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Total fossil emissions in the world is only 0.1% to 0.2% of total greenhouse gases

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19 hours ago, Venandi said:

Solid advice from two independent sources. I would lay in basic supplies and pre-pay all bills for at least a year.

If day becomes night and night becomes day during a single watch, you know the time is nigh... you should proceed directly to the basement and remain there until further notice.

Open source intelligence reports suggest this event is likely to occur on April 8th, you still have a few days to prepare. 

You're lucky to have him. On the off chance that he becomes the victim of "sky termination debris" (STD) please check this site every hour on the hour 24/7 for updates.

Right back at you brother.... I salute your courage in facing the dark days ahead. Due to the risk of comms monitoring, and to prevent widespread panic in the civilian population, this will be our final communication on a publicly accessible platform until the all clear is given.

If you need further technical advice on contrails and communications are adversely affected by the anticipated spread of STDs, simply hoist flag GOLF for immediate assistance.  


So, for now, we are on stand by and keeping a close watch on the sky. But I will let you know as to when that day draws close. 

Indeed. April 8th is only four days away. Are you getting ready for this calamity that may begin in approx. 4 days? I am way ahead of you. I have enough food and water and supplies to last me for a very long time. I am ready to go. Are you? 

I do like that "sky determination debris" term. Did you pull that wording out of your arse hole by chance because everything else you seem to say here appears to be coming from out of your arse hole. Just saying, arse hole. 🤣

Com on, bro? Don't leave me now. I need to read more of your bull shit that you like to spray around here. Your replies always gives me great joy and always a good laugh. Lolololololololol. 

Long live the conspiracy bloggers. They rule! 😁



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26 minutes ago, taxme said:

Well, whop-dee-ddo for you. But did you work on those aircraft that were and still are spraying the sky with your so called water spray?

What was in that spray, and why, and for what purpose were they using that spray? 

Are you still working for whomever or are you retired? When did you retire? 

Just because you do not believe what some internet bloggers question does not mean that what they are saying is false and they are of a conspiracy mindset? Over to you, Aristotle. 😇

Which aircraft at those? I worked on large transports for 5 airlines from two countries with employees from all over the world. I don't believe internet bloggers because they are full of shit no nothings. 

But like I said, it doesn't matter because you don't listen, I've tried giving you accurate information so you can learn something but you think willful ignorance is critical thinking.

Edited by Aristides
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7 hours ago, Black Dog said:

OK this is 100% a troll, no one could be this stupid and still be able to operate a computer. You got me good.

I just keep getting you caught with your own bullshit that you constantly drivel here. Oh sure, i am the troll here? So, if i do not agree with your bullshit, therefore, i must be a troll. Way the go, stupid. 

Well, you seem to appear to be quite stupid to me, but somehow you are still able to operate a computer? You are some miracle. Way the go, stupid. 

I am glad that you now realize and see that i GOTCHA. It took time, but i finally won and i will take the debate cup home with me and put it up in my mantel. Thanks, stupid.  😁 


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36 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Which aircraft at those? I worked on large transports for 5 airlines from two countries with employees from all over the world. I don't believe internet bloggers because they are full of shit no nothings. 

But like I said, it doesn't matter because you don't listen, I've tried giving you accurate information so you can learn something but you think willful ignorance is critical thinking.

Look stunned, do you have problems with reading or what? You did not answer the questions that i asked of you. Why do left wing liberals like you do this all the time? 

I asked you if you had anything to do with the spraying of those so called water sprays in the sky because you made it appear as though you did? Well, did you or did you not? Answer the bloody dam question. 

What gives you the idea that internet bloggers are full of shit and no nothings? Where did you get that stupid silly ass idea from? 


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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

Look stunned, do you have problems with reading or what? You did not answer the questions that i asked of you. Why do left wing liberals like you do this all the time? 

I asked you if you had anything to do with the spraying of those so called water sprays in the sky because you made it appear as though you did? Well, did you or did you not? Answer the bloody dam question. 

What gives you the idea that internet bloggers are full of shit and no nothings? Where did you get that stupid silly ass idea from? 


I did answer, f*cking listen.  I know they are full of shit know nothings because their own words prove it. The fact you parrot their nonsense makes you one as well.

