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List of Biden Administration Scandals

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Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo.

Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office.

Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. 

Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before.

Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. 

In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo.

Biden had NOTHING to do with that. Have you even seen the pilot's video? I have. All you can see in the DARK is points of IR light on the screen.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office.

Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. 

What was the alternative? They disabled the weapons and it would have cost a fortune to ship them back.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before.

You don't know what you're talking about. Which is why you've posted NO EVIDENCE.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. 

The border was never open despite Republicons yelling "OPEN BORDER!" to invite immigrants.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.

Because you get your info from FOS LIES, nothing you write here can be trusted.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo.

Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office.

Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. 

Actually the equipment left from Afghanistan's war in that country that the Taliban allegedly obtained  was nowhere near that figure, not even the amount your failed leader claimed the first time he posted this nonsense..$80 billion ( see Associated Press for raw facts). 

The actual amount of equipment was just $18 billion, the rest was training costs in general and as they are not tangible you cannot include them as it is certain the USA did leave and thus anything not spent in training before that certainly didn't exist afterwards either.   

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before.

As already stated...over inflating a figure to look alarming doesn't make it true.

Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. 

Caused entirely by Trump insulting every South American, every Africans, every other race in the world except his own and only a narrow slice of that, ....but just sticking to Mexico now...if Trump hadn't shot his mouth off and called every Mexican a rapist, druggie, smuggler, criminal or  pedofile, we likely wouldn't have all these troubles at the border not to mention declaring he was shutting it down and thus turning a leisurely visiting group of migrant workers in big American Agriculture who often came here and returned home seasonally picking our food crops and saving Big Ag growers a lot of money that now has transferred to us in higher prices paying for replacement workers living here.....so thanks to  MR. TRUMP the price of meat is now triple from before he took office with everything else edible two to three times as high for the same.reason. Trump wrecked an Agricultural system just so he could stick his big foot in it all...and brag how he fixed it when in fact he damn near drove it into the ground while insulting the whole migrant work force !  

In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.

Every problem we have now was caused by TRUMP, his policies CLEARLY show he had not one idea how to run even a company fiscally financially honest.and he dragged this same corrupt dishonesty into everything he did as President and already is bragging he will do it all again and worse if elected again.  


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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Drone-striking a family and pretending they were terrorists was scandalous imo.

Lying about his involvement in Hunter's business dealings in China was a scandal. He didn't stop lying about the Biden's business with the Chinese gov't when he was in office.

Leaving behind $100B in weapons and attack helicopters and armoured vehicles and ammo and ordnance was a scandal, even if it was just a scandal of his own incompetence. Eventually the Americans will fight another war against their own military hardware, or watch their hardware used to commit another genocide just like islamic state did with Obama's weapons. 

Isn't it weird that between Obama and Biden they've gifted islamic state and the Taliban/AL Qaeda $150B in military hardware? What's the deal? As if the war in Afghanistan wasn't bad enough, the talis just came out of it with more weapons than they ever had before.

Opening the border from Mexico and then trying to push $80B through congress to fix it was a scandal. 

In general Biden's presidency has been a scam against the American people. It's been a crisis of mismanagement and stupidity. There are two wars going on right now because of Biden.

“I don’t like Democrats” is not a scandal.  
Shouid I make a separate thread of Trump Administration scandals so you can see what actual scandals are? 

Edited by Rebound
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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Keeping the classified documents in a non-secured location? Shhh...

None, none, none!

Until you criticize Trump's much worse transgressions with classified documents, you've ONLY revealed your HYPOCRISY.

Biden: mistakes were made.

Trump: those documents are mine and either I don't have any more, and/or I'm not returning them in violation of a legal subpoena.

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14 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Actually the equipment left from Afghanistan's war in that country that the Taliban allegedly obtained  was nowhere near that figure, not even the amount your failed leader claimed the first time he posted this nonsense..$80 billion ( see Associated Press for raw facts). 

The actual amount of equipment was just $18 billion, the rest was training costs in general and as they are not tangible you cannot include them as it is certain the USA did leave and thus anything not spent in training before that certainly didn't exist afterwards either.   

You still didn't answer why Biden and Obama love gifting tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to known radicals...

8 hours ago, Rebound said:

“I don’t like Democrats” is not a scandal.  
Shouid I make a separate thread of Trump Administration scandals so you can see what actual scandals are? 


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4 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Until you criticize Trump's much worse transgressions with classified documents, you've ONLY revealed your HYPOCRISY.

Biden: mistakes were made.

Trump: those documents are mine and either I don't have any more, and/or I'm not returning them in violation of a legal subpoena.

The scandal is that THE SYSTEM is going after Trump while Biden gets a pass for the same things. And the voting public takes note of that. Well, those who are not rabidly partisan.

In other words, normal human beings unlike yourself...


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45 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

The scandal is that THE SYSTEM is going after Trump while Biden gets a pass for the same things. And the voting public takes note of that. Well, those who are not rabidly partisan.

In other words, normal human beings unlike yourself...


You don't even understand the differences but IGNORANTLY claim there are NONE.

Where do you get your news? FOS LIES?

Do you NOT KNOW about the subpoena Trump defied?

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You still didn't answer why Biden and Obama love gifting tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to known radicals...


Your hero was the one demanding in Congress we had to leave by a certain time. Maybe you should have gone with them to oversee it, what with all your alleged expertise in such military operations, should have been a piece of easey peasey pie for you .

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The Bidens were also involved in covering up/lying about/getting NY Post banned from FB and Twitter for posting the truth about the laptop. Make no mistake: that's Biden's scandal, and it smacks of fascism.

2 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Your hero was the one demanding in Congress we had to leave by a certain time. Maybe you should have gone with them to oversee it, what with all your alleged expertise in such military operations, should have been a piece of easey peasey pie for you .

