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Some ways Trudeau squanders billions of dollars in his war on climate change

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"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says climate change is an “existential crisis” and the carbon tax is “the most effective way” to fight it. But he never tires of spending billions of taxpayers’ dollars in ways that show he doesn’t really believe what he says.His government boasts it has committed over $160 billion to climate spending since 2015. That’s $160 billion to what are, by the prime minister’s own labelling, relatively ineffective ways to fight an existential crisis. A reasonable person might wonder how this makes sense. There is no need to wonder too much. The answer is: Trudeau believes that both invoking climate apocalypse and wasting $160 billion so unaccountably will increase the Liberals’ votes among people who will either receive the money or are, for whatever reason, impressed by climate alarmism and reassured by government control."

Matthew Lau: $160 billion says Trudeau doesn't buy his own carbon tax pitch (msn.com)


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Poilievre is in for a rude awakening, if he feels he will cake walk his way to a general election win, should he battle with Trudeau.

So many youth are buying his alarmist message.

Some of which will be of legal voting age by 2025, including some in my own family. Some of my nieces and nephews feel they won't have a long life ahead of them, if something isn't done.

Cue in the savior Trudeau, to save the day.

You're underestimating how many low IQ Canadians or gullible ones, that would vote for Trudeau simply because he's doing something.

Trudeau knows his market, and while a gamble, I wouldn't be surprised for him to take that bet to the polls next year.

Poilievre should be humble. Canadians will not care for your message if it doesn't resonate with them.

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Youth are buying the climate message because they're not bone stupid. No one's gonna convince them that what they see with their own eyes is fake news and unsupported figures some unknown goof claims are true and the ones with actual backing are lies.

Appealing to the wallet about climate isn't gonna work on a 21 yr old who remembers filling up for $2.00/L a couple years ago and pays $2.00/L today (or less) after all the Carbon Tax whining and snivelling. They're not old farts that remember tossing out Joe Clark over paying 20¢/L instead of 16¢.
So vote for the guys who'll spend $0.00 on climate change and wants to enter yet another election without so much as an alternative plan and print opinion articles of condemnation as they're not able to either. Uhhh... vote for them guys they're just like us. Can't think of dick shit but keeping everything the same regardless of consequences.

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7 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Poilievre is in for a rude awakening, if he feels he will cake walk his way to a general election win, should he battle with Trudeau.

So many youth are buying his alarmist message.

Some of which will be of legal voting age by 2025, including some in my own family. Some of my nieces and nephews feel they won't have a long life ahead of them, if something isn't done.

Cue in the savior Trudeau, to save the day.

You're underestimating how many low IQ Canadians or gullible ones, that would vote for Trudeau simply because he's doing something.

Trudeau knows his market, and while a gamble, I wouldn't be surprised for him to take that bet to the polls next year.

Poilievre should be humble. Canadians will not care for your message if it doesn't resonate with them.

I think he is proven that he is quite adept at selling his message especially to youth . He certainly doesn't act like it's a cakewalk, he puts in a ton of energy every day into selling his message.

I don't think it's terribly hard to convince kids who are looking at the cost of moving away from home and feeding themselves and realizing that they are going to be in their mommy's basement till they're 50 on the idea that we need change

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

Youth are buying the climate message because they're not bone stupid.

The message is clear. Our natural resources are fading and climate change is real.

However, I don't see the connection between this, and questioning how ones leadership chooses to ratchet up the financial pressure on millions of Canadians, vs help alleviate the financial strains that they are facing first. Questioning the intellect of someone questioning something that doesn't compute, is you accepting what you're told at face value.

We already have a carbon tax. We clearly have accepted it. For Trudeau to prioritize increasing it, vs alleviating the financial pressures Canadians face, won't be forgotten by many. Its a small increase, but is rather symbolic of his tenure. Virtue signaling, over spending, and refusing to listen to his own constituents.

For him to trivialize how small of an increase that it equates to, while conveniently ignoring the domino effect that it causes, is the epitome of his leadership.


3 hours ago, herbie said:

Appealing to the wallet

I think its more seeing that Trudeau's policies have exacerbated many issues such as housing costs, and the price of food which are priorities for Canadians.

I think any proud adult earning a living, are going to want to go back to a time where this was possible without outside assistance.

