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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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7 hours ago, Videospirit said:

I don't know why you keep bringing up extermination. Enough of your nonsense

Because nothing Israel is doing supports your assertion. 

7 hours ago, Videospirit said:

Yes Israel kept the war going. Yes Hamas escalated hostilities on october 7th. What is your point? The war has been going on since 1967.

No, there was peace with Hamas prior to October 7th. 

This has been going on since 1948. The Palestinians have NEVER been willing to accept Israel. 

7 hours ago, Videospirit said:

According to the UN Office for the Coordination...

This isn't genocide. Try again.

7 hours ago, Videospirit said:

...Both sides...

No, you don't get to pretend like there is some moral parity going on here. You said you did not endorse what happened on the 7th... but now you down play it and try to equalize it. 

So, which is it? 

7 hours ago, Videospirit said:

But Realistically, Israel is never going to agree to leave Hamas in charge, so I need to consider realistic alternatives. Israel defeating Hamas and replacing it with a new regime certainly isn't justified considering how much of the conflict is Israel's fault...

Again, Hamas started this current conflict with October 7th. Of course Israel is not going to agree to leave Hamas in charge after what they did. 

You claim to not "endorse" what Hamas did, and here you are acting like it was no big deal. 

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16 minutes ago, User said:

You are not listening very well. 

For as long as you post nonsense on here, and I notice and have time, I will likely respond. 

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I have penetrated your brain

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

You are just a miserable person that loves to argue

Ha Ha Ha Ha HA

Edited by ExFlyer
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Videospirit said:

What I want? I want Israel to accept that Palestinians hate them and turn the other cheek and let the Palestinians rise or mess up their own country as they themselves choose without Israel telling them how to live their lives, occupying their land, blockading their coastline, or telling them what they can and can't do.

If after granting them true sovereignty and ending all occupations, Palestine is unwise enough to attack Israel, Israel would be justified occupying their country and installing a new regime smart enough not to attack Israel again and withdraw from all occupied territory again once that new regime has stabilized.

There's no "if".

Israel was completely out of Gaza since the beginning of 2007. All the Gazans did that whole time was stockpile rockets and bombs and plot terrorist attacks. 

You're new to this, so you think that this is a one-off and that maybe things will be different a few years from now, but it's not. It's a continuation of the exact same thing for 75 years. 

These people are serious enough about genocide against Israel that they opt to leave children in the line of fire to be used as propaganda pieces after they die. 


I think the state of Israel is guilty of genocide for dragging this war out for as long as they have, dumping humiliation after humiliation on the Palestinian people and demanding the Palestinians be servile and thankful to their efforts every step of the way and than going back on their word and continuing the occupation whenever Palestinians get upset. 

Buddy, why are there 75 yr old refugee camps? Is that really a thing? Shouldn't those people be living normal lives by now?

This is dragging on because the Iranians and others want it to drag on. It's dragging on because the Khartoum resolution simply says "Let's make this drag on." No peace, no negotiations, no recognition of Israel as a state. 

Go look it up ffs. It will take you ten seconds.  


Israeli governing officials have openly stated that they have no intention of ever ending this war because they do not want to return all of Palestine's territory to them. So I don't think Israel deserves the benefit of the doubt in the current conflict.

1) The Palestinians lost that territory in a series of wars to eradicate Israel and kill as many Jews as possible. It's lost. It's not Palestine's territory anymore. 

2) The 1948 map was indefensible. The country was only a few miles wide, from east to west, making it easy to divide the country in two during a war, and making it impossible for Israeli troops to support each other.  

Edited by WestCanMan
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8 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, it's all about you LOL

You have certainly made it that way. 

I was just fine shredding your crappy takes on Isreal and Hamas in this thread. You took us down this road.

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1 hour ago, User said:

For as long as you post nonsense on here, and I notice and have time, I will likely respond. 

You underestimate his ability to keep lying and saying stupid things. Just imagine Joe Biden, but with more energy. 

His official opinion has still never changed from "The vaccines are safe, and if you take them then you don't have to worry about getting covid or passing it on to anyone. Kids needed the vaccine to protect them from covid, and no one was forced to take it."

Facts mean nothing to that guy and he's completely shameless. You can catch him lying 50 times today and he'll tell all the same lies again tomorrow.

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16 hours ago, Videospirit said:

The International Court of Justice (ICJ),[3] the UN General Assembly,[4] and the UN Security Council all regard Israel as the occupying power for the territories.[5] UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk called Israel's occupation "an affront to international law". The UN and a number of human rights organizations continue to consider Israel as the occupying power of the Gaza Strip due to its blockade of the territory.

Guess you don't know all the so-called Palestinian territory actually belongs to Israel..   It is kind of like the natives in B.C. who claim all of B.C. (and more) as their territory.  They claim it but it doesn't really belong to them.  It is crown land and much is private land.  FNs have been given ownership or control over certain specified areas but they don't own the vast territories they claim as their territory.  It is the same in Israel.  The land belong to Israel. 

