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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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Yeah...as a kid, I was forced by my father to engage in snowmobiling, flying, hunting, camping, fishing, dirt biking, RC aircraft and model rocketry (etc). Plus, I was illegally indoctrinated into into thinking Canada was a pretty good place to live during school.

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Yeah...as a kid, I was forced by my father to engage in snowmobiling, flying, hunting, camping, fishing, dirt biking, RC aircraft and model rocketry (etc). Plus, I was illegally indoctrinated into into thinking Canada was a pretty good place to live during school.

Well now it has come to a crisis, as Canada struggles with such fundamental values. The epic conflict within Canada rages on, as evidenced by transgender and transvestite contestants being shunned at Ontario beauty pageants.

Oh Canada...Oh Humanity! (sobbing)

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Guest Manny

Somehow highly appropriate!

Suggest, in light of what the video implies that it would be a suitable condition that Omar not be allowed to have contact with those same people who indoctrinated him. They are adults and they were responsible. If we believe that he was wrongly indoctrinated as a helpless child, something needs to be done about that.

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Guest Peeves

Suggest, in light of what the video implies that it would be a suitable condition that Omar not be allowed to have contact with those same people who indoctrinated him. They are adults and they were responsible. If we believe that he was wrongly indoctrinated as a helpless child, something needs to be done about that.

That makes sense. Charge them with child abuse and jail them too.

When he gets 'out', do you think he will go on a speaking tour? If so, who would attend and would the usual suspects demonstrate and threaten violence?

Would our university profs and youth groups sponsor him? Lots of interesting things to look forward to eh!

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Well now it has come to a crisis, as Canada struggles with such fundamental values. The epic conflict within Canada rages on, as evidenced by transgender and transvestite contestants being shunned at Ontario beauty pageants.

Oh Canada...Oh Humanity! (sobbing)

I know. What hardship. I'll post my PayPal link for those wanting to help.

Kids (sons especially) like to do what their fathers are doing. Dad's fixing the car? Can I hold the wrench? Dad's planning to help blow-up the USS Cole? Can I hold the part that goes BOOM?

Edited by DogOnPorch
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...Kids (sons especially) like to do what their fathers are doing. Dad's fixing the car? Can I hold the wrench? Dad's planning to help blow-up the USS Cole? Can I hold the part that goes BOOM?

LOL! That's what counts....passing on such traditions from father to son, mother to daughter, generation to generation. It is the way of the tribe...the old ways are always best. Wait...don't touch that...BOOOOOM!

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I can't even read the rest of your post after this ridiculous comment. He was a child. How can a child take advantage of "the things this country affords them?"

He was a citizen and he fought for the other side...He,unfortunately,was indoctrinated into a cluelessly backwards version of his family's faith...A version his mother was all to proud to promote...

Ya'know...The version that wants us all dead...All the while taking advantage (including sweet wittle Omar)of everything this country affords even low lifes like The Kadr's..

Send them back to Afghanistan where they truly belong and let them fight their personal "jihad" there....

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He was a citizen and he fought for the other side...He,unfortunately,was indoctrinated into a cluelessly backwards version of his family's faith...A version his mother was all to proud to promote...

Ya'know...The version that wants us all dead...All the while taking advantage (including sweet wittle Omar)of everything this country affords even low lifes like The Kadr's..

Send them back to Afghanistan where they truly belong and let them fight their personal "jihad" there....

This sort of haywire line of reasoning has just about run it's malevolent albeit useless course - it will certainly never see the light of day in the SC that provides the only adjudication of Omar Khadr that history will pay attention to in the end.

Hopefully that ruling will be the final straw that breaks the backs of the low-lifes who hate the SC and the Charter rights that prevent the state from breaking Canadian's. This is a jihad that's definitely been spoiling for a fight. So bring it on and lets roll.

Edited by eyeball
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Send them back to Afghanistan where they truly belong and let them fight their personal "jihad" there....

I think we should reward Omar with cash (say 10 million?) and land with the condition he never travel by sea or air again in his lifetime. He is Canadian, afterall...just like Bob and Doug.


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Guest Manny

LOL! That's what counts....passing on such traditions from father to son, mother to daughter, generation to generation.

Hard to figure that out, when Dad is a contestant in a trans-gender beauty contest. But hey, don't let that stop America from shredding the last semblance of decency Canada still has left...

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That's nice. I've been warned about showing the actual violence found in the Islamic world. Not Kosher.

We can show NATO bombing cities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya .. and on and on and on ...... why not both?

And screw you for the Jew reference.

Edited by GostHacked
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I get it Army Guy. I think it's disgusting how vets are treated too. Maybe a thread on that topic would be informative to a lot of us here.

It's government's responsibility, but we need to understand the facts so we can support veterans' lobbying efforts.

Khadr's situation is different, though. He didn't volunteer for anything, nor could he as a child, but was forced to 'serve' by his father.

