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Your apoinion on 911  

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Here is a US army document that lays it all out for you Civilian Inmate Labour Camps

As far as I can see this document concerns the military using the labour of prisoners in the civil penal system and housing them on military installations instead of having to transport them. People may have some objections to that idea but it is not the establishment of a concentration camp system.

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Wilbur:As far as I can see this document concerns the military using the labour of prisoners in the civil penal system and housing them on military installations instead of having to transport them. People may have some objections to that idea but it is not the establishment of a concentration camp system.

They will make laws to arrest you with. Thats what global warming is for. Then you will be a prisoner and put to work for the military or any other private interest. Thats what Hitler did - have you ever seen Schindlers List ?

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They will make laws to arrest you with. Thats what global warming is for. Then you will be a prisoner and put to work for the military or any other private interest. Thats what Hitler did - have you ever seen Schindlers List ?

Schindlers List wasn't about climate change.

By the way, in Schindlers List that private interest [Oskar Schindler] actually saved the Jew's from the death camp's.

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CanadianBlue:Schindlers List wasn't about climate change.

I think you should go back to watching Bay Watch & The Little Hobo.

I think you should get back on your medication's before something bad happens.

I never knew the Nazis wanted to fight climate change, for that matter I didn't even know that Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth was part of the international bankers plan's to takeover the world through the use of communism and capitalism.

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CanadianBlue:I didn't even know that Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth was part of the international bankers plan's to takeover the world through the use of communism and capitalism.

It is. To understand this you have to read The Report From Iron Mountain. This summary is 15 pages long.

The Report From Iron Mountain explains how the oligarchy could control society if peace ever broke out. First it will be global warming and if that doesn't work we will have an attack of flying saucers. It explains that terrorism doesn't work for long as people eventually figure it out.

Global warming is falling apart so they will be setting us up for War Of The Worlds part deux soon. Lately CNN has reported sightings of flying saucers.

The Report From Iron Mountain is one of the most important documents ever released to the public. It reached the NY Times best seller list by accident after Leonard Lewin got a hold of it and got some small publishing house to publish it in the 60's. None of the major publishers would dare publish it.

After its release it was quickly taken off the shelves and Lewin was forced to say he wrote it as a hoax.

The report was created be a think tank of which John Kenneth Galbraith was a member. Galbraith is said to authenticate it in The Creature From Jekyll Island (Griffin).

Its no joke and it doesn't read that way at all. Its a very serious document.

As far as international bankers ruling the world. its them who print the currency therefore they make the rules. Simple. Bush Corp and Uncle Steve just write the speeches.

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I like Gwynne Dyer's point of view about 911 in the article posted below... makes more sense than the conspiracy theorists...

8 March 2007

Loose Screws

By Gwynne Dyer

The 9/11 conspiracy theory is back, in a much more virulent form,

and normally sane people are being taken in by it: I am getting half a

dozen earnest e-mails every day telling me I must see a film called "Loose

Change." It has been around in various versions for almost two years, but

it now seems to be gathering converts faster than ever

Well, I have seen it, and I concede that it is a much slicker, more

professional product than other 9/11 conspiracy films, and therefore more

seductive. But the argument is pure paranoid fantasy, and it is rotting

people's brains.

There have always been two versions of 9/11 conspiracy theory. The

lesser version held that the Bush administration had advance intelligence

of al-Qaeda's plans, but chose to ignore the warning because the attacks

suited its purposes. The greater version insisted that there was no

al-Qaeda involvement, and that the attacks were carried out by the US


Until recently, the greater version was largely confined to the

Arab world, where many people are in complete denial about any Arab

involvement in the atrocity. Very few Americans took that version

seriously, though many wondered whether the intelligence lapses had really

been accidental.

