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Alien Technology to Save Earth

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"OTTAWA, CANADA (PRWEB) November 24, 2005 -- A former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics -- relations with “ETs.”

By “ETs,” Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth."

I always thought there was something the governments of the world were keeping quiet. It is the new conspiracy thoery revisited.

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Do you not think for one moment if the Roswell UFO incident had any legitimacy, that the U.S. military would be first to capitalize on a new form of energy if one existed?

So far I have not heard of any compelling evidence and the U.S military is still using that same old expensive rocket technology.

Mr. Hellyer is a outright fool for making such an absurd statement, with no proof or evidence whatsoever.


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I agree that aliens are as far out there as big foot and 9/11 conspiracies and jesus walking on water, but I don't see how you consider that humiliating.

Probably because he was so high placed in the government, and privy to high levels of secrets. He once said he saw a UFO, and maybe he did. It is quite possible that there was UFO recovery, and the reverse engineering is taking so much time for a purpose. What is not understandable is the possibility that many countries could be in on the secrets.

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Do you not think for one moment if the Roswell UFO incident had any legitimacy, that the U.S. military would be first to capitalize on a new form of energy if one existed?

So far I have not heard of any compelling evidence and the U.S military is still using that same old expensive rocket technology.

Mr. Hellyer is a outright fool for making such an absurd statement, with no proof or evidence whatsoever.


Maybe you'd like to comment on Area 51, where there are still signs saying trespassers could be shot. The cold war is over and this area still isn't even on US maps. Why?

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Maybe you'd like to comment on Area 51, where there are still signs saying trespassers could be shot. The cold war is over and this area still isn't even on US maps. Why?

Area 51 is the area containing Roswell army airport.

Everything happening in this area are rumours and it could be an area containing dangerous toxic chemicals or maybe even aliens.

But the fact is, this is federal military property and is it is simply 'off limits' for whatever reason.

Here is a map if your interested:


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Wow, just looked on line a bit for this exopolotics stuff. Weird

http://www.exopolitics.com? Judi McLeod ????

Wow, this guy Dr Salla has a whole university dept in Washington DC


Michael E. Salla, PhD. is a pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics', the scholarly study of the main actors, institutions and processes associated with an extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, elected officials or the mass media. His interest in exopolitics evolved out of his investigation of the sources of international conflict and its relationship with the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence. He cites evidence of as many as sixteen different extraterrestrial races currently interacting with humanity in a variety of ways, with a number of other races simply monitoring the Earth. His groundbreaking Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence presents the first scholarly framework for understanding the political implications of the extraterrestrial presence.

Dr. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of an additional four books including The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict and conflict resolution. He has held academic appointments in the School of International Service& the Center for Global Peace, American University, Washington DC (1996-2004); the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96); and the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., (2002). He has a Ph.D in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high level participants from these conflicts. He recently convened an international conference on Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace in Hawaii: www.etworldpeace.com

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I believe they have proved that alien micro-organisms do exist elsewhere in the universe, and I am quite certain that *somewhere* out there there are probably other races of similar or superior intelligence to us, but as to whether any of them have made it here, now? I don't think it likely.

That being said, while I have no use for people who like to think they know about alien infiltrators on Earth, I do think the study of " Exo Politics " would be a worthwhile one, but more as another exercise in the nature of humanity and psychology. Perhaps theorizing how we would deal with alien species could eventually lead to a solution as to how we can better deal with each other, and for that reason I think it is worthwhile.

As for national policy... If a couple officials want to draw up a theoretical functioning policy in their spare time, all the power to them, but its not something they should use time debating in the Commons, for sure.

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I kind of subscribe to Carl Sagan's point of view. He said we live on a small planet orbiting around a medium sized star on the edge of a galaxy. We have only been sending radio signals out into the universe for a hundred years. A hundred light years is not very far in astronomical terms so why would anyone come here other than out of pure chance.

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i think its an interesting fact that UFOs have been written about for over 2000 years. its nothing new.

and as for alien technology, if you look up the hutchinson effect you will see he has been able to produce very strange effects such as: fusion of different materials at room temperature (steel and wood), gellification of metals, fracturing of metals at room temperature, levitation of various objects.

and best of yet, hes a canuck. yay

and obviously there has been significant interest in this within the arms community about this technology. i believe he calls it Scalar Electo-Magnetism. when hutchinson visited europe the canadian govt sent his lab to lockeed skunkworks...

on the other hand

why would the aliens not communicate with us, and if they have, why only a select few?

i firmly believe that given the size of the universe and how small and insignificant we are, in the grand scheme of things, that we cannot be alone. and most definetly there are higher forms of life as ourselves.

however the chances of them being able to reach us, in my mind is slim.\

but hey wouldnt that be great if they did exist and didnt want to turn us into a subserviant slave race?

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I kind of subscribe to Carl Sagan's point of view. He said we live on a small planet orbiting around a medium sized star on the edge of a galaxy. We have only been sending radio signals out into the universe for a hundred years. A hundred light years is not very far in astronomical terms so why would anyone come here other than out of pure chance.

It's the ultimate in ethnocentrism to think that we'd recognize inteligent aliens when they arrived.

Really, all evolution supporters should believe in some form of extraterrestial life, there are likely trazillions of planets out there like Earthish. Are they visiting us? I don't think we'd ever know.