Justice should be done in both cases. One doesn't cancel out the other.

Here is were i don't agree, in afghan a young boy goes through a ceramony at age 11 in which he is considered a man, in Afghan he enjoys all the laws that an adult has. He can marry, start a family, carries a wpn, and fights in any conflict he chooses....

The fact he is Canadian did not change any of that, the crimes he commited were in fact commited here in Afghan, and being 15 years old does not change that either. As with any Canadian who breaks the lawe in another country has to face the law and justice meated out by said country, being a 15 year old canadian should not change that either....But nobody has explored that opition as US forces whisped him away to face war crimes...however we are all concerned that the proper justice be served...one of the main reason this is not being explored is well Aghan justice is well... lets say final...

At the time he was captured there was noone preventing Omar from just leaving, other than his dead fathers wishes or orders what ever he was dead...Omar was part of a small IED cell, making and planting explosives to be used again'st US troops...in fact he braged in one of his vidios about claiming a bounty for killing US soldiers...can i add that theri sector was not far from were Canadian troops some times operated in....

Here is where reality gets alittle blurred...During that time NATO and Canadian rules of engagement were well lets say very open, and IED teams where a priority target, which could be engaged at any time with out warning...meaning it was open season on all ied TEAMS...NO where in the ROE is any age mentioned, in fact if a soldier felt like they were being threaten they could use deadly force on anyone or anything... So our government has legally given soldiers the green light to kill terrorist of any age...in the case of IED teams on site...so it was OK to kill omar, but once we captured him he was not going to be held responsable for his actions, we as a nation were weeping for this guy....we wanted him back he was a cute little child soldier, who was shot while engaging US troops" those monsters how dare the shot a child, he should be coddled, nutured , give help because we can save him....

I get it i have a son who is 12 years old , so i get it....but we aslo have to understand Afghan culture ,this is common, not because they have been brainwashed, or forced into it, but rather it is what is expected of a man, it is what they want to do...it is not only Afghan traditions but rather a middle eastern one...the cases of child soldiers is very different...where they are forced...some say his father forced him ...His mother tried to talk him and his brother into become suicide bombers, and yet his chioce he refused...so much for for being a true believer...no virgins for him...

So while he is under age to be a combatant , by the genva convention, by every law that western forces conduct themselfs, but not Afghanis culture, or middle eastern culture....there they are seen as soldiers...

I get it that we are a western military and must follow western laws, and by our laws he is still a kid...but the only canadian law he broke was maybe that of treason. he did however break laws in Afghan where we as a nation have already decided don't count...He also broke laws of war , and is considered an insurgent, which means very little except he is not entilted to all the genva convention laws and regulations....He also was wanted by the US for killing a soldier, as an insurgent not a combatant that is again'st the law period regardless if that soldier was a medic or not....So a military court found him guilty...does not matter if he plea bargined or not...he pleaded guilty and so the court ruled....

The us and Canadian governments come to an agreement to bring him back so he may serve the rest of his time in Canada, great all for it. but he has yet faced justice for 1. being a traitor in Canada, nor has he faced any justice from Afhan....

But what gets me fuming is people are calling for the government to pay him off for not acting quick enough...Are we saying our laws trump all the rest around the world, after all he was a US captive...and we had to wait for that trail to be finished ...If we had not, and be honest do you think we would have come up with anything different , or do you believe we would have released him negating any justice for that US soldier, no Canadian justice served, and well ...screw Afghan justice, we don't like the war any way...

I don't have any time for the Omar in the world, i've seen up close and personal what they do and what they are capable off...All because they want to force their ideals on a people that don't want them any more than they want western ideals....they do however like the fact they are not in charge any more, they like there version of peace, to have the freedom to work and earn a wage...perhaps i'm gaded, but to me a terrorist is a terroist, all should suffer the same fate as thier victims...to me justice is "target down".

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The Supreme Court says otherwise.

What does the Supreme court say otherwise about that he while in Afghanistan he enjoys all the laws that an adult has. He can marry, start a family, carries a wpn, and fights in any conflict he chooses....

The fact he is Canadian did not change any of that, the crimes he commited were in fact commited here in Afghan, and being 15 years old does not change that either. As with any Canadian who breaks the lawe in another country has to face the law and justice meated out by said country, being a 15 year old canadian should not change that either....But nobody has explored that opition as US forces whisped him away to face war crimes

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Guest Manny

When we adopt the laws of Afghanistan in Canada, the supreme court will align itself with these views. Until then, these are our laws and this is the way we do it. I'll stick with the Canadian way.

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What does the Supreme court say otherwise about that he while in Afghanistan he enjoys all the laws that an adult has. He can marry, start a family, carries a wpn, and fights in any conflict he chooses....

The Supreme Court clearly said he had all the rights of a Canadian and that our government was violating them.

Edited by eyeball
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