Even the lesser conspiracy would have required the complicity of

half a dozen very senior people who received the intelligence and decided

to ignore it: the heads of the CIA and the FBI (George Tenet and Louis

Freeh), the national security adviser (Condoleezza Rice), the secretaries

of defence and state (Don Rumsfeld and Colin Powell), plus of course

Vice-President Cheney and perhaps President Bush. It would also have

required the permanent silence (or silencing) of a dozen lower-level

intelligence analysts who knew that the senior people had seen the


I don't believe that happened because I don't think that Tenet,

Rice, Powell et al. would have deliberately plotted the deaths of thousands

of Americans. I don't believe even Dick Cheney would have done that. And I

note that there has been no inexplicable wave of sudden deaths among junior

intelligence analysts in Washington.

I do believe, however, that 9/11 served the purposes of the

neo-conservatives and their allies in the Bush administration. They were

already planning to attack Iraq, as part of a larger plan, dating back to

the late 1990s and the Project for a New American Century, to re-launch Pax

America and re-establish American hegemony in the 21st-century world. I

agree that they were adroit in seizing on 9/11 as a way of enlisting

popular support for their project. But that's all.

I cannot absolutely refute the lesser conspiracy theory, but I find

it extremely implausible. The greater conspiracy theory, on the other

hand, is just plain loony -- and yet more and more people are falling for

it in the West, where it was once the exclusive domain of people with

counter-rotating eyeballs and poor personal hygiene. You cannot overstate

the impact of a well-made film.

"Loose Change" confidently asserts that the twin towers were

brought down by carefully placed demolition charges, not by the fires

ignited by the planes that hit them; that the Pentagon was struck by a

cruise missile and not by a plane at all; and that the fourth "hijacked"

plane, Flight 93, did not crash in a field in Pennsylvania but landed at

Cleveland airport, where the passengers were taken into a NASA building and

never seen again.

What about all the calls that the passengers on Flight 93 made on

their phones? Their voices were cloned by the Los Alamos laboratories and

the calls to their relatives were faked. The FBI was in on it, the CIA was

in on it, the US Air Force was in on it (except, of course, those USAF

personnel who were killed at the Pentagon), and North American Aerospace

Defence Command was in on it (but they kept the Canadians in NORAD out of

the loop.)

The security companies guarding the World Trade Centre were in on

it, Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in on it, the Federal Aviation Administration

was in on it, NASA was in on it, and the Pentagon was in on it. At least

ten thousand people were in on it. They had to be, or it couldn't have

worked. And more than five years later, not one of them has talked.

Nobody has got drunk and spilled their guts. Nobody has told their

spouse, who then blabbed. Not one of these ten thousand accomplices to

mass murder has yielded to the temptation for instant fame and great wealth

if only they blow the whistle on the greatest conspiracy in history. Even

the Mafia code of silence is nothing compared to this.

In normal times you wouldn't waste breath arguing with people who

fall for this kind of rubbish, but the makers of "Loose Change" claim that

their film has already been seen by over 100 million people, and looking at

my e-mail in-tray I believe them. It is a real problem, because by linking

their fantasies about 9/11 to the Bush administration's deliberate

deception of the American people in order to gain support for the invasion

of Iraq, they bring discredit on the truth and the nonsense alike.

You almost wonder if they are secretly working for the Bush


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Drea:You've screwed with everyone long enough Poly.

How about going away so that regular folks can have an intelligent debate on 911 instead of your pathetic rantings that have muddied everything.


(a dumb insult that cannot be backed up in any way because I back up everything I say about this topic with proven fact or unbiased expert opinion)

There are many more examples but I think this, with Gregs request and my clarification of exactly what a troll is should stop a lot of this nonsense.

I'll back up my statement...

You've called lawyers (actually the entire legal system) Weasel Wonderland. This is what I mean by a "pathetic ranting". Not all lawyers and police officers are "bad" Poly.

I believe that 911 was perpetrated by the US govt -- I believe there is a NAU being planned -- I believe floride is bad for you -- I believe our monetary system is controlled by the illuminati -- I read Rense!

So you see, Dear PN, I AM on your side.

But you over did it -- you've now convinced the people on this board that the "conspiracies" (and I use that term loosely as I believe we are talking FACTS) are not worth reading.

Too bad, because it would be great to have a logical discussion about it.

