mean nothing without a plausible theory.

Go ask Louis Freeh for his alternative story-line regarding him charging the 9/11 comission as a cover-up.
Louis Freeh is only questioning what the government knew before 9/11 occurred. He is NOT claiming that 9/11 was anything other than a terrorist attack planned by radical mulsims. This means he does not need to provide an alternate explaination. You are the one claiming it was something other than a terrorist attack which means you MUST provide an alternate explaination BEFORE anyone will take your claims seriously.
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...Louis Freeh is only questioning what the government knew before 9/11 occurred. He is NOT claiming that 9/11 was anything other than a terrorist attack planned by radical mulsims. This means he does not need to provide an alternate explaination. You are the one claiming it was something other than a terrorist attack which means you MUST provide an alternate explaination BEFORE anyone will take your claims seriously.

Correct....Mr. Freeh is alleging an imcomplete and dismissive 9/11 Commission report because it rejected "Able Danger" intel about Mohammed Atta. In fact, there was consideration for such information by the commission and it was not incorporated by choice. Partisan politics was likely at work to protect the Clinton administration's role in such matters.

Freeh has his own demons to deal with, including why his FBI ignored Colleen Rowley. Can't have it both ways.

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Your delusional. You dont believe in the possibility that hundreds of gov't officials could actually plan to kill thousands of innocent people to further some agenda? I guess your not familiar with Nazi Germany. But oh no, that could never happen in good ol' US of A.

Hitler and Nazi Germany was not some conspiracy theory or figment of someone's imagination it happened without a shadow of a doubt.

You have no proof that 9/11 was anything other than a terrorist attack , anything else is simply a whacko delusional figment of someone's imagination.

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I think the greatest insult is the one done to our intelligence by nonsensical 911 conspiracy theorists. I don't know if its a general insult or a specific insult, but it's certainly an insult. As for equating a debate over climate to an event witnessed in realtime by 6 billion or so people, that's an insult to the intelligence too.

Not only that, it is an insult to the people who died in 9/11, their surviving relatives and the eye witnesses. No governments are pure there are always bad apples, but to actually believe that hundreds of gov't officials etc. actually planned to kill thousands of innocent people to further some agenda is the height of idiocy.

Conspiracy theories obviously fill a need of some kind, not sure what but people who believe and perpetuate the 9/11 one in particular are delusional at the very least and insult everyone's intelligence. Its all part of an irrational hatred of Bush and the U.S. but one has to be a few clowns short of a circus to actually believe it was a gov't conspiracy. Those who write the books do it for profit, they know how many people can be suckered in. Maybe its Alcan behind it, you know, tin foil hats and all. LOL

Not only that, it is an insult to the people who died in 9/11, their surviving relatives and the eye witnesses.

How foolish are these types of statements, really?

Always get's me chuckling!

an insult to the dead?

There dead.

An insult to survivors?

Are you aware of how many survivors and relatives of the dead, are questioning 9/11???

or do you just spout nonsense, cause perhaps you mistakenly think it sounds plausible?

or is it a manipulative tactic to silence questioners through 'guilt'


find there a list of over 110 survivors, witnesses and the family members of the deceased, who question.

How dare they "insult' themselves, give me a break!

come on, who can say that with a straight face?

How many posters recall, for how long the bush junta INSULTED the survivors and witnesses who wanted an investigation, how long did the regime INSULT the survivors, the widows, until he finally, finally caved to pressure, then underfunded the investigation?????

Get real people!

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This thread is devolving into one more September 11th, 2001 thread of which there are already a few active ones. That can not happen in the News and Help section of the forum. I encourage further posts of this thread to stick to the premise of the Opening Post.

Im referring specifically to comments posted within the 9/11 and False-Flag Terrorism threads in US Politics. I know this problem is rampant throughout this board but I would appreciate it if these useless detracting posts could be weened from the threads as they cloud the actual debate that is taking place.
When you encounter an insult or any infraction of the forum rules, use the Report function associated with the offending post. In your report, briefly describe the infraction. Your report will be sent to the moderators and addressed. Do not expect a follow-up response either public or private to every report made.
How many moderators are on here?
There are now two.

I have recently been assigned the role of a moderator. My responsibility involves dealing with spam and formatting issues as well as the discretionary authority to address violations of forum rules.

Could there be an election to provide enough moderators to enable enforcement of forum rules?
Only the forum Administrator, Greg, can decide that. Send him a Personal Message with your suggestion.
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Your a friggin idiot. Go ask Louis Freeh for his alternative story-line regarding him charging the 9/11 comission as a cover-up. Im in no position to provide an accurate account of what happened that day, and niether are you. That is the domain of a team of investigators with unobstructed access to information. Clearly the commision did not provide that and clearly the Bush admin blocked the congressional inquiry which was pursuing that. Your the delusional wako if you don't think that means something.

Who ever started this thread should use this post as an example of the kind of poster who should be disciplined. Or pantsed. Failing that a wedgie and a pink belly for being an imbecile.

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