Edited by Aristides
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13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I did answer, f*cking listen.  I know they are full of shit know nothings because their own words prove it. The fact you parrot their nonsense makes you one as well.

You really have to be one of the most dumbest people on this forum. I asked you a simple bloody question, and you still refuse to answer that question. Now i know why i prefer to to listen to those internet bloggers rather than a no nothing stupid no mind like you. Why do you keep allowing yourself to be made a fool of by me all of the time?

And you have the nerve to call me a troll? I gotcha, now run along and go play with some hydro wires. 🤣

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:

You really have to be one of the most dumbest people on this forum. I asked you a simple bloody question, and you still refuse to answer that question. Now i know why i prefer to to listen to those internet bloggers rather than a no nothing stupid no mind like you. Why do you keep allowing yourself to be made a fool of by me all of the time?

And you have the nerve to call me a troll? I gotcha, now run along and go play with some hydro wires. 🤣

Keep listening to them and stay ignorant. You obviously like it. Bye.

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7 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Keep listening to them and stay ignorant. You obviously like it. Bye.

You always show your true lying left wing liberal troll colors. You are such a wimp and a bloody coward, troll. I can run circles around you anytime, troll. Gotcha again, troll. 🤣🤣

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59 minutes ago, taxme said:

You always show your true lying left wing liberal troll colors. You are such a wimp and a bloody coward, troll. I can run circles around you anytime, troll. Gotcha again, troll. 🤣🤣

So all conservatives are conspiracy loons. All conservatives believe in your chemtrail nonsense. I don't think so. This isn't about politics, it's about reality. The problem with hyper partisans and conspiracy loons is they can't tell the difference.

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

I do like that "sky determination debris" term

Sky Termination Debris (STD).

The collateral damage caused when large pieces of sky crash to earth.


4 hours ago, taxme said:

So, for now, we are on stand by and keeping a close watch on the sky.


At this point you should already be in your basement, if not though, under no circumstances should you leave the house.  

4 hours ago, taxme said:

Com on, bro? Don't leave me now

A final word of caution about breaking communication protocols. For your own safety, I urge you to maintain strict electronic silence until after the event. That means no phone calls and absolutely no further posts on social media.

Only complete electronic silence will prevent the people who failed to prepare for STDs from getting anything that rightly belongs to you.

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19 hours ago, taxme said:

I just keep getting you caught with your own bullshit that you constantly drivel here. Oh sure, i am the troll here? So, if i do not agree with your bullshit, therefore, i must be a troll. Way the go, stupid. 

Well, you seem to appear to be quite stupid to me, but somehow you are still able to operate a computer? You are some miracle. Way the go, stupid. 

I am glad that you now realize and see that i GOTCHA. It took time, but i finally won and i will take the debate cup home with me and put it up in my mantel. Thanks, stupid.  😁 


LOL you're literally retarded. Someone get this guy into a home for very stupid dogs.

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On 4/4/2024 at 5:49 PM, Aristides said:

So all conservatives are conspiracy loons. All conservatives believe in your chemtrail nonsense. I don't think so. This isn't about politics, it's about reality. The problem with hyper partisans and conspiracy loons is they can't tell the difference.

Everything these days is all about politics. You obviously do not live in a reality world because you believe everything the left wing liberal MSM tells you, especially when it comes to politics. 

I can certainly tell the difference between a conservative and a liberal. A conservative will pretty much tell the truth. A liberal enjoys spreading lies and bullshit. Your coming on here and trying to tell me that chem trails and conspiracies do not exist is a bloody pile of bullshit.

You probably still believe that America sent men to the moon. I doubt that very much. I believe that the Russians have sent spacecraft to the moon, but did not send any men to the moon. So, if America did send men to the moon already, why have they not gone back since? It's been over 50 years now. It makes no sense to me. What is taking them so long to return to the moon. No more money in the budget?

I see a conspiracy here? Can't you? These are just some of the questions that many people keep asking. Questions that people like you think that nobody should be asking those questions. To you those people are just a bunch of conspiracy loonies, right? 