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Join founding Director of the Centre for Peace Studies and long-time

peace activist Graeme MacQueen and Professor Emeritus of structural

engineering Bob Korol for a discussion of the 9/11 World Trade Center

attacks. The speakers will screen a film and present both primary and

secondary research on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

The evening will present a rigorous and scholarly analysis of one of

the most important events in recent history. Bring your questions and

your open mind!

Friday March 23, 7:00 p.m.

The Skydragon Centre

27 King William Street,

Hamilton, Ontario

Did you go?

Was it all fluff or did some real questions get answered?

Were there protestors?

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Drea:You've called lawyers (actually the entire legal system) Weasel Wonderland. This is what I mean by a "pathetic ranting". Not all lawyers and police officers are "bad" Poly.

Not all police are bad but all lawyers are bad because they are all responsible for their own governance. This self governance thing makes them all responsible for how the Law Society of Upper Canada works - which is stated to protect the public from lawyers but in reality just protects the lawyers from the public and being held legally responsible for their criminal acts. The Law Society Of Upper Canada ensures that lawyers can operate above the law.

Self Governance and its inherent responsibilities is not something many people are familiar with.

I don't blame any particular lawyer for their own moral transgressions. I blame all of them and its due to what the law society lets them get away with.

Self Governance of professionals is turning out to be a very bad thing. How many people know that doctors no longer must take the hyppocratic oath ? Whose interest is the doctor working in when they give you those shots ? Whos interest do engineers work under when they refuse to discuss 911 in debate intelligently and state falshoods around the science of the wtc collapses ?

Getting rid of self governance of professionals would be a giant step forward in restoring democracy. Lawyers are the worst regular abusers of this priviledge.

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i really can't believe there is a discussion on this.

it is so obvious. the only backing for people who oppose the truth are government funded or mainstream sources. which have been proven to be corrupt.

wtc 1, 2 & 7 are the first buildings to ever collapse from fire.

a medium bomber flew into the empire state building in 1945, how many people died? 14

there was fireproofing on all the gurders, but it came off from the impact of the jet(supposedly). even at that, it's no where enough metal exposed to the heat to weaken it to the point of structural failure. they say the jet fuel was the reason for the high temperatures, but the jet fuel would of burned away in minutes when spread over that much surface area.

both were designed to take an impact of a fully loaded jet liner. the chances of BOTH of them collapsing, and the exact same thing happening in both, in barely existent.

what about wtc 7? BBC was reporting that it had already collapsed, and it was still burning in the background.

a burning piece of debris ignited the fire in wtc 7. i have NO IDEA what could heavy enough to travel through the concrete and steel, travel 20 stories down, and still have enough heat to ignire fires. what would this be? molten metal that burns through everything magically?(not possible). why wouldnt the fire be on the top floors if it fell from WTC 1 or 2...

opperation amalgam virgo: planning and response to unconventional acts of terrorism ( has bin ladens picture on it). this proves that they had foreknowledge, its a failure of govt even if it was really bin laden.


FEMA released "emergency response to terrorism, a self study" on the cover was the twin towers, with one of them with a crosshair. coincidentally or not, the cross hair is almost exactly where the plane struck.


and this, personally i think is icing on the cake. 6 months before sept 11th, this episode was aired on fox and global. it involved a hijacked plane, flying into the world trade center. the character opposed this event, and while talking to his director he explains how "this needs to happen, the arms industry is dwindling post cold war, and it benefits the people, and that THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE REAL CULPRITS.

go 5 minutes into this video, and you will see the exerpt from that lone gunman episode.

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i really can't believe there is a discussion on this.

it is so obvious. the only backing for people who oppose the truth are government funded or mainstream sources. which have been proven to be corrupt.


wtc 1, 2 & 7 are the first buildings to ever collapse from fire.


a medium bomber flew into the empire state building in 1945, how many people died? 14

a WWII-era propeller-driven medium bomber is a tiny, lightweight, slow-moving plane compared to a 757. Attempting to equate the two is an act of astounding stupidity.

there was fireproofing on all the gurders, but it came off from the impact of the jet(supposedly). even at that, it's no where enough metal exposed to the heat to weaken it to the point of structural failure. they say the jet fuel was the reason for the high temperatures, but the jet fuel would of burned away in minutes when spread over that much surface area.

