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Special interlocutor 'waiting' for MP bill criminalizing residential school denialism (more speech policing)


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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I know - the left would LOVE to be the only ones to determine what is truth and what isn't. 

You are so f*cking brainwashed with that thinking that "truth" is or can be politically left or right. That isn't right wing thought, it's stupidity.

Did a 'leftist Judge' come out with the ruling that free speech doesn't give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre? The explain to me the difference between that and say denying the Holocast in public? There's only one reason you'd do that and it sure isn't for the "public good".

Knowing and having met many residential school survivors I can only conclude that any of those deiers are either dumb as a hammer or utter racist arseholes knowingly lying.

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41 minutes ago, herbie said:

You are so f*cking brainwashed with that thinking that "truth" is or can be politically left or right. That isn't right wing thought, it's stupidity.

It's just observation. In another thread you just declared a woman a chud and her viewpoints to be wrong without ever having listened to what she presented. And you do it regularly

And it's not just you, we see the left doing it constantly.      In the media and in politics - "We will decide what is true, there will be no more discussion!!"   This case here is an example - someone dares discuss it lock them up. 

51 minutes ago, herbie said:

Did a 'leftist Judge' come out with the ruling that free speech doesn't give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre?

Yeah that wasn't actually the ruling, that's kind of misquoted.   But - regardless it hardly matters.  There are plenty of examples of left leaning judicial decisions in the states where that 'ruling' is misquoted from. In fact in 2016 trump and hillary on stage both said they would politically influence the supreme court with hillary actually stating she would appoint judges that would ban guns and trump saying he would appoint ones who would reverse roe vs wade.

So there definitely is politics in the justice system in both countries.

56 minutes ago, herbie said:

Knowing and having met many residential school survivors I can only conclude that any of those deiers are either dumb as a hammer or utter racist arseholes knowingly lying.

Really? what about these 'deniers' arguments did you find to be untrue? What element is incorrect? is it possible there's some element that's correct? or were they misinformed about something? What evidence did they present to support their case? What was their case?

Oh wait.  You don't know. Because you've never spoken to them or listened, they're just fictional people in your head.  And you've already decided they're wrong because YOU want to be the sole judge of what truth is.  

Boom.  There you go.

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

Why do all the Free Speechers rants boil down to the mistaken idea they have the right to LIE in order to simply promote hatred and public disorder?

Why are all of your posts 100% devoid of facts and stats? 

Who's lying?

What lie did you hear, little boy? 

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

You are so f*cking brainwashed with that thinking that "truth" is or can be politically left or right. That isn't right wing thought, it's stupidity.

Did a 'leftist Judge' come out with the ruling that free speech doesn't give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre? The explain to me the difference between that and say denying the Holocast in public? There's only one reason you'd do that and it sure isn't for the "public good".

Knowing and having met many residential school survivors I can only conclude that any of those deiers are either dumb as a hammer or utter racist arseholes knowingly lying.

Who doesn't have a hard luck story herbie? I bet that everyone you know was "abused" by someone.

Did you know that Jussie Smollett was almost lynched by some MAGA dudes in Chicago?

Did you know that there was a little muslim girl in Toronto just minding her own business who had part of her hijab cut off by a random, angry Chinese guy? 

Truth: Do you honestly think that every kid who went to a residential school was raped there? 

100% of them?






Do you think that they would be better off as a people if they all still lived in the stone age (and that's exactly what they did in 1850) completely unable to communicate with people of any other culture on earth?

I think that you're about as capable of having an adult conversation about this as an old shoe.

99.99999% chance that your reply will be comprised entirely of unsubstantiated accusations and lies. 

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

It was Groot's ridiculous logic not mine, but of course you never know wtf is being said.

As evidenced by the rest of the bullshit you wrote.

LOLOL - oooops, I think we've arrived at the hissy-fit portion of the evening  :)  

Well it's nice that you're at least conceding it was about the logic and not about comparing bernardo and the war like you'd previously erroneously claimed :)   (and it was your logic i'm afraid :) )

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh wait.  You don't know. Because you've never spoken to them or listened,

Just love it when you urban WASPs say someone with many friends and family members who have status that they're lying about residential schools or native matters.
Bigoted know-it-all loud mouthed extremists pretending they're typical conservatives. So dimly aware that they actually prove allegations whenever they try to deny them.


17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Truth: Do you honestly think that every kid who went to a residential school was raped there?

Typical argument of ignorance. 

Duh I have proof the Nazis didn't kill 6 million Jews, they only killed 5,467,302. That makes it all okay then... duhh, I "win"

Like I mentioned: some people have the potential to learn, but think they're clever refusing to.
(and here come the usual I know you are but what am I ? replies)

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

Typical argument of ignorance. 

That should be your username herbie. 


Get it? You take the good with the bad. Give the Devil his due. That sorta thing. 

As a leftard you feel like you can reduce anything that you don't like to its worst attribute and then apply that right across the board, as if it's all that topic amounts to. You also feel like you can unilaterally reduce any other argument to the sum of all its positive parts and pretend that the negatives don't exist. "Ignore that part or you're a racist!"

Sorry but I'm a realist herbie. I don't reduce any arguments to either extreme and deny that everything else exists.

I can say things like "Trudeau and Biden are ok while they're asleep, or falling up the stairs: it's just during their waking hours that they're traitors and scumbags."

See how easy that was? 

Just witness it, don't bother trying to emulate it or you'll just strain your fat. You're a wriggler for life. 

