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Hello-the fact that you perceive things in a certain way doesn't make that the gospel. As for your recommendations, may I politely state you read subjective opinion comments from people who simply tell you what you want to hear.

Example ? I've listed fact and the informed opinion of top experts.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

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OMG, thermite destroyed the Hindenberg as well!

Since the Hindenberg was designed to not explode, and since there have been no hydrogen blimp disasters of that scale before or after the Hindenberg, it's obvious that it wasn't an accident.

It was clearly a cover-up designed to kill witnesses and destroy documents about the American banking oligarchy's involvement with Nazi Germany.

Let's bring the discussions about the deliberate slaighter of the people on the Titanic (actually, since an important assistant to the leader of HM's opposition was on the Titanic, apparently the work of Britain's PM), and the Hindenburg (similar story) and related incidents over to the thread exposing Bush's role in starting Katrina (link to thread).

  • Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone."
  • Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds.
  • Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location?
  • The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).


How about we stick to the topic at hand because those are the forum rules.

How about you guys get togather and give me one reason why we should think foreign terrorists attacked us on 911. You can't seem to do that.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

CanadianBlue:You do all realize that the only reason these conspiracy theories exist is because people can't emotionally cope with such a tragic event, and feel the need to explain it in some other way that makes sense only to them.

Conspiracy theories exist because conspiracies exist. There will always be people who do evil things to take power or money from weaker people. The idea that someone would say conspiracies don't exist is proof of suggestive of MKUltra mind control. Its rediculous, particularly after we all know about the WMD lies to start the war in Iraq.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

CanadianBlue:You do all realize that the only reason these conspiracy theories exist is because people can't emotionally cope with such a tragic event, and feel the need to explain it in some other way that makes sense only to them.

Conspiracy theories exist because conspiracies exist. There will always be people who do evil things to take power or money from weaker people. The idea that someone would say conspiracies don't exist is proof of suggestive of MKUltra mind control. Its rediculous, particularly after we all know about the WMD lies to start the war in Iraq.

Conspiracy theories exist because people don't want to face the fact that about 1/3 of the people on the earth have the means and desire to inflict mayhem for any reason or no reason at all on totally innocent people. Just as Europe before WW II they want to either wish evil away or blame it on people who aren't evil.

  • Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone."
  • Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds.
  • Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location?
  • The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).


"Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's alleged confession testimony has been thoroughly discredited after it emerged that one of the targets he identified, the Plaza Bank, was not founded until 2006, four years after the alleged Al-Qaeda mastermind's arrest.



How many times can people lie to you before you stop believing them ?

Why do you think a nihilist culture is being created ? Do you think members of the CFR work against each other ?

Once they take our rights away and create the corporatist state, what use for lawyers will there be ?

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars


"It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians." - Stephen Harper

How about we stick to the topic at hand because those are the forum rules.

How about you guys get togather and give me one reason why we should think foreign terrorists attacked us on 911. You can't seem to do that.

Then answer BLACK DOG'S questions way back at post # 20.

You never have done so.

CanadianBlue:You do all realize that the only reason these conspiracy theories exist is because people can't emotionally cope with such a tragic event, and feel the need to explain it in some other way that makes sense only to them.

Conspiracy theories exist because conspiracies exist. There will always be people who do evil things to take power or money from weaker people. The idea that someone would say conspiracies don't exist is proof of suggestive of MKUltra mind control. Its rediculous, particularly after we all know about the WMD lies to start the war in Iraq.

Conspiracies exist because people like you exist.

BC:Contract law, tax law, patent law, securities law, bankruptcy law, etc.

Thats only important when there is competition. When only one company makes cars and only one company grows bananas and only one company builds houses the need for all that dissapears.

Talking about Katrina earlier, has anyone looked at how the folks with the big houses on the hill were treated ?

FEMA just blocked food and aid to the poor, went up the hill & took away everybodies guns.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars


Black Dogs Post #20.

1) If the Government carried out 9-11 by crashing planes into the twin towers to cover up the controlled demoloition of the WTC, why would they bother to fake a plane crashing into the Pentagon? I mean, why not just crash an actual plane like they did in New York? If the Pentagon was hit by a missile, where did all the suspiciously airplane-like debris (including wheels and scraps bearing the airline's colours) come from?

2) If the air defence was told to stand down, who shot down flight 93? Or was there a Flight 93 at all? If not, why fake a crash in the middle of nowhere? And what happened to the people who were on the actual flight 93?

3) How come nobody actually involved in the conspiracy has come forward? There must have been thousands of people directly involved and imagine the book deal awaiting the person who can blow the lid off of one of the greatest conspiracies of all time. Instead, we get Babs Streisand's husband. Oooh.

4) How did they manage to wire the WTC with explosives and when did they start? The tallest building ever imploded was the 439 foot (that's less than half the size of one WTC tower) J.L. Hudson Department Store in Detroit. That job took seventh months of prep work, 2,728 lbs of explosives in 4,118 separate charges in 1,100 locations on columns on nine levels of the complex, and 36,000 ft of detonating cord. Now imagine the time and material required to bring down two WTC towers and WTC7. Now tell me how they were able to do all of that work undetected.

(1) There were not two engfines found, no landing gear and you can't fly planes 10 ft off the ground at 500 miles per hour. They crashed the plane into the Pentagon to kill the investigators looking into the missing trillions. See Seven Hours In September.

(2) Air defence was stood down - we know that from congressional testimony. The defences for the Pentagon/White House were intentionally stood down.