Besides, a NASA employee once said that the amount of radiation in space would kill anyone trying to fly to the moon. The moon landing appears to be one big hoax. 🤣

Anyway, back to the topic. Yes, i do believe that this so-called climate crisis is all just a part of a conspiracy. 🤣

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On 3/21/2024 at 8:15 PM, blackbird said:

1.  Man-made CO2 is 0.1% to 0.2% of the total atmospheric greenhouse gases.

2. The fossil CO2 emissions of several countries in percentages of all fossil emissions for all countries for 2022 is:

Canada  1.511%

Australia  1.021%

Brazil  1.212%

China   32.884%

Japan  2.810 %

U.S.   12.600%

India   6.991%

Russia  4.956%

   ---  List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia

     The total fossil emissions are so minute it is extremely unlikely in my opinion that this has an affect on climate change.  It appears that 99.8 or 99.9% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are natural.  This is according to information on wikipedia.

China's emissions are 32.884% of total man-made CO2 emissions.  So no matter what Canada does it will make no difference to the total fossil emissions in the world because Canada's emissions are only 1.511% of the world's fossil emissions.  That should be obvious to any reasonable person who looks at these figures.

Assuming those figures are accurate, half of the greenhouse gases come from somewhere other than China, the US and India and every one of those countries is going to come out with the same lines as we do about not making a difference even though together we produce half the output. Two other things to consider. Most countries have contributed less than the West has to the excess gases up there already and Canada’s per capita production is enormous. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:31 PM, Venandi said:

Sky Termination Debris (STD).

The collateral damage caused when large pieces of sky crash to earth.



At this point you should already be in your basement, if not though, under no circumstances should you leave the house.  

A final word of caution about breaking communication protocols. For your own safety, I urge you to maintain strict electronic silence until after the event. That means no phone calls and absolutely no further posts on social media.

Only complete electronic silence will prevent the people who failed to prepare for STDs from getting anything that rightly belongs to you.

Oh, so sorry about the spelling error. No, not really. There is going to be a lot of damage done once the sky starts to fall down. There will be no place to hide. The sky is pretty much fkn big and heavy. A ton per square inch, i heard. 

Nah, i am not going to worry anymore about the sky falling down and killing me. We all have to go some time. But you should go ahead yourself, and go hide in the basement. We will not miss seeing you around at all. Maybe, with you in your basement, the world will be a better place to live and enjoy in. Your kind only ever phk things up. So true indeed. 

Now why should I not be able to use electronic communication or the phone if i did decide to hide in my basement? And there is no bloody way that I am not going to use my internet for anything, arse hole. I will die using with my internet in use. 

Try and take any of my belongings and taxme will kill. 🤣

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On 4/5/2024 at 11:16 AM, Black Dog said:

LOL you're literally retarded. Someone get this guy into a home for very stupid dogs.

Admit it, bozo?  I gotcha every time you come on here. I just mounted my Debate Cup up on the mantle. Thanks, bozo for the win. 🤣

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Two other things to consider. Most countries have contributed less than the West has to the excess gases up there already and Canada’s per capita production is enormous. 

I believe there are around 200 countries in the world.  A small number produce most of the man-made CO2.  Canada only produces 1.5 % of the man-made CO2, which is insignificant.  Most countries do not punish their citizens with punishing carbon taxes as Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition does.  The carbon taxes are already fairly high and will approximately double by 2030 if Trudeau gets his wish.

The U.S.A, China, and Russia do not punish their people with carbon taxes.  Since Canada only emits 1.5% why are we paying the price for the world's CO2 emissions in that way?  It just doesn't make sense.

Perhaps Trudeau is trying to make himself look good with the U.N. in hopes of getting a good position after he leaves office as PM.

All the carbon taxes in the world on Canadians will not reduce that 1.5% significantly.  

Why do the climate change alarmists and all the websites making much of man-made CO2 never mention water vapour.  Water vapour is by far the largest greenhouse gas.  

Man's total contribution to greenhouse gas total in the atmosphere is very miniscule.  I don't believe all the hype about it.

Too many people have their shirt in a knot over man-made CO2.  I think one day mankind will look back and think those people were nuts.

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Posted (edited)

Why is it so hard to find how much greenhouse gas including water vapour is in the atmosphere?  When I do a search, I find all kinds of websites that talk about man-made CO2 but not water vapour.  Water vapour is by far the biggest greenhouse gas and contributor to global warming.  But is seems very difficult or impossible to find the facts about natural greenhouse gases including water vapour.  They don't appear to want to talk about that.  They prefer to focus on man-made CO2.