Just because Biden botched it doesn't mean that Trump would have.

Biden flubbed every single thing he touched. Trump never botched anything. It's ridiculous to say that he would have botched Afghanistan. 

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You still didn't answer why Biden and Obama love gifting tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to known radicals...

Your premise is STILL STUPID and FALSE. The weapons were disabled.

They were left behind because they weren't worth the COST of shipping them back. Duh

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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The Bidens were also involved in covering up/lying about/getting NY Post banned from FB and Twitter for posting the truth about the laptop. Make no mistake: that's Biden's scandal, and it smacks of fascism.

Just because Biden botched it doesn't mean that Trump would have.

Biden flubbed every single thing he touched. Trump never botched anything. It's ridiculous to say that he would have botched Afghanistan. 

Ah...NO. Actually Trump did SIGNIFICANT damage to the very people he now claims aregoing to vote for him in the general election, but who actually hate him because he destroyed their lives by reducing the Disability budgets of both the Social Security Administration and the Supplemental Disability Income packages by $72 billion In His 2019 budget which wiped out a lot of Middle Income families and dumped many on Americas streets. . This also led to many veterans getting tossed out of many  nursing homes when their incomes suddenly couldn't cover the difference.  


Trump also rolled back.over 200 environmental laws, each designed originally to protect flora and fauna vital to the American Pharmacological Institute of Bio diversification Research which searches for cures in natural plants which when used instead of chemically derived Formula, eliminate much of the side effects which accumulatie in humans and prevents effective treatment . Mr. Trump instead suggested that only those who could afford such drugs should be allowed to have them, effectively cutting off funding from the U. S. Government for advances which used to...before his Presidency made American the top producer of equitable, stable drug compound screened most safe to use, and instead allowing a flood of Chinese and other country made medicines to fill those HUGE gaps in medical safety formerly guaranteed by the American Medical Association. 

Trump also rolled back energy initiatives and lead(mineral)  in the atmosphere and water contamination efforts which would have kept an ever increasing amount out of the nations water supply, instead again deciding to shuft those funds to increase  wealthy luxuries such as yachting and boat cleaning industries who dump their  environmental waste directly into rivers polluting b them and killing fisheries . 

He did the same with highly toxic coal mining mines often located close to rivers to use them to flush out the dangerous coal oils and dust, again clogging rivers and contaminating prime growing farm bottom land, in favor of telling coal.miners he would increase their salaries ( which he never did) and bring back the coal industry , some which he had restored to total toxic polluters . It took two years  such toxins polluting water supplies down river in three states before the Biden Administration came to.power to fix it all again and let Americans drink our own water instead of from  bottles sold back to us ..twice...!!!

You have no clue the amount of damage Trump did to the safety of our food supply when he fired one in every three meat inspectors and two in three of every other food inspectors in the Food and Drug Adminstration, also  firing many senior Inspector Generals who used to keep Americas food supplies safe.  


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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The Bidens were also involved in covering up/lying about/getting NY Post banned from FB and Twitter for posting the truth about the laptop. Make no mistake: that's Biden's scandal, and it smacks of fascism.

Just because Biden botched it doesn't mean that Trump would have.

Biden flubbed every single thing he touched. Trump never botched anything. It's ridiculous to say that he would have botched Afghanistan. 

Trump botched the crime of the century when he FAILED to get the election overthrown. 

If he'd have succeeded he wouldn't be facing 91 felony counts.

What's ridiculous is your slavish devotion to and defense of Trump; esp his pathological LYING.

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On 2/29/2024 at 4:18 PM, Fluffypants said:

You forgot, refusal to acknowledge his granddaughter's existence.

Keeping classified documents in his garage right by his Corvette.

Well that's not really a political scandal.  That just makes him a scummy person but that's different.

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On 2/29/2024 at 2:49 PM, Rebound said:
  1. None
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  3. None

There are dozens, as others have noted.  Some less serious but many very serious. And that's before you get into the good old fashioned gaffes and policy disasters like inflation and such. Or the just creepy inappropriate sniffing.

Why would you start  a thread where his mistakes are going to get highlighted? You couldn't possibly have ACTUALLY been  so silly to think there were none.

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

There are dozens, as others have noted.  Some less serious but many very serious. And that's before you get into the good old fashioned gaffes and policy disasters like inflation and such. Or the just creepy inappropriate sniffing.

Why would you start  a thread where his mistakes are going to get highlighted? You couldn't possibly have ACTUALLY been  so silly to think there were none.

Meh...they now know the SCOTUS intends to let this election play out between Trump and Brandon. So now they have to polish up the chickenshit that is...Brandon.

The 2024 election is on folks. And addled old fool who destroys everything he touches vs a loud mouth who makes money habitually. 

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Meh...they now know the SCOTUS intends to let this election play out between Trump and Brandon. So now they have to polish up the chickenshit that is...Brandon.


Well traditionally one does not polish a thing by inviting others to point out that it's covered in crap :)


The 2024 election is on folks. And addled old fool who destroys everything he touches vs a loud mouth who makes money habitually. 

Biden's in a tough spot.  it's hard to run on his record, the polls are pretty clear people don't think much of his record. He's got age against him with the vast majority of people thinking he's beyond his best before date and too old for the job.

So all he's got is to run on how terrible trump is but they've  been blowing that horn for so long that it just doesn't have a lot of oomph to it anymore.

So what's he going to run on? "At my age i'm a lot closer to god than you are and when i go I'll put in a good word for you if you vote for me"   :)   He's going to have a tough time putting together a good campaign

I think his plan will be to try to hide in his basement again but i don't know that this will work this time around

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