Its a little easier to care about the planet, when you can put food on your table. When you're stretched thin, that's all you're going to care about (making ends meet).

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9 hours ago, herbie said:

We've got shitloads, most of it untapped.

Things like this, among many others.

Go to a country like Bangladesh or Indonesia to name just a couple, and you will find some rivers so polluted, they cannot sustain life.

These are dumping into the ocean. I have been around the world, and seen ocean fronts so polluted, you just can't see how such pollution could be reversed.

This is just one resource, but of course one of the most critical ones.

How are you going to question the IQ of someone questioning being taxed more for global warming or climate change? 

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Posted (edited)

We know climate change is natural and always occurred.  Now politicians have jumped on it and it has become a political tool for votes and support.  Of course climate alarmism and "it's man's fault" has to be the key vote getter".  This is why it is costing Canadians billions of dollars and more and more middle class people are lining up at food banks because the cost of everything has spiraled out of sight.

As far as the fear-mongering by political leaders, environmental activists, and mainstream media, we need to trust God and his written revelation, the King James Bible, in English.  Turn to the Lord and be born again.  Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and stop worrying about the climate and everything else.  We can't change it one iota.  It is useless to fret and worry about these things.  God is in control.  We know that from the Holy Scripture.  Study his word, pray and live as he has guided us.


Isaiah 46:10

"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'"

Isaiah 46:10 holds a powerful message of God’s sovereignty. It tells us that from the start, our Lord knew how things would end. He declares, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” This scripture shows His divine power and assures us that nothing happens without His say-so.

Whatever God plans to happen will take place because He wishes it.

Believers find comfort in these words during tough times. They are reminded that our heavenly Father has control over everything. His purposes will stand firm; they always do as He pleases.

Reflecting on this verse gives strength and peace, knowing that we are part of a greater plan crafted by an omnipotent Creator who orchestrates every detail of life with perfect precision.

Proverbs 19:21

"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails."

Plans fill our minds and calendars. We dream, plot, and schedule our lives with care. Yet Proverbs 19:21 teaches us a humbling lesson – our plans may not always line up with God’s grand design.

This verse reminds us that the Lord’s purpose prevails over any scheme we devise. It nudges us to surrender, to let go of the reins.

Understanding this can be life-changing. Embracing God’s sovereignty brings peace when chaos swirls around us. Knowing that divine providence is at work gives strength when we face setbacks or confusion about the future.

Let’s trust that even when our carefully laid out plans crumble, God has something better in store, shaping a story far greater than anything we could write on our own.

Psalm 103:19

"The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all."

The Lord has set his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19 shows us that God’s power is unmatched; he controls the entire universe. His decisions are final, and nothing can stop what he has planned.

This verse tells us God is like a king who looks after everything under his rule.

We see from this that our lives are not just random happenings. Every star in the sky, every creature on earth, God oversees them all with care and authority. Believing in God’s sovereignty gives us peace because we know he has good things in store for us, even when life seems uncertain or hard."

25 Bible Verses about God being in Control (With Commentary) - Bible InsideOut

Edited by blackbird
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34 minutes ago, blackbird said:

We know climate change is natural and always occurred.  Now politicians have jumped on it and it has become a political tool for votes and support. 

If you question, you're a climate denier.

36 minutes ago, blackbird said:

we need to trust God and his written revelation

The woke hard left are at war with God. 

God doesn't even have pronouns, plus made a woman pregnant without penetration, nor consent.

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8 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

How are you going to question the IQ of someone questioning being taxed more for global warming or climate change? 

I'm not. I was asking how you decide resources are fading when we're discussing CANADA. You responding about Bangladesh's pollution problem, which isn't exactly a resource at all.
To someone from BC where the population is against oil tankers, offshore fish farms and irate over slaps on the wrist for failed tailings ponds. Huge fights to keep the Fraser and Skeena watersheds and old growth forests pristine.

Resources are normally defined as oil, gas, wood, fish, and mineral resources which they're begging BC to produce more.

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For starters, Trudeau is an goof with no background in anything. He is a puppet.

And your average voting Canadian is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Philippines receives increased support from Canada through its $5.3-billion global climate finance commitment.

Yes thank you for pi$$ing my tax dollars away. Did you ask anyone? We'll just have another Canadian waiting for one-plus years for hip surgery.