Greta Thunberg was arrested twice this weekend for being part of protests that are blocking a highway.  She obstinately keeps going back to illegally blocking the highway.  She insists there is an emergency.  I guess we must all stop driving, going to work, and stop living.

Is there some kind of guilt complex in the world that automatically points the finger at mankind for global warming or am I just imagining it?

Edited by blackbird
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10 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Why is it so hard to find how much greenhouse gas including water vapour is in the atmosphere?  When I do a search, I find all kinds of websites that talk about man-made CO2 but not water vapour.  Water vapour is by far the biggest greenhouse gas and contributor to global warming.  But is seems very difficult or impossible to find the facts about natural greenhouse gases including water vapour.  They don't appear to want to talk about that.  They prefer to focus on man-made CO2.


Is water vapour increase?  If the experts aren't looking at it, it's probably not a factor.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Is water vapour increase?  If the experts aren't looking at it, it's probably not a factor.

Really? I thought you knew some of the basic causes of global warming.  One would think you knew water vapour was a major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  But you say "it's probably not a factor"????

If you do find some websites mentioning water vapour, you will find it is by far the biggest cause of global warming.  The amount of water vapour far exceeds the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and human emitted CO2 is negligible compared with natural CO2 and water vapoour.  Water vapour is what produces the clouds, precipitation and humidity in the air. So yes, if they are being honest, the experts will admit water vapour is a major factor.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

I believe there are around 200 countries in the world.  A small number produce most of the man-made CO2.  Canada only produces 1.5 % of the man-made CO2, which is insignificant.  Most countries do not punish their citizens with punishing carbon taxes as Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition does.  The carbon taxes are already fairly high and will approximately double by 2030 if Trudeau gets his wish.

The U.S.A, China, and Russia do not punish their people with carbon taxes.  Since Canada only emits 1.5% why are we paying the price for the world's CO2 emissions in that way?  It just doesn't make sense.

Perhaps Trudeau is trying to make himself look good with the U.N. in hopes of getting a good position after he leaves office as PM.

All the carbon taxes in the world on Canadians will not reduce that 1.5% significantly.  

Why do the climate change alarmists and all the websites making much of man-made CO2 never mention water vapour.  Water vapour is by far the largest greenhouse gas.  

What did I just say? 1+1+1+1…= 50. We can’t wiggle out of our responsibilities just because we are one of those ones. It all adds up. 

In addition, our output PER PERSON is far greater than the vast majority of people in the world. Do you honestly think they’re going to let that go? This is a small planet and we are all stuck here. 

Like shingles in the ad, nature doesn’t care. If we humans all bury our heads, nature will bury us. 



1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Man's total contribution to greenhouse gas total in the atmosphere is very miniscule.  I don't believe all the hype about it.

Too many people have their shirt in a knot over man-made CO2.  I think one day mankind will look back and think those people were nuts.

So all the science on this is wrong? Are you following what is happening in Antarctica right now? Unprecedented temperatures? Huge ice shelves breaking up? There’s no joy for me in being correct on this issue. What do I get for that? A ruined planet is what.



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

We can’t wiggle out of our responsibilities just because we are one of those ones. It all adds up. 

We only emit 1.5% of the mankind's emissions.  But we are punished for it while the other 200 countries don't pay carbon taxes.  Why punish Canadians?  It will make no difference to climate change.  You are living in a dream world if you think Canada's 1.5% will make any difference to global warming. 


1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

In addition, our output PER PERSON is far greater than the vast majority of people in the world.

That means nothing.  We have a small population compared with many other countries.

We live in a very large geographic area and many people must travel great distances.  Our country is also in a colder climate than many countries and we must use more energy to heat our homes.  Of course we use more fossil fuels because of our area and northern climate.

  Our total emissions are still only 1.5% from a very large geographical area.  If you want to look at it that way, then what about our number of square kilometers?  Our emissions per square kilometer are far less than the emissions from many other countries per square kilometer.