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I kind of subscribe to Carl Sagan's point of view. He said we live on a small planet orbiting around a medium sized star on the edge of a galaxy. We have only been sending radio signals out into the universe for a hundred years. A hundred light years is not very far in astronomical terms so why would anyone come here other than out of pure chance.

It's the ultimate in ethnocentrism to think that we'd recognize inteligent aliens when they arrived.

Really, all evolution supporters should believe in some form of extraterrestial life, there are likely trazillions of planets out there like Earthish. Are they visiting us? I don't think we'd ever know.

Exactly. I think it would be just plain dumb to think we are the only planet out there with life. Its no different then when the majority of the planet felt the universe centered around the planet earth and did not realize it was just one of a zillion planets.

Now whether aliens have visited or have been visiting and experimenting on us, etc., who knows. I find reading UFO literature fun but I find much of it unstable or subjective speculation based on paranoid schitzophrenia or manic episodes or perhaps induced from brain tumours...then again if you read and read there are some compelling articles and corroborated credible accounts and information now released from the military that anyoen can read and decide for themselves about.

I personally would not be suprised if aliens observe us and would treat us the way we do animals when we go in the wild and capture and tag them. I am sure they might be doing the same with us.

I also suspect more and more that Stephane Dion is an android.

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What a sad way for a man's career to end.

Some one give him a revolver while he still has a shred of dignaty to preserve.

Not really. There is a famous interview with Barry Goldwater. Goldwater said that he called Curtis LeMay asking him what was in Area 51. He said LeMay got very defensive and told him never to ask him that question again. I am surprised how it is never a campain issue, like 'if I get elected, I will'.

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:lol: Hey, Paul Hellyer is the guy PolyNewbie refers to for all his banking theories! Paul Hellyer founded the Canadian Action Party! Refer back to the "international banker governance" thread for details.




"OTTAWA, CANADA (PRWEB) November 24, 2005 -- A former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics -- relations with “ETs.”

By “ETs,” Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth."

I always thought there was something the governments of the world were keeping quiet. It is the new conspiracy thoery revisited.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe you'd like to comment on Area 51, where there are still signs saying trespassers could be shot. The cold war is over and this area still isn't even on US maps. Why?

Area 51 is the area containing Roswell army airport.

Everything happening in this area are rumours and it could be an area containing dangerous toxic chemicals or maybe even aliens.

But the fact is, this is federal military property and is it is simply 'off limits' for whatever reason.

Here is a map if your interested:


Area 51 is a secret military research facility, nothing more. They most likely have very advanced aircraft and systems they test out of the public eye, and that's how it should be.

Roswell AAF was in Roswell New Mexico, not Area 51 Nevada..... It is currently used as the Roswell muni airport....

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What a sad way for a man's career to end.

Some one give him a revolver while he still has a shred of dignaty to preserve.

Not really. There is a famous interview with Barry Goldwater. Goldwater said that he called Curtis LeMay asking him what was in Area 51. He said LeMay got very defensive and told him never to ask him that question again. I am surprised how it is never a campain issue, like 'if I get elected, I will'.

Every member of the gov't, congress, senate, the president and cabinet have to be screened and recieve a security clearance. Same here in Canada for our gov't. This is so they can oversea intel, militray and police operations. The info they see is not for public consumption, and they know they will be in jail for a long time if they disclose info.

That's why nobody says they will expose the secrets of Area 51, or AETE in Cold Lake Alta, or JTF2, or CSIS.

As for Mr Hellyer, he's the twit that disbanded the RCN, RCAF and Army and has had DND buggered up for the last 40 years. Wise beyond his years he was.........

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have read through this thread, and without having to look at the external links provided I would like to inform you all who do not believe-

Look at the amount of life there is on earth, the various terrain, the harsh conditions, and somehow LIFE is still there. You need to look no further than this planet to confirm the existence of life on other planets throughout the universe.

Political gains by communicating with UFO's, ROFLMAO..... Would you like to dictate to an ANT colony of how they choose their queen, or assign their work loads or job descriptions? No all we do is watch them grow, and fall into line (the ants go marching 2 x 2). They are an interesting study when in elementary school.

What on earth do you think extra terrestrial life thinks of human beings? Where have we demonstrated our ADVANCE intelligence without being destructive?

The only reason there would be any form of communication with them at this point in human evolution is that they know we could possibly SPREAD out like a disease in the universe, and destroy other planets like we have destroyed our own at this point. Not to mention, we are a VIOLENT creature as a race.

The public is not allowed to know because those in power think that they are going to keep control of the entire planet. "SECRET GOVERNMENT"

Anyway, this is a fun thread~!

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Anyway, this is a fun thread.

I was listening to Coast to Coast the other night and they had on a fellow who had interviewed a fellow in his 70s who claims to have reversed engineered the negative gravity system used on the Roswell flying saucer. He claims that the saucers seen today are often ours. Also that the Roswell flying saucer was shot down, possibly by a Tesla death ray. The reason given that he came forward now was that he wanted the technology to become public so that it might help save the world through energy conservation/.

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Tesla Death Ray?


I did see on Discovery awhiel back (don't ask me for a citation, this is 'as is') about this microwave type device that heats up people (or gives the sensation) to the point where they can't fight due to the discomfort. Very interesting stuff, they said there was applications in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for non-lethal but very effective weapons.

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