It doesn't matter what the U.N. says.  Israel does not recognize the U.N. which is basically an antisemitic organization.  All you have to do is look at all the endless anti-Israel motions the U.N. passed over the decades to know that.  If Israel listened to the U.N. they would not even exist. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) The Palestinians lost that territory in a series of wars to eradicate Israel and kill as many Jews as possible. It's lost. It's not Palestine's territory anymore. 

You sure like to lie huh? That isn't how borders work since world war 2, and you really want a world war 3 by trying to claim shit like that.

2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Guess you don't know all the so-called Palestinian territory actually belongs to Israel..   It is kind of like the natives in B.C. who claim all of B.C. (and more) as their territory.  They claim it but it doesn't really belong to them.  It is crown land and much is private land.  FNs have been given ownership or control over certain specified areas but they don't own the vast territories they claim as their territory.  It is the same in Israel.  The land belong to Israel. 

It doesn't matter what the U.N. says.  Israel does not recognize the U.N. which is basically an antisemitic organization.  All you have to do is look at all the endless anti-Israel motions the U.N. passed over the decades to know that.  If Israel listened to the U.N. they would not even exist. 

Citation Required. Please list the treaty signed that gives Israel sovereignty over said territory.

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14 minutes ago, Videospirit said:

Citation Required. Please list the treaty signed that gives Israel sovereignty over said territory.

Treaty with who?

This might come as a surprise to you, but Israel does not need a treaty with anyone.  God gave them the land several thousand years ago.  Read the King James Bible or Holy Scripture.  That is inerrant and infallible.  That is far superior to any kind of piece of paper or treaty.  They don't need a treaty.  What the heathen say about it is irrelevant.


7  And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8  And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; "  Genesis 17:7 KJV

There is no debate.  It all ends with what God said.  He is sovereign.


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11 minutes ago, Videospirit said:

You sure like to lie huh? That isn't how borders work since world war 2,

It is absolutely how borders work since ww2. 

Ever heard of crimea? Which country is that part of again? Oh yeah.  Donbas perhaps?

What's your source for "it doesnt' work that way"? 

They call it 'annexing' and it happens pretty regular.  China annexed tibet since ww2, Morroco annexed part of it's neighbour whom i can't remember how to spell :)  East Germany was annexed by russia after the war, indonesia annexed west paupa,  etc etc etc. 

And it often goes back and forth - jordan annexed part of the palenstinian territory before isreal annexed it back. Even the gaza strip itself has changed hands a few times already. 

Sorry but that is EXACTLY how it works. 


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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It is absolutely how borders work since ww2. 

You're pretty ignorant of de jure huh?

12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

God gave them the land several thousand years ago. 

Please show the original document signed by god granting Jews sovereignty over Israel. If God's mandate was truly eternal, surely this document will still exist in perpetuity.

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42 minutes ago, Videospirit said:

You sure like to lie huh? That isn't how borders work since world war 2, and you really want a world war 3 by trying to claim shit like that.

Yeah, that's how borders work. Look at Yugoslavia.

Oh wait, you can't, because it doesn't exist anymore. War changed its borders. 


Please list the treaty signed that gives Israel sovereignty over said territory.

It was "The Treaty of Stop Trying to Commit Genocide Here", unilaterally ratified by Israel on "The Day That 8 Genocidal Countries Got Their Arses Whooped", and it was deemed legally binding in "The International Court of F-Around and Find Out."

Honestly, if Syria, Saudi, et al minded their own business, and the Israel unilaterally set about conquering new territory "just because", then we'd all be saying that Israel should step back, but that's not the case.

The Palestinians and their buddies ganged up on Israel to commit a grand old genocide, just like Pakistan committed 8 months earlier, and they lost. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It was "The Treaty of Stop Trying to Commit Genocide Here", unilaterally ratified by Israel on "The Day That 8 Genocidal Countries Got Their Arses Whooped", and it was deemed legally binding in "The International Court of F-Around and Find Out."

Honestly, if Syria, Saudi, et al minded their own business, and the Israel unilaterally set about conquering new territory "just because", then we'd all be saying that Israel should step back, but that's not the case.

What hypocrisy.

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5 hours ago, User said:

This has been going on since 1948. The Palestinians have NEVER been willing to accept Israel. 

I suspect it's the dispossession, oppression and subjugation Palestinians aren't willing to accept.

I notice you just can't bring yourself to put those shoes on and wonder how you'd like it if it was you.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I suspect it's the dispossession, oppression and subjugation Palestinians aren't willing to accept.

I notice you just can't bring yourself to put those shoes on and wonder how you'd like it if it was you.

1948... what was the dispossession, oppression and subjugation on the Palestinians by Israeli's?

Feel free to actually respond to my comment, which I have posted twice now for you, in regards to your put yourself in their shoes comment. 

Reminder: Aliens vs Space Marines. 

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1 hour ago, Videospirit said:

You're pretty ignorant of de jure huh?


No, kid, I'm not. And I just gave you several examples. And saying the law in latin doesn't change the fact that there is no law when it comes to annexing. Once it has happened and it is recognized by other countries it's over. And there are many many examples.

