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BC NDP are going to give FNs a veto over land use in BC

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This is bizarre. I can hardly believe it.   Premier Eby plans to bring changes to laws which would give FN a veto over land use and this could include all crown land.

"First Nations will have a veto over how most of B.C. is used. Joint management can be expected to apply to mining, hydro projects, farming, forestry, docks and communication towers, just to start. Activities at the heart of B.C.’s economy will be at risk."

"In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). UNDRIP states, among other things, that Indigenous people own the land and resources of the countries in which they live. They have “the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired … to own, use, develop and control.”

FNs are only 5% of the population;  yet they will have a veto on how the rest of the population of BC uses the land.

Bruce Pardy: B.C.'s plan to 'reconcile' by giving First Nations a veto on land use (msn.com)

Edited by blackbird
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BC NDP are going to give FNs a veto over land use in BC

Good. Power will be vested closer to the ground than the towers of Bay Street and backrooms of Parliament. Yes there'll be cause for concern over shenanigans in the backrooms of the longhouse but these will be much closer to the people most affected by them and easier to watch for catch and hold to account than when they happen in Bay Street and Parliament.

I'm reminded again of how New World revolutions coalesce around the aspirations of indigenous people.

As for ramifications in the economy 1st Nations also need to eat and and with just 5% of the population they simply don't have the capacity to exploit BC's resources without their neighbour's participation.

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On 2/1/2024 at 1:29 PM, blackbird said:

The United Nations seriously interfered with the sovereign nation of Canada and said aboriginals have “the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired … to own, use, develop and control.”

This is ludicrous.  This ignores the realities of how the world has changed over time.  We are not living in the 15th century.  Every country in the world is populated by settlers who migrated from somewhere else. 

How can Canada and the BC NDP accept and ratify a declaration by the U.N. like this?  What is it with these lefties?  I don't understand their reasoning if they have any.   It essentially is saying non-natives have no rights to use the land, resources, in Canada without their permission.  This is a complete sellout of our country to the U.N., and red power. 

This is why we cannot trust politicians.  They are not working in our best interests.  There was nothing wrong with people from Europe settling in Canada over the past centuries.  It is a vast geographical area and natives have no perpetual claim to the land.  It's time to get over it and put aside the radical red power narrative.  All Canadians are equal and have as much right to live and use the land and resources here.  No ethnic group should have a veto over other Canadians using the land and resources, based on their ethnicity.

Edited by blackbird
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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Finally - by having a veto on land use before ANY project gets green lit the chiefs of these tribes will FINALLY get the bribes they deserve (while their people get crumbs). 

I recall being at a treaty meeting once when the topic of nepotism and corruption came up and this big fellow at the back of the room stood up and said the warriors knew how to take care of that.  First Nations folk around here have long seen governments favour one band or family lineage while ignoring others nearby and so on up and down the coast it went. They grok the problem of divisiveness even better than we do and also understand there's nothing to be gained by transferring poverty from their villages to ours, especially in retaliation. Sure there's a few who will have a chip on their shoulders just like we see in our communities but that'll pass. 

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41 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I recall being at a treaty meeting once when the topic of nepotism and corruption came up and this big fellow at the back of the room stood up and said the warriors knew how to take care of that. 

Yep - deamnd an f-150 of their own and the rest can go screw themselves :)

Dude i've seen it plenty of times with my own eyes in bc.  The chiefs making millions while the people are barely getting by. You have too if you're not just lying.

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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Yep - deamnd an f-150 of their own and the rest can go screw themselves :)

Dude i've seen it plenty of times with my own eyes in bc.  The chiefs making millions while the people are barely getting by. You have too if you're not just lying.

Of course I've seen it, moreso in the past and less today. As expected.

Maybe you live in an area where treaties are still being negotiated. When they're negotiated you'll probably find as we did that treaties become one of the biggest economic drivers in your region.

OTOH maybe you'll be one of those who carry a chip on your shoulder for the rest of your life. I guess there's not much point in suggesting you can always choose to just let it go. Trust me it's a relief.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Of course I've seen it, moreso in the past and less today. As expected.Maybe you live in an area where treaties are still being negotiated.

Is there many parts of bc where that isn't the case? how many treaties do you think there are?


When they're negotiated you'll probably find as we did that treaties become one of the biggest economic drivers in your region.

Probably not. But that's not really geraine to the issue.  I get why you're trying to change the topic. The exploitation of the first nations people by their leaders is strangely both legendary and not to be talked about. Nobody has exploited the FN's like the FN's have.  And you don't want to admit that this is just going to make that worse.


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27 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Is there many parts of bc where that isn't the case? how many treaties do you think there are?

Nowhere near enough. It'll still take decades.

27 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Probably not. But that's not really geraine to the issue.  I get why you're trying to change the topic. The exploitation of the first nations people by their leaders is strangely both legendary and not to be talked about.

Why not? I've talked about it with friends who've experienced the exploitation from both directions. We've been as mundanely exploited too. What rose-coloured glasses you wear when exaggerating your grievances.  


Nobody has exploited the FN's like the FN's have.  And you don't want to admit that this is just going to make that worse.

Nobody at all, seriously? LMAO!  Treaties, especially modern one's, are a departure from the old divisive manipulative ways of the so-called Indian agents our governments sicced on these folks in the past.  You've heard me use the phrase process guardians around the topic of transparency, who do you think I first heard using it and especially why?

Modern treaties are on par with a revolution that we could all learn and benefit from. 

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17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Finally - by having a veto on land use before ANY project gets green lit the chiefs of these tribes will FINALLY get the bribes they deserve (while their people get crumbs). 

Git your racism right out there in front boy! Why hide it?