...amateur speculation about the amount and type of damage inside the impact area and the ultimate effect on a structure that's huge and incredibly complex.

both were designed to take an impact of a fully loaded jet liner. the chances of BOTH of them collapsing, and the exact same thing happening in both, in barely existent.

The buildings were designed in the 1960s when the technology to accurately model and simulate such events simply didn't exist. The engineers and architects of the WTC towers would have been working primarily with pencils, paper, and slide-rules, and did an astounding job of it, but the ability to know for certain what would have happened if fully-fueled jetliners slammed into the towers was beyond their ability to judge with any degree of certainty. The WTC towers withstood the impact of the airliners, as they were designed to. To extend the designers' claims to cover later fatigue due to damage, fire, and the failure of fire-prevention systems is a huge stretch.

One might as well claim "the Hindenburg was designed not to explode, so its explosion was obviously sabotage!" or "the Titanic's designers claimed it was unsinkable, so it couldn't have been sunk by an ice-berg."

"The Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge was designed to withstand winds well over 40mph, so the claim that its collapse was caused by 40mph winds is obviously false."

what about wtc 7? BBC was reporting that it had already collapsed, and it was still burning in the background.

a burning piece of debris ignited the fire in wtc 7. i have NO IDEA what could heavy enough to travel through the concrete and steel, travel 20 stories down, and still have enough heat to ignire fires. what would this be? molten metal that burns through everything magically?(not possible). why wouldnt the fire be on the top floors if it fell from WTC 1 or 2...

The facts about WTC7 are certainly not clear.

opperation amalgam virgo: planning and response to unconventional acts of terrorism ( has bin ladens picture on it). this proves that they had foreknowledge, its a failure of govt even if it was really bin laden.


Given that Al Qaeda had already committed unconventional acts of terrorism, it doesn't seem terribly surprising that his face would be on the brochure.

It is widely agreed, even among non-Truthies, that the success of the 9/11 attacks represents a huge failure of the US government, so that's not a particularly controversial comment.

FEMA released "emergency response to terrorism, a self study" on the cover was the twin towers, with one of them with a crosshair. coincidentally or not, the cross hair is almost exactly where the plane struck.


and this, personally i think is icing on the cake. 6 months before sept 11th, this episode was aired on fox and global. it involved a hijacked plane, flying into the world trade center. the character opposed this event, and while talking to his director he explains how "this needs to happen, the arms industry is dwindling post cold war, and it benefits the people, and that THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE REAL CULPRITS.

go 5 minutes into this video, and you will see the exerpt from that lone gunman episode.

blahblahblah conjecture

Why is there still discussion about this? Because your whole case is based on conjecture about motives and conjecture about how large buildings behave under complicated circumstances.


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An airline pilot and ex fighter pilot has come out to inform people that Boeing did have the automatic systems is place to automatically steer the planes into the target.

It wouldn't be difficult to fly the aircraft into the buildings using the autopilot but it would have to be done by the crew aboard the aircraft. There is no way it could have been done by remote control without doing extensive modifications to the aircraft. Even then the autopilot could be easily overridden by the crew.

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i really can't believe there is a discussion on this.

it is so obvious. the only backing for people who oppose the truth are government funded or mainstream sources. which have been proven to be corrupt.

I usually get my sources from people that know how to capitalize the first letter at the start of each sentence.

a medium bomber flew into the empire state building in 1945, how many people died? 14

A B-25 is much different than a 757.

what about wtc 7? BBC was reporting that it had already collapsed, and it was still burning in the background.

Usually their is alot of chaos and misinformation in every national disaster.

and this, personally i think is icing on the cake. 6 months before sept 11th, this episode was aired on fox and global. it involved a hijacked plane, flying into the world trade center. the character opposed this event, and while talking to his director he explains how "this needs to happen, the arms industry is dwindling post cold war, and it benefits the people, and that THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE REAL CULPRITS.

go 5 minutes into this video, and you will see the exerpt from that lone gunman episode.

You're actually using a plot from a TV show, based on the guys who were in the X-Files. That's frigian retarded.

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