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Billions of Bee's Dying

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Seriously, dude, the bees are dying off. This is alarming because much of our food and plant life depends on pollination, which bees do quite nicely. No bees, no food.

The question is why are they dying.

Yes Sharkman and rather than address this alarming fact some of the posters on here would rather make a joke of it. They make it quite plain that they know nothing about Biology or farming in general.

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Seriously, dude, the bees are dying off. This is alarming because much of our food and plant life depends on pollination, which bees do quite nicely. No bees, no food.

This is false....no bees does not mean no food. It means more expensive food. Bee husbandry is part of agribusiness. Bzzzzzzzzzzz...

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Seriously, dude, the bees are dying off. This is alarming because much of our food and plant life depends on pollination, which bees do quite nicely. No bees, no food.

This is false....no bees does not mean no food. It means more expensive food. Bee husbandry is part of agribusiness. Bzzzzzzzzzzz...

True enough, I was oversimplifying to get a point across, but I believe it could cause more starvations in poor countries if western nations had to curtail aid shipments. Higher prices would make it harder on the poor in richer nations.

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Seriously, dude, the bees are dying off. This is alarming because much of our food and plant life depends on pollination, which bees do quite nicely. No bees, no food.

This is false....no bees does not mean no food. It means more expensive food. Bee husbandry is part of agribusiness. Bzzzzzzzzzzz...

True enough, I was oversimplifying to get a point across, but I believe it could cause more starvations in poor countries if western nations had to curtail aid shipments. Higher prices would make it harder on the poor in richer nations.

Oh come off it. A few years ago it was killer bees who were going to cause mass attacks and the downfall of the world and now it's a lack of them that's going to do us in. Reminds me of the "New Ice Age" ----> "Global Warming" ----> "Climate Change" one size fits all hysteria.

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Seriously, dude, the bees are dying off. This is alarming because much of our food and plant life depends on pollination, which bees do quite nicely. No bees, no food.

This is false....no bees does not mean no food. It means more expensive food. Bee husbandry is part of agribusiness. Bzzzzzzzzzzz...

True enough, I was oversimplifying to get a point across, but I believe it could cause more starvations in poor countries if western nations had to curtail aid shipments. Higher prices would make it harder on the poor in richer nations.

Oh come off it. A few years ago it was killer bees who were going to cause mass attacks and the downfall of the world and now it's a lack of them that's going to do us in. Reminds me of the "New Ice Age" ----> "Global Warming" ----> "Climate Change" one size fits all hysteria.

Self pollination and hermaphroditic plants...

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Self pollination and hermaphroditic plants...

How many varieties of sustainable edible plant life is self pollinatiting or hermaphroditic naturaly in nature?

How many species of insects aid in cross pollination?

And I wonder how many of them are dying off as well. Mother Nature or God or whatever you want to call her will rid herself of pests. The one in danger now is Man. There are none so blind as he who will not see and the arrogance of man is unbelievable.

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Self pollination and hermaphroditic plants...

How many varieties of sustainable edible plant life is self pollinatiting or hermaphroditic naturaly in nature?

How many species of insects aid in cross pollination?

And I wonder how many of them are dying off as well. Mother Nature or God or whatever you want to call her will rid herself of pests. The one in danger now is Man. There are none so blind as he who will not see and the arrogance of man is unbelievable.

Ah, so now we've moved on to all the insects dying. Next we'll have to slide Global Warming in under the door just to make this complete.

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And I wonder how many of them are dying off as well. Mother Nature or God or whatever you want to call her will rid herself of pests. The one in danger now is Man. There are none so blind as he who will not see and the arrogance of man is unbelievable.

Ah, so now we've moved on to all the insects dying. Next we'll have to slide Global Warming in under the door just to make this complete.

Virtually all the insecticides used are highly toxic to Bees, and essentially all other insects as well. There isn't such a thing as a selective insecticide. A fair number of the Herbicides are toxic to bees at least of those that mention relative toxicity. Some of the approved herbicides for example don't appear to have even looked at the question.

It doesn't need to be GMOed crops that are causing the bee die-off, but when you consider that part of the plan of insect resistant GM crops is to build the toxicity directly into the plant so that farmers don't have to spray you've got to wonder how many insects like bees, that don't necessarily pollinate a particular crop, might keel over while simply picking up sap from damaged areas for the hive moisture.

Sorry ScottSA, the only time global warming enters into this is when we are having a hard time feeding the populace because of it and we look around and say you know we'd be better off if we had the bees now.

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I think some folks here should really take a short biology course and focus on the importance of insect pollination of plants, not only for agribusiness, but also for ecological sustainability. Afterall we do depend on this planet.

For those who are either lazy or incompetent here is a google link for insect pollination:

Google results

I imagine in a windless moonscape bees would be even more important for crosspollination. Fortunately we have wind, and plants managed to struggle along cross pollinating long before bees showed up. Of course, lots of other insects also contribute to crosspollination, and I hear birds do a lot of it too.

Anyway, of course bees dying is a problem, but when all the conspiracy freaks and granola eaters show up at once claiming either that the Bushwhore is afoot or that the world is about to end, again, then it's a little hard to take seriously. Woody of course won't get the irony of calling people Luddites and then condemning GM foods, and the other one trackers won't budge from a deep conviction that they KNOW the TRVTH, so there's not much point in taking things seriously.

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It would be a problem even on a windy landscape. Some plants need bees to survive. EOS.

On a side note, I know a gentleman farmer whose hobby business is to lease hives to other farmers. He tyrucks them to their farm and ploaces the hives amidst the crops. He makes good coin doing this as well as selling queens internationally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

www.rense.com had the author of Seeds Of Destruction (Jeffery Smith) on the show today. He has written another book.

He says the GM foods are causing gut bacteria to change inside the bees gut and their immune systems are dying. The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones is causing the navigation problems as well. Its a combination of things.

Very informative show.

(He also had Peter Schiff on. Some mainstream supporters may recall the name in economics in all the big mainstream economic sources. He says the economy is going to collapse for the same reason as everyone else, including Lyndon LaRouche. He suggests some investment stategy for protection.)

This is "real news" and "expert interviews" not "propoganda" and "BS" and if more people would be willing to pay for this quality of info mainstream would stop lying and propogandizing all the time. Its about $10.00 / month.

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