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

Just love it when you urban WASPs say someone with many friends and family members who have status that they're lying about residential schools or native matters.
Bigoted know-it-all loud mouthed extremists pretending they're typical conservatives. So dimly aware that they actually prove allegations whenever they try to deny them.


Please try to stay clear of the interlocutor. You do know that is the chamber that controls the matter/anti-matter with the Dilthium crystals,

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6 hours ago, herbie said:

Just love it when you urban WASPs

oh look, the leftie is a racists as well. Quelle suprise.  Scractch a leftie and find a hypocrite.


say someone with many friends and family members who have status that they're lying about residential schools or native matters.

When has that ever happened.



Bigoted know-it-all loud mouthed extremists

That'd be you right?


Typical argument of ignorance. 

Then refute it.  Show they're wrong.  If they are shouldn't be too hard.  But - sadly, you don't care about the truth. You care about silencing those who challenge your echo chamber and tribe.  You don't want discussion you want silence.  By force of law preferably.

Sorry kiddo - you've got nothing to add to this conversation about 'learning' - your bigoted mind is shut and your bigotry and hate runs your life.

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Criminalizing speech is a part of Communist and Romanist ideology.   Careful what you say in China or other Communist countries.  Seems that Canada is moving in that direction.

Loraine Boettner wrote over sixty years ago:

"Our American freedoms are being threatened today by two totalitarian systems, Communism and Roman Catholicism. And of the two in our country Romanism is growing faster than is Communism and is the more dangerous since it covers its real nature with a cloak of religion. "

Roman Catholicism : Loraine Boettner : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Criminalizing speech is a part of Communist and Romanist ideology.  

Aren't you of the opinion that blasphemy should be illegal?

That would make criminalizing speech part of your ideology too, wouldn't it?.  

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6 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Aren't you of the opinion that blasphemy should be illegal?

That would make criminalizing speech part of your ideology too, wouldn't it?.  

No.  Blasphemy is a different category.  It is offensive to millions of people.  It has no place in public places where children and adults with some sense of decency go.  Blasphemy should not be considered as ordinary speech or opinion for the same reason threats should not be considered as acceptable speech.

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

No.  Blasphemy is a different category.  It is offensive to millions of people.  It has no place in public places where children and adults with some sense of decency go.  Blasphemy should not be considered as ordinary speech or opinion.

Ah, I see.  Well, that's convenient.

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On 11/30/2023 at 4:19 PM, herbie said:

Did a 'leftist Judge' come out with the ruling that free speech doesn't give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre? The explain to me the difference between that and say denying the Holocast in public?

I don't think a Holocaust denier is going to cause people to flee in panic, pile up at doorways and perhaps get trampled to death.

On 11/30/2023 at 4:19 PM, herbie said:

Knowing and having met many residential school survivors I can only conclude that any of those deiers are either dumb as a hammer or utter racist arseholes knowingly lying.

I'm sure some natives were abused at these places. Given the times, given corporal punishment was in fashion everywhere, given society didn't take the thought of child sexual abuse seriously, given they were far from home and vulnerable to strangers. Of course, there was abuse. There was both physical and sexual abuse in boarding schools of that era, too, as well as other residential facilities for children, including orphanages and juvenile detention facilities. Hell, there were abuses in day schools! In churches and at boy scout camps. Such things weren't on society's radar then.

But even so, it was never more than a minority of those attending who were subject to any serious physical or sexual abuse. And I really don't understand the need for people to elevate the mistreatment of some at residential schools to a grand national guilt-tripping shame festival.

On 11/30/2023 at 6:33 PM, eyeball said:

It was Groot's ridiculous logic not mine

Groot's logic is always flawless. As is everything else he says. I find him to be the best poster on here.

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8 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Ah, I see.  Well, that's convenient.

We need to defend real freedoms.  That includes freedom of speech that is rational.  Opposition to government overreach is rational speech for example.  We live in a time where Marxism and Romanism and progressive ideology are a threat to our freedom.  "In our twentieth century America few among us seem to realize what a priceless heritage we possess in the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly that is an integral part of our everyday life. Nor are many aware of the bitter and prolonged struggles our forefathers went through at the time of the Reformation and later to secure these freedoms. Instead it is quite the common thing to take these for granted and to assume that they are the natural rights of all men. "   from the book Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism : Loraine Boettner : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

In your opposition to Judeo-Christian civilization and culture you should consider the alternatives are likely Communism and/or Romanism or a mixture.  Don't forget especially that it was the believers in the Bible that brought the Reformation 500 years ago that resulted in your fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech and beliefs.  The population of Europe went through a hundred years of wars to win you the freedoms you have today and a large portion of the population in Europe died for that.

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

We need to defend real freedoms.  That includes freedom of speech that is rational. 


Well, there are two answers to that.

1) No, it doesn't.

2) There's nothing irrational about blasphemy.

Let's face it.  You support freedom of speech for speech you don't mind.  Don't worry about it, a lot of people do.


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6 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Well, there are two answers to that.

1) No, it doesn't.

2) There's nothing irrational about blasphemy.

Let's face it.  You support freedom of speech for speech you don't mind.  Don't worry about it, a lot of people do.


Depends whether you believe in any kind of morality or moral compass, including some respect for your fellow man.

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13 hours ago, bcsapper said:

No.  Blasphemy is a different category.  It is offensive to millions of people. 

Ah, I see.  Well, that's convenient.

Also efficient.  I used to have to go around insulting people individually one by one.  Then i got Blasphemy, and now i can insult millions of people all at once!  With my free time i got my ham radio license and learned how to divide by 0.  Thanks blasphemy!!  (sparkle!)

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