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Pierre Poilievre: A One Trick Pony -- Or Are WE All Getting Tricked?

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Ummm no.  No it has nothing to do with that.  At all.  Like - not even a little bit.

Why not? You keep pissing and moaning about an all powerful Trudeau who can dispense with any other law at his convenience.

5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yes - yes you do know. The constitution is such that no law a prime minister can pass is immune to the next one just changing it - which is precisely what justin did.

So - try what.  Tell me what he  should have tried specifically - what should he have done that would have prevented justin from undoing it as he did.  Go on - you're so sure lets hear what specifically he could have done.

Put corruption on par with murder I guess. You seem to realize there are crimes even Prime Ministers can't get away with. If that's the standard you people need to see to ensure Liberal PM's can't do whatever the fu ck they feel like who am I to argue? Go for it. Or at least come up with better excuses why you can't.

And BTW just where is goddess anyway?


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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Why not? You keep pissing and moaning about an all powerful Trudeau who can dispense with any other law at his convenience.

Because it doesn't - why would it.  Making murder legal would run afoul of the charter. Harper cant change the charter , But if trudeau wanted to use the notwithstanding clause sure, he could probably make murder legal. He doesn't because a) there's no reason for him to do that, b) the people would never stand for it and c) he'd be the first to die.

So you admit there's nothing he could have done to pass a law trudeau couldn't repeal.  So you've been a lying sack about this. Big shock


Put corruption on par with murder I guess.

And justin could change that back the next day. We have had frequent changes to murder laws.  What specificaly would stop justin from saying "corruption is no longer like murder, it's back to the way it was"?   Would NOTHING be the correct answer?


You seem to realize there are crimes even Prime Ministers can't get away with

Not if they change the law to allow it.

But at the end of the day the simple truth is that there is no law a prime minister can create that another prime minister can't undo.  If the PM can make it, the PM can break it.

Sorry - JT's corruption is 100 percent YOUR fault and those like you who support him. ANd your love of lies over truth as shown here is why he was allowed to destroy the country for the next generation.

Edited by CdnFox
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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So you admit there's nothing he could have done to pass a law trudeau couldn't repeal. 

No. Can you admit there is no possible scenario I could come up with that would satisfy you? No.

So....how about if you put your mind to work imagining something that would, beyond simply whining about no one voting for Conservatives that is. If there's anything we can tell for sure doing that hasn't done squat to prevent corruption.

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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sorry - JT's corruption is 100 percent YOUR fault and those like you who support him. ANd your love of lies over truth as shown here is why he was allowed to destroy the country for the next generation.


Sure, okay. But it's all just for shits and giggles - like making your silly head explode.

I think Queenmandy might be right, politics should be fun...



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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:


Sure, okay. But it's all just for shits and giggles

Sure - you support justin for a joke :)   I'm sure all the kids who're going to live with a lower standard of living for the next 3 decades are laughing their heads off :)   You must be SO fun at parties.  

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19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure - you support justin for a joke

Only for your benefit though. I can't think of any other reason.

In the meantime, there's just nothing at all you can come up with to keep PM's like Trudeau from breaking the law with all the impunity of a transsexual homeless immigrant on their third arrest in as many days?

The Mans just to big...the Mans just to strong? Trudeau? Seriously?  Bwahahahaha!

Boy you people really underscore the word lose in the word loser. Pathetic.

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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Only for your benefit though. I can't think of any other reason.

You spend most days on here thinking of other reasons. You defend him at every turn even when it's pure nonsense.


In the meantime, there's just nothing at all you can come up with to keep PM's like Trudeau from breaking the law

Ahhh yes - the favorite leftie tactic of bait and switch.

What i said was there's no way to prevent a pm from changing a law that a previous pm made.  Which was your contention - harper COULD have passed a law that justin couldn't change.  Its HIS fault justin breaks the law all the time, why he didn't even TRY to pass a  law justin coulnd't change.

Hey - there's an easy way to stop the libs from breaking the laws the way they do. Stop voting for them. Vote CPC. Problem solved.  But you'd rather support justin doing what he's been doing.

This isn't harper's fault = this is YOUR fault.

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43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You spend most days on here thinking of other reasons. You defend him at every turn even when it's pure nonsense.


43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Ahhh yes - the favorite leftie tactic of bait and switch.


43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

What i said was there's no way to prevent a pm from changing a law that a previous pm made. 

Then there's no reason this shouldn't apply to murder as well. Why on Earth would your excuses that it doesn't mean anything to a man who's so Big and so Strong?  I mean it look's like you're the one who's supporting Trudeau's almighty omnipotence here. 


Which was your contention -

My contention LMAO!  Our utter helplessness is entirely your contention. I'm quite convinced we can prevent PMs from changing serious laws against criminality and so are you in the case of murder but...then you just back away and submit/default to your helplessness every single time.  You're such a loser.

43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

harper COULD have passed a law that justin couldn't change.  Its HIS fault justin breaks the law all the time,

No, its only Harper's fault he couldn't come up with anything more robust that would prevent, catch, and convict other corrupt politicians.  Its entirely Justin's fault for breaking the law.


why he didn't even TRY to pass a  law justin coulnd't change.

Well I guess Harper must support him too if that's the case.  You're soon going to be the only person who doesn't given the way you keep separating conservative wheat from right-wing chaff.  Look at the way you dismiss conservatives as lefties around here, there's just no limit to it it seems.

43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Hey - there's an easy way to stop the libs from breaking the laws the way they do. Stop voting for them. Vote CPC. Problem solved.  But you'd rather support justin doing what he's been doing.

This isn't harper's fault = this is YOUR fault.

And as usual I'm LMAO...yawn.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Then there's no reason this shouldn't apply to murder as well. Why on Earth would your excuses that it doesn't mean anything to a man who's so Big and so Strong?  I mean it look's like you're the one who's supporting Trudeau's almighty omnipotence here. 

It doesn't apply to murder. If he wanted to he could make murder legal  In fact it's already legal in specific circumstances.  If a person breaks into your home and threatens you and you kill him then its perfectly legal in canada. And HARPER actually made those laws stronger to protect people from being charged when they kill someone in self defense.  You can go on Canlii and find all kinds of cases. 

So - there you go,  Nobody said it wasn't possible to make murder legal, what i said was that has nothing to do with preventing him from changing a law.


My contention LMAO!  Our utter helplessness is entirely your contention. I'm quite convinced we can prevent PMs from changing serious laws against criminality

How. Show me how.  How would you pass a law that no other pm could change.  You can't, you know that. It is not possible for a prime minister to pass a law that another prime minister can't undo.

You're just a dishonest sack of crap, like every other leftie and the value of this particular conversation is to show others how dishonest the left has become and why rational or reasoned debate with your kind is utterly pointless and to have it to remind you next time everyone's pointing out that you're a liar and you pretend to wonder why.  You honestly and unironically blame Justin Trudeau's corruption on Harper.  That's what the left has become - that's why kids are leaving the left by the bucketload.

I have yet to meet an honest leftie in the last few decades. But it's always worth having more proof to show people.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:


Why couldn't he?  He might not want to. His fellow MP's might not be willing to vote for it. The senate may send it back once. But is there any legal mechanism to stop him as long as the mp's vote for it?

No? Hmmmm. So there you go.

So you've basically been lying all along about harper AND about your feelings about accountability.

Just another leftie piece of trash that prefers lies and 'muh feels' to facts and reason.

This is why canadians were entirely wrong to support the left in the first place, and why the kids must be taught that if they vote woke they'll go broke.  There's people like you out there and they need to keep that in mind.

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On 2/17/2024 at 8:49 AM, Zeitgeist said:

It would set a course for living within our means and send a message that Canada takes its defence and military obligations seriously.

I have always advocated for a viable Defence Policy. If you cannot defend the nation independently, you are wasting the money. 

Canadians not only refuse to enlist in sufficiant numbers, no politician will commit to sufficient funding because Canadian taxpayers don't want to pay for it.

When you factor in the cost of responding to the global warming crisis that is bearing down on us by accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to nuclear power globally, there isn't much room to increase defence spending, let alone cutting taxes.

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

First you said he couldn't but then you changed your mind and now you say he could.


No, i said he'd run afoul of the charter,  but he could still do it.  And anyone could change it back.  A prime minister cannot pass a law that another prime minister can't change back.

Once again you're a lying sack who spends all his time defending trudeau. THis is the left these days - dishonest as the day is long

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33 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I have always advocated for a viable Defence Policy. If you cannot defend the nation independently, you are wasting the money. 

Canadians not only refuse to enlist in sufficiant numbers, no politician will commit to sufficient funding because Canadian taxpayers don't want to pay for it.

When you factor in the cost of responding to the global warming crisis that is bearing down on us by accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to nuclear power globally, there isn't much room to increase defence spending, let alone cutting taxes.

But the notion that we can change the world’s climate for the better in a way that will “save the planet” is highly presumptuous and uncertain, let alone cripplingly costly.  I simply don’t think we can or should worry about that except in a general sense of trying to produce energy more cleanly.  In any event, there are other real and present problems facing working people that must be solved before climate change can be seriously entertained by anyone except wealthy elites with time on their hands and a need to keep busy pretending to save us all.

The best technology that will solve such problems comes from the capacity that a state or organization has to cluster highly skilled workers to tackle problems.  The military does this on a scale that few institutions can achieve.  The internet and nuclear power were both invented as military technologies first.  The military must always be tip of the spear cutting edge to outmaneuver rivals, but that philosophy translates to all other industries and organizations, or it should.

As for greenhouse gases, you yourself have said we have the tech already to significantly reduce emissions, largely through nuclear power, but right now the will isn’t there. Building nuclear plants is costly and we have other sectors and labour forces in transition. You can’t always have what you want when you want it, but a state that can’t defend itself may not have the luxury of setting its own policies.  

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13 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Well that makes it even simpler then - any PM can pass a law that makes him PM for life. EOS.

How?  The constitution says otherwise and vests the power with the GG.  So how do you pass that law? 

But any law he CAN pass the next prime minister can undo. 

It's this kind of lying and dishonesty that has gotten trudeau voted as the worst prime minister of all time. As you demonstrate, the left supporters today are all too often just terrible people.

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

How?  The constitution says otherwise and vests the power with the GG.  So how do you pass that law? 

Murder the GG.

6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's this kind of lying and dishonesty that has gotten trudeau voted as the worst prime minister of all time. As you demonstrate, the left supporters today are all too often just terrible people.

Murder us then if that's how you feel about it. You know you wanna.

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Murder the GG.

Murder us then if that's how you feel about it. You know you wanna.

Why would we murder you, we do find you mildly amusing.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

And if i spent them all defending trudeau i wouldn't be so stupid as to claim i didn't support the guy :) 


And yet, here you are, spending all 13,500+ posts either insulting everyone and shilling for PP.

Some people defend Trudeau just to p iss you off, I do it ll the time and you spin out of control. It is great fun

All political leaders are great and wise and have all the answers while they are in the opposition. PP is the perfect example of that LOL


Edited by ExFlyer
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31 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Murder the GG.

Murder us then if that's how you feel about it. You know you wanna.

God you lefties are so violent :) 

This is why we need murder laws in the first place, you guys are all about the hatred and killing your enemies.  Why you so mad bro?  is it because your hero justin is getting beaten so bad?

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You can’t always have what you want when you want it,

Exactly. I want Canada to have a Swiss style Defence policy. I want the population of Canada reduced to 15 million or less and permanently capped at 15 million. I want Canada to build nuclear power plants all over Canada and re-build and electrify the rail system. I want Canada to build nuclear power plants all over the world and start on thorium reactors.

I can want all I want, but it ain't gonna happen. We are not going to have a viable defence policy.



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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Exactly. I want Canada to have a Swiss style Defence policy. I want the population of Canada reduced to 15 million or less and permanently capped at 15 million. I want Canada to build nuclear power plants all over Canada and re-build and electrify the rail system. I want Canada to build nuclear power plants all over the world and start on thorium reactors.

I can want all I want, but it ain't gonna happen. We are not going to have a viable defence policy.



All of those decisions should’ve been made around the Centennial.  Missed opportunities.  

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