And what about the fact China's emissions are about 33% of the world's emissions and they are not likely going to reduce emissions.  So we are wasting our money on carbon taxes and various other "green" regulations on industry, cars, etc.  China will continue to emit a large amount of CO2 as will the rest of the world.  Stop punishing your fellow Canadians for nothing.  

Carbon taxes and other measures will not stop climate change.

1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

So all the science on this is wrong?

Science has been often wrong through history.  Man-made climate change is only speculation.  That is not science.  Science has not proven man is causing climate change.  If you know of the proof, let's see it.

You give examples of climate change.  I don't disagree because climate change is normal. It has always occurred.  The fact that the climate change is occurring is not proof that man is causing it.  You are seriously in error if you think that is some kind of proof that man is causing it.  It is natural.

The climate alarmism is more politics than science.  The people that push it like Al Gore, the U.N., Greta Thunberg are not scientists, but they sure make a lot of noise.

Of course the earth is warming.  It would warm anyway because that is what climate change does.  It is normal.  Learn to adapt to it, not tax Canadians.


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8 hours ago, blackbird said:

Really? I thought you knew some of the basic causes of global warming.  One would think you knew water vapour was a major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  But you say "it's probably not a factor"????

If you do find some websites mentioning water vapour, you will find it is by far the biggest cause of global warming.  The amount of water vapour far exceeds the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and human emitted CO2 is negligible compared with natural CO2 and water vapoour.  Water vapour is what produces the clouds, precipitation and humidity in the air. So yes, if they are being honest, the experts will admit water vapour is a major factor.

You didn't answer if it's increasing.  CO2 is.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

You didn't answer if it's increasing.  CO2 is.

Water vapour is believed to be a major greenhouse gas and the amount of it in the atmosphere varies widely. 

There are assumptions made about a lot of things.  But assumptions or suppositions are not proof.  Assumptions are not solid science and have often been proven wrong.

Why would anyone grab onto man-made CO2 and say that is the cause of excessive global warming or excessive climate change when there is no way to prove it?   The amount of man-made CO2 in the atmosphere is miniscule compared with the natural CO2 and also miniscule compared with the massive amounts of water vapour.  

Obviously greenhouse gases are made up of a number of things.  Atmospheric temperature is a complex thing that cannot be simply said to be caused by fossil CO2 that man releases.  That is a huge over simplification that has not and can not be proven.  There are also other things that affect earth's temperature and climate besides the greenhouse effect.  The radiation from the sun and space also affects temperature and varies.  The centre of the earth is molten hot and would radiate energy also up through the earth.  Geo thermal heating and cooling systems utilize the heat in the earth. Those things could all be affecting how the climate changes over long periods of time.

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42 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Water vapour is believed to be a major greenhouse gas and the amount of it in the atmosphere varies widely. 

There are assumptions made about a lot of things.  But assumptions or suppositions are not proof.  Assumptions are not solid science and have often been proven wrong.

Why would anyone grab onto man-made CO2 and say that is the cause of excessive global warming or excessive climate change when there is no way to prove it?   The amount of man-made CO2 in the atmosphere is miniscule compared with the natural CO2 and also miniscule compared with the massive amounts of water vapour.  

Obviously greenhouse gases are made up of a number of things.  Atmospheric temperature is a complex thing that cannot be simply said to be caused by fossil CO2 that man releases.  That is a huge over simplification that has not and can not be proven.  There are also other things that affect earth's temperature and climate besides the greenhouse effect.  The radiation from the sun and space also affects temperature and varies.  The centre of the earth is molten hot and would radiate energy also up through the earth.  Geo thermal heating and cooling systems utilize the heat in the earth. Those things could all be affecting how the climate changes over long periods of time.

It's unfortunate basic high school science is beyond you. Yes, water vapour is a greenhouse gas but it continuously cycles and only remains in the atmosphere for days instead of accumulating for years or decades like other greenhouse gases like CO2, methane and nitrous oxide.

You also don't seem to be able to make the connection between carbon and other GHG caused warming and the amount of water in the atmosphere. Most of the additional heat is being absorbed by the world's oceans. As they become warmer, evaporation rates increase and the warmer air is capable of absorbing that water increasing the amount of water vapour in the air.

You say it is a complex thing and at the same time try to reduce it to fit your own simplistic views.

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