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On 5/23/2024 at 4:37 PM, herbie said:

Resources are normally defined as oil, gas, wood, fish, and mineral resources

Water and air are also natural resources. 

Our oil reserves aren't bottomless, nor are trees, which affect air quality, when harvested in unsustainable ways. Canada has an insanely deep wealth of both green space and oil reserves, but it doesn't mean these supplies aren't dwindling, globally.

I mention global, because climate change is a global issue.

Alarmist tactics taken by politicians deliberately avoid making the connection.

On 5/23/2024 at 4:37 PM, herbie said:

Bangladesh's pollution problem

Its shortsighted approaches like this, that contribute to our global pollution problem, and climate change.

Rich countries invest heavily in alarmist messages and investment in green technologies, while poorer countries are left to find for themselves, creating a significant portion of climate warming emissions due to the lack of regulatory enforcement or investment to curb the practice.

56 minutes ago, exPS said:

And your average voting Canadian is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Trudeau is betting very heavily on this, heading into the polls in 2025. He has reason for feeling confident,  when you consider this.

Poilievre's message will truly resonate with the business class. Middle class. 

Far from being the majority.

Trudeau knows how to act and get attention. He is also a master at spinning things. 

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On 5/22/2024 at 3:14 PM, herbie said:

Youth are buying the climate message because they're not bone stupid. No one's gonna convince them that what they see with their own eyes is fake news and unsupported figures some unknown goof claims are true and the ones with actual backing are lies.

Appealing to the wallet about climate isn't gonna work on a 21 yr old who remembers filling up for $2.00/L a couple years ago and pays $2.00/L today (or less) after all the Carbon Tax whining and snivelling. They're not old farts that remember tossing out Joe Clark over paying 20¢/L instead of 16¢.
So vote for the guys who'll spend $0.00 on climate change and wants to enter yet another election without so much as an alternative plan and print opinion articles of condemnation as they're not able to either. Uhhh... vote for them guys they're just like us. Can't think of dick shit but keeping everything the same regardless of consequences.

Actually...my young adult spawn used to complain about we older people ruining the climate. So I introduced them to the actual scientific findings...not the politicized press releases. 

And wouldn't ya know it...my spawn reaffirmed my confidence in them. They now know that the scientific community will not declare a "climate crisis" because...there's no real evidence of a "climate crisis".

There is however, ample proof of the politicians warping the scientific reports to generate fear and an excuse for their imposition.

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7 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I mention global, because climate change is a global issue.

Which is why I reject the 'why should Canadians have to DO anything' argument. Like a child asking why when China pooped in the pool why can't Canada swim with only skidmarks on their bathing suits.

As for teaching your 'spawn' to stick their thumbs up their arses and do nothing for another generation..; well that's real leadership, eh?
Kind of like saying 'it's natural' when a polar bear is charging at you so you kneel and pray.

Edited by herbie
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6 minutes ago, herbie said:

Which is why I reject the 'why should Canadians have to DO anything' argument. Like a child asking why when China pooped in the pool why can't Canada swim with only skidmarks on their bathing suits.

It is absolutely nothing like that, and you're banned from Public swimming pools for a while I think. Good grief 

It is !diotic To expect Canadians to suffer and destroy their own economy if doing so will make zero difference. It would be one thing if we had a global agreement that we were all going to do the same thing, but right now china is growing its population at a rate of about one Canada every 1.25 years.

What you're asking Canadians to do is throw themselves on their sword and die for your ideology having made no difference.

That's not a reasonable ask. And Canadians are waking up to that fact and turning against it.

The left had 10 years now of complete control and freedom to do anything they wanted to create meaningful climate change measures that actually produced some species of result or at least that Canadians could look to and see what they were achieving.

Not only has the left failed utterly to make any kind of global difference, it is now being reported that they won't even begin to achieve their own stated goals which means we didn't even make a difference in our country never mind the world

If you actually gave a crap about any of this stuff you would have been demanding that the carbon tax be scrapped and that other more effective policies be pursued immediately and that the targets be met. But you didn't.

So I suspect it's going to be a largely dead issue as of the next election. Thanks to you guys people can't eat and they care more about that than climate change

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Well I'd go for axe the tax on home heating and farm equipment, but not on cars. Then I'd stop refunding it and earmark it for alternative energies and EV rebates that include hybrids.