So saying that without being able to refute the examples I gave you just makes you look stupid. Try and do better.



Please show the original document signed by god granting Jews sovereignty over Israel. If God's mandate was truly eternal, surely this document will still exist in perpetuity.

Here's the link:

Only intelligent people can see the link of course, but that shouldn't be a problem for you I'm sure

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2 hours ago, Videospirit said:

You're pretty ignorant of de jure huh?

Please show the original document signed by god granting Jews sovereignty over Israel. If God's mandate was truly eternal, surely this document will still exist in perpetuity.

I just quoted it to you.  It is in the Bible and has been for well over two thousand years since Moses wrote it.

"7  And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8  And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession"  Genesis 17:7 KJV

God does not need to give a "legal document".  He spoke it to Moses and it was written down in Scripture.  God the Holy Spirit inspired Moses to write the book of Genesis which includes God's everlasting covenant with Israel which included giving Israel everlasting possession of the land of Israel.  If you want to oppose that and fight against God that is your choice.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I suspect it's the dispossession, oppression and subjugation Palestinians aren't willing to accept.

My advice to them is the same as everyone else: "Stop torturing babies to death and trying to commit genocide."

Well, to be honest, there aren't a lot of other people that you ever need to say that to, so I really just say it to them. But I would say it to someone else if the need ever arose. 


I notice you just can't bring yourself to put those shoes on and wonder how you'd like it if it was you.

But it's not him, and it's not hypocritical for him to say "If you try to commit genocide against someone and fail, don't cry foul if you lose a few sq km of land in the process."

The actual hypocrites are the people who are saying things like "Killing 800,000 Sikhs and Hindus in 1947 was perfectly acceptable, WE LOVE PAKISTAN, but killing 500 muslims in 1948 was an abomination, WE NEED TO KILL ALL 10M ISRAELIS!" 

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17 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I just quoted it to you.  It is in the Bible and has been for well over two thousand years since Moses wrote it.

So you're saying Moses is the one who granted Israel to the Jews, not God?

Well regardless of whether it was Moses or God who granted Israel to the Jews, The Jews gave it to Babylonia when Jeconiah surrendered to Babylonia so maybe it was supposed to be theirs forever but they gave it away.

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UN is now reporting new revised estimates of person killed in the conflict,  almost 1/2 of what Hamas have reported... So what does this all mean, well once again the Hamas propaganda machine is alive and well, it also means that here in the west and around the world a good chunk of our population are very gullible...

first to believe anything from a terrorist regime should have been a huge red flag...., second Hamas knew they could play them like a fiddle because they controlled the info going in and out of Gaza, higher numbers means more readers and sympathy ... and they counted on global hate or distrust of Israel and it would be easy to fool those that so much hate or dislike for Israel to paint them as the bad guys... 

Statistics prof wary of data 'from Hamas,' says accurate breakdown won't come until after war | Watch (msn.com)



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3 hours ago, Videospirit said:

So you're saying Moses is the one who granted Israel to the Jews, not God?

Well regardless of whether it was Moses or God who granted Israel to the Jews, The Jews gave it to Babylonia when Jeconiah surrendered to Babylonia so maybe it was supposed to be theirs forever but they gave it away.

Well now they've taken it back :)  

So there you go. :) 

Kid.  You desperately want the terrorists and genocidals to be in the right. 

there is nothing you can say nor any logical argument that results in that.  They are in the wrong. 

You can say that in the past other players have been in the wrong, and that may be true but it makes zero difference to today. 

They are paying the price for what they started, and they will continue to pay till hamas is destroyed and gaza is subjugated so that this never happens again. 

That is what they chose for themselves. 

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3 hours ago, Videospirit said:

Well regardless of whether it was Moses or God who granted Israel to the Jews, The Jews gave it to Babylonia when Jeconiah surrendered to Babylonia so maybe it was supposed to be theirs forever but they gave it away.

I don't think that is correct.  You can read a summary of the Babylonian captivity in this article:

"The Babylonian captivity or exile refers to the time period in Israel’s history when Jews were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. It is an important period of biblical history because both the captivity/exile and the return and restoration of the Jewish nation were fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies.

God used Babylon as His agent of judgment against Israel for their sins of idolatry and rebellion against Him. There were actually several different times during this period (607-586 B.C.) when the Jews were taken captive by Babylon. With each successive rebellion against Babylonian rule, Nebuchadnezzar would lead his armies against Judah until they laid siege to Jerusalem for over a year, killing many people and destroying the Jewish temple, taking captive many thousands of Jews, and leaving Jerusalem in ruins.

As prophesied in Scripture, the Jewish people would be allowed to return to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile. That prophecy was fulfilled in 537 B.C., and the Jews were allowed by King Cyrus of Persia to return to Israel and begin rebuilding the city and temple. The return under the direction of Ezra led to a revival among the Jewish people and the rebuilding of the temple."

For the complete article:

What was the Babylonian captivity/exile? | GotQuestions.org

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