(3) An operation like this would be compartmentalized. The people wiring the trade centers probably thought they were wiring for fire alarms, computers or just told it was a secret project. Explosives would be planted at the last minute to prevent lightning during a storm from setting them off and to prevent anyone from figfuring out the real purpose of the system.

(4) See (3) and thats why the CD of wtc1 & wtc2 were not conventional. They were explosions rather than implosions. We know wtc7 was CD'd because its on tape all over the place- firemen saying it was goiing to come down. Fires didn't even start in that building until after 3 pm. Larry Silverstein even said they were going to9 "pull it" on tape. You can ssume that means pull the firefighters but you can assume the moon is made of cheese too.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars


Lawyers are being played like cheap musical instruments in all this - all you have to do is keep them swimming in money that will soon be worthless. Once you put money in front of a lawyer then they become blind to everything else. Engineers think they are going to be part of it all because they are needed but I don't see the need for engineers that can't do basic physics. I'd say some of people I graduated with probably shouldn't have graduated.

As for the other sycophants they won't be needed either. The cops that torture people will be dissapeared because the establishment doesn't want them around once they have been used for this. It is a way of erasing responsibility in case things don't go according to plan. People that do the torturing need to figure out that they will be next and deserve no sympathy from the establishment.

We are entering an era of total tyranny.

People can't defend themselves and the establishment will want to create terrorism as a means to a greater police state and to destroy society further. Nothing would make them happier than to see people that know what is happening start to make bombs and set them off at financial centers where people make a few hundred grand a year work and think they will be winners in all of this.

We have a culture of nihilism because peoples egos can be used to destroy the fabric of society.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

CanadianBlue:You do all realize that the only reason these conspiracy theories exist is because people can't emotionally cope with such a tragic event, and feel the need to explain it in some other way that makes sense only to them.

Conspiracy theories exist because conspiracies exist. There will always be people who do evil things to take power or money from weaker people. The idea that someone would say conspiracies don't exist is proof of suggestive of MKUltra mind control. Its rediculous, particularly after we all know about the WMD lies to start the war in Iraq.

Conspiracies exist because people like you exist.

'sunsettommy': "Conspiracies exist because people like you exist."

NONSENSE, plain and simple.

One would have to wonder, what, would compel anyone would make such a nonsensical statement???

Conspiracies exist because individuals CONSPIRE to commit acts, wether it be murder or robbery or more.

That my friend is what makes a conspiracy what it is.

Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).


Ooops , another anomoly!!!!!

In Oct 2002, October 30th , to be exact , it was being reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed head of al-Qaeda's military committee, died in the police raid on his apartment.


"Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose hands they remain. "

Let's read that again:

"Now it has emerged that Kuwaiti national Khalid Shaikh Mohammed did indeed perish in the raid, but his wife and child were taken from the apartment and handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in whose hands they remain. "

OK, now the story continues:

"Initially, the joint ISI-FBI plan was to take Shaikh Mohammed alive so that he could be grilled, especially as he was believed to have knowledge of other al-Qaeda cells in Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and elsewhere. However, as a plainclothed officer climbed the stairs toward the third-floor apartment, a hand grenade was thrown, and he retreated. Reinforcements then arrived, and for the next few hours a fierce gun battle blazed.

The FBI, still keen to take Shaikh Mohammed alive, teargassed the area, and a number of people were captured. However, despite instructions to the contrary, a few Pakistan Rangers entered the flat, where they found Shaikh Mohammed and another man, allegedly with their hands up. The Rangers nevertheless opened fire on the pair.

fast forward to 2007 and allegedly we have the same Kuwaiti national , Al Quaeda number 3. who died in 2002, confessing to committing every crime under the sun, including "killing JFK" LOL.


WASHINGTON — Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the Kuwaiti national who is thought to be the highest-ranking Al Qaeda operative in U.S. custody, told a military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, last weekend that he was responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to a transcript of the hearing.

Praise to god, it's another ressurection!!!

Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).

http://www.buttafly.com/bush/ here you go guys, you can make em up as you go along, nothing like feeding the machine, :D

That must be what the Bush administration uses to generate all the bogus theories, they have put out.

ya know like WMD's in Iraq, or Saddam 9/11 connection, or how 'bout the yellow cake from Niger, so many Bush regime 'conspiracies' so little time


Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).

kuzadd:That must be what the Bush administration uses to generate all the bogus theories, they have put out.

There must be a method to their madness. Its getting far too rediculous to make me think they expect us to believe all this.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

(1) There were not two engfines found, no landing gear and you can't fly planes 10 ft off the ground at 500 miles per hour.

So the pentagon was never hit by a plane.

They crashed the plane into the Pentagon to kill the investigators looking into the missing trillions. See Seven Hours In September.

But they crashed a plane into the pentagon?

Anyway Poly, here's a page that you might want to skim over and dismiss because it doesn't meet your preset ideas about what happened:


"It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians." - Stephen Harper


You've screwed with everyone long enough Poly.

How about going away so that regular folks can have an intelligent debate on 911 instead of your pathetic rantings that have muddied everything.


...jealous much?

Booga Booga! Hee Hee Hee

Drea:How about going away so that regular folks can have an intelligent debate on 911 instead of your pathetic rantings that have muddied everything.

I'm, the only one that has ever posted evidence, the rest have only posted rants and insults like your above post.

Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com

Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871

"By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut."

Texx Mars

  • Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone."
  • Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds.
  • Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location?
  • The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).

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