Even liking a flat tax on IC engine displacements at the time of purchase.

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On 5/22/2024 at 4:14 PM, herbie said:


Appealing to the wallet about climate isn't gonna work on a 21 yr old who remembers filling up for $2.00/L a couple years ago and pays $2.00/L today (or less) after all the Carbon Tax whining and snivelling. They're not old farts that remember tossing out Joe Clark over paying 20¢/L instead of 16¢.
So vote for the guys who'll spend $0.00 on climate change and wants to enter yet another election without so much as an alternative plan and print opinion articles of condemnation as they're not able to either. Uhhh... vote for them guys they're just like us. Can't think of dick shit but keeping everything the same regardless of consequences.

Yes lets conveniently forget that the price of oil fluctuates making it look like climate change tax is almost nothing, in reality we pay a shit ton of taxes on top of all of that... ...add all of that to the price of oil, production costs, and poof...lets see how much whining you do when it hits 170 a ton ...ooohhh wait it is never going to get that high...they won't be in charge...Note the clean fuel tax has not been added to these site so thats another 17 cents a liter or more...


On 5/22/2024 at 4:14 PM, herbie said:

Youth are buying the climate message because they're not bone stupid. No one's gonna convince them that what they see with their own eyes is fake news and unsupported figures some unknown goof claims are true and the ones with actual backing are lies.


We are talking about the generation that agrees that there is infinite amount of genders right...Ya not bone smart either...

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

Well I'd go for axe the tax on home heating and farm equipment, but not on cars. Then I'd stop refunding it and earmark it for alternative energies and EV rebates that include hybrids.

Even liking a flat tax on IC engine displacements at the time of purchase.

You're free to give the gov't whatever money you feel you should. 

But the rest of us aren't excited about that 

You had 10 years to put forward alternatives that work and didn't make everyone poor.  You did not. The price for that tends to be 'now nobody cares'. 

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9 hours ago, herbie said:

Which is why I reject the 'why should Canadians have to DO anything' argument. Like a child asking why when China pooped in the pool why can't Canada swim with only skidmarks on their bathing suits.

As for teaching your 'spawn' to stick their thumbs up their arses and do nothing for another generation..; well that's real leadership, eh?
Kind of like saying 'it's natural' when a polar bear is charging at you so you kneel and pray.

"Don't 'Bogart' that joint my friend . . . . pass it over to Hardner."

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7 hours ago, herbie said:

Then I'd stop refunding it

Fully losing whatever support they had in handing out money?

Doesn't sound wise.

There is literally zero incentive, if you stop giving free paycheques to people. 

People are inherently selfish for the most part, so if you can't answer the "what's in it for me" question  your message will ring hollow.

Based on my salary, I  get taxed more, and get nothing in return.

I live a very green lifestyle, yet am financially punished for owning a car I purchased years ago.

Many more Canadians are sick of being told what is good for them, while they face financial struggles that require far more of an immediate attention than a global issue that is already being provided for with the current carbon tax.

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7 hours ago, herbie said:

Well I'd go for axe the tax on home heating and farm equipment, but not on cars. Then I'd stop refunding it and earmark it for alternative energies and EV rebates that include hybrids.

Even liking a flat tax on IC engine displacements at the time of purchase.

Your love of carbon taxes and your willingness to keep paying and not even receive a rebate is all because your union earned you a good pension and you probably have more money to throw around than most Canadians and you have no clue how useless this carbon tax is.  It is doing nothing for the climate.  Many Canadians have higher priorities such as paying the rent or mortgage and putting food on the table.

The answer is to axe the tax. Period.  And if you want to keep paying, send your cheque to the federal government.  

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Many Canadians have higher priorities such as paying the rent or mortgage and putting food on the table.

You're truly punishing your hardest working Canadians. 

If this was legit, Trudeau would point to specifically where these changes have done something.

The fact that the bulk of the money goes back to Canadians, isn't a success. The bulk of the money should go into greener technologies.

There wouldn't be smoke screens or jargon, along with catch phrases.

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11 hours ago, herbie said:

so says the man who still can't.... unnggh brain hurts... don't think - chant Tory mantras instead...

You hurt your brain trying to come up with a reply? :)  

Well you're pretty new to thinking, don't push yourself.  it takes time to get good at it. 

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