Why even the self serving MLA John Rustad who served as Minister oi Native Affairs in the previous govt and spoke to adopt the terms of UNDRIP has changed his mind.
It seems if you break away and form and lead the BC Conservative Party, you must adopt every deplorable policy to curry favour among conservative redneck supporters. Even if it makes you a hypocrite.

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Nowhere near enough. It'll still take decades.

So basically everywhere :) The chiefs are not motivated to put an end to their situation by and large.

4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Why not? I've talked about it with friends who've experienced the exploitation from both directions.

Because you'll get called a racist.

4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Nobody at all, seriously? LMAO! 

Nope. The first nations could have everything they want right now. Instead they've been turned into a victim class by their own people who keep them opressed because it's worth big bucks. Rape and murder is rampant but they don't want to address it, they go out of their way to say 'don't blame our boys it's whitey' and you know that's true. That's because having to address it means changes that would make them responsible.

It's the way it is bud, and we both know it's true no matter what you feel compelled to say here.

4 hours ago, herbie said:

Git your racism right out there in front boy!

Sigh - oh look Eyeball i got called a racists for speaking what we both know is a simple truth just like i said.  Yawn.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sigh - oh look Eyeball i got called a racists for speaking what we both know is a simple truth just like i said.  Yawn.

You were called out as one for speaking as one and proven you are by believing what you said is 'truth".
Quit dodging boy, admit what ya are.

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51 minutes ago, herbie said:

You were called out as one for speaking as one and proven you are by believing what you said is 'truth".
Quit dodging boy, admit what ya are.

No, a child who can't think outside his echo chamber called me a name because he thinks his friends would think it was kewl.  And frankly i don't worry about children's opinions.

And look at you - begging and grovelling for me to agree so you can feel better about it.  God. Turns the stomach.

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How much more are we going to compartmentalize this country??

We cannot be a country with all the special circumstances and situations and appeasing everyone. Unity is clearly not what this country is all about

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On 2/1/2024 at 4:29 PM, blackbird said:

This is bizarre. I can hardly believe it.   Premier Eby plans to bring changes to laws which would give FN a veto over land use and this could include all crown land.

"First Nations will have a veto over how most of B.C. is used. Joint management can be expected to apply to mining, hydro projects, farming, forestry, docks and communication towers, just to start. Activities at the heart of B.C.’s economy will be at risk."

"In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). UNDRIP states, among other things, that Indigenous people own the land and resources of the countries in which they live. They have “the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired … to own, use, develop and control.”

FNs are only 5% of the population;  yet they will have a veto on how the rest of the population of BC uses the land.

Bruce Pardy: B.C.'s plan to 'reconcile' by giving First Nations a veto on land use (msn.com)

A veto, without any form of public voting or representation?

Sounds un-democratic and unconstitutional. Sounds like political virtue signalling, given out for political points despite knowing that it will fail if challenged.

Crown land belongs to the crown, in other words under purview of the federalis.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

A veto, without any form of public voting or representation?

This is what it sound like.  We don't know all the details but the whole idea is a disaster.  I can't imagine what the BC NDP is thinking and how they rationalize this.  The new BC Conservative Party leader, John Rustad, just came out and said one thing he proposes to do is reverse or cancel B.C.'s endorsement of UNDRIP, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.  That is an important step because UNDRIP basically states that indigenous people own all the land they claim, which is really all of B.C.  Why the NDP passed a law embracing UNDRIP is beyond belief.  Let's hope the people of BC wake up to what is happening here.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

This is what it sound like.  We don't know all the details but the whole idea is a disaster.  I can't imagine what the BC NDP is thinking and how they rationalize this.  The new BC Conservative Party leader, John Rustad, just came out and said one thing he proposes to do is reverse or cancel B.C.'s endorsement of UNDRIP, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.  That is an important step because UNDRIP basically states that indigenous people own all the land they claim.  Why the NDP passed a law embracing UNDRIP is beyond belief.  Let's hope the people of BC wake up to what is happening here.

Well if true, the BC populace have voted democratically for the government they have.

Now let them eat "crow".


Edited by OftenWrong
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19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No, a child who can't think outside his echo chamber called me a name because he thinks his friends would think it was kewl.  And frankly i don't worry about children's opinions.

And look at you - begging and grovelling for me to agree so you can feel better about it.  God. Turns the stomach.

I don't care. You're the one that will feel better admitting what you are to yourself.

No! No! Just because I post racist remarks, quote stereotypes as facts and oppose all attempts at redress or reconciliation doesn't mean I'm a racist. I'm just a typical conservative....

You could just use the other "It's 2024 and you're conquered so accept your lot" and get called a colonizer. No no! I'm not a settler either....

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42 minutes ago, herbie said:

I don't care.

IT's your 4th post on it i believe :)

You not only care, you're kind of sadly desperate ;) 

You know that i'm not being racist but you cant' make any kind of real argument refuting what i said so you're frantic to try to some how desperately sell the racism thing :P LOLOL

Hah - well maybe you'll have better luck winning arguments at playschool tomorrow little guy :)

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Already almost impossible to get anything done in BC, might as well go all the way.

FN can't even agree among themselves, you have things like hereditary chiefs fighting with elected chiefs over projects.

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

Already almost impossible to get anything done in BC, might as well go all the way.

FN can't even agree among themselves, you have things like hereditary chiefs fighting with elected chiefs over projects.

It's a mess.  We'll see what happens.

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2 hours ago, Aristides said:

Already almost impossible to get anything done in BC, might as well go all the way.

If 'anything' always boils down to huge megaprojects that affect land use, almost impossible should be the norm.
If you want to dig up or cut trees on someone's traditional territory without giving them a say don't even think about it. It's not